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What can be done about this?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2014
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I'm sorry but there is absolutely no way you can chalk this up to "every team has tough losses"

This is every single season. And as I type this, the Rats just took the lead after getting the absolute cheapest PI penalty in history to set them up

I understand if we lose a hard fought battle against a tough, playoff caliber team.

But yet every year we lose to the ******* DREGS of the league. Teams that can't beat ANYONE else except us. Miami has been absolutely dominated up front on both sides of the ball by everyone else they played, and then turn around and dictate the entire pace against us, a 4-1 team with championship aspirations.

Someone, something, somehow has to be accountable. How can they see this pattern occurring on a yearly basis and not do everything they can to avoid letdowns? How do they repeatedly get comfortable, relax, buy into their own hype, and expect loser teams to lay down for them? How is this so consistent, so predictable, for almost a decade with NO ONE (not MT, not Ben, not ANYONE) putting in any type of mental preparation to avoid these types of meltdowns?

As a fan, I am absolutely ******* tired of this. If people don't start losing their jobs or getting heat put on their seats because of **** like this, we are going to keep seeing it over and over again.

I GUARAN-*******-TEE you we will end up missing out on a home game in the playoffs because of this game. Hell, maybe even a playoff spot altogether. No matter what, this ONE GAME will have a significant impact on our playoff positioning. Mark it down. Bring it up at the end of the season. Save this thread. It absolutely ************* will and this team is a god damn embarrassment because of it.
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They can start by firing Butler........
It was very undisciplined defense on Pittsburgh's end. Tackling was poor. Bad Ben had shown up. Poor excecution on the entire team
Miami fired 3 starters off the line before this game.

Can you imagine what we'd look like if we fired 3 OL at the start of this game? It certainly wouldn't have been a 30-15 game! What in the ****.
Injuries may be catching up to us. Also, it seems that we can't match other team's energy. In the two losses, we have nothing to neutralize them. When Ben forces passes is when we get into trouble. Our D then looked gassed and then the wheels come off.
Injuries may be catching up to us. Also, it seems that we can't match other team's energy. In the two losses, we have nothing to neutralize them. When Ben forces passes is when we get into trouble. Our D then looked gassed and then the wheels come off.

Exactly. We are a front running team. Ben is a front running player, MT is a front running coach. When things are going well, they just keep rolling and rolling and everything turns to gold. Then they get all "yeah yeah we're great, we got this, we're the ****** best" and everything gets ****** from there on out because they allow themselves to mentally relax. And it costs them. Every. Single. Time. And once there are a few forced throws and possibly a pick or two, Ben becomes completely incompetent. He has no inner mental ability to turn things around when they start down the wrong path.Maybe he had it at some point, but we haven't seen it in years.

And yes, agreed, injuries caught up to the D today. But there is no excuse, having Ben/AB/Bell all out there against a team who hasn't stopped anyone all year, for the offense to look that pathetic. I would say this was the worst performance of Ben's career, but he's good for two or three of these games every single season so no need for hyperbole
I'm sorry but there is absolutely no way you can chalk this up to "every team has tough losses"

This is every single season. And as I type this, the Rats just took the lead after getting the absolute cheapest PI penalty in history to set them up

I understand if we lose a hard fought battle against a tough, playoff caliber team.

But yet every year we lose to the ******* DREGS of the league. Teams that can't beat ANYONE else except us. Miami has been absolutely dominated up front on both sides of the ball by
everyone else they played, and then turn around and dictate the entire pace against us, a 4-1 team with championship aspirations.

Someone, something, somehow has to be accountable. How can they see this pattern occurring on a yearly basis and not do everything they can to avoid letdowns? How do they repeatedly get comfortable, relax, buy into their own hype, and expect loser teams to lay down for them? How is this so consistent, so predictable, for almost a decade with NO ONE (not MT, not Ben, not ANYONE) putting in any type of mental preparation to avoid these types of meltdowns?

As a fan, I am absolutely ******* tired of this. If people don't start losing their jobs or getting heat put on their seats because of **** like this, we are going to keep seeing it over and over again.

I GUARAN-*******-TEE you we will end up missing out on a home game in the playoffs because of this game. Hell, maybe even a playoff spot altogether. No matter what, this ONE GAME will have a significant impact on our playoff positioning. Mark it down. Bring it up at the end of the season. Save this thread. It absolutely ************* will and this team is a god damn embarrassment because of it.

Not trying to defend Tomlin, but Cowher's teams often did the same exact thing. They always buy into their own hype, who remembers the Super Bowl rap video before the AFCC game against the chargers in 94? The steelers players hunting up extra super bowl tickets when they hadn't even played the chargers yet?

Same ol same ol
Seems to me like the team was playing with a hangover. Players cramping up on field, getting IV treatments, Timmons puking in the end zone.
All signs that they visited South Beach.
The team was so bad in every aspect. Not sure where blame lies in a complete **** fest like this. Well, in a way, this starts on the shoulders of the coolest HC in the league....but we'll move on from that rhetoric.
The team was so bad in every aspect. Not sure where blame lies in a complete **** fest like this. Well, in a way, this starts on the shoulders of the coolest HC in the league....but we'll move on from that rhetoric.

If the offense could do ANYTHING early on, this game wouldn't have been close. Unfortunately, we saw "one of those performances" by Ben that he seems to love to manufacture.
Aggie I would interject we are better under dogs than front runners. When we are favored and doing well we almost always lay the egg vs the dregs of the league. Front runners crush these teams and fold when the pressure is on. When we have the ability to expand a lead in the standings we lay eggs like a bunch of chickens and let everyone catch up waiting for must win games when the pressure is on to play to our potential. We are like wolverines in the aspect of not to feared until we are backed into the must win corner.

The Rat turds are front runners who do well when ahead but then fold as adversity hits, we are quite the opposite.

And replace with whom? Dupree might not see the field and Harrison can't play every snap like he used to. Moats is ok. He's not a young 92 or a Joey Porter. Both of these guys are what they have and they'll have to make due till the end of the season.
If it happened under Bill, and it's happened under Tomlin, what's the, or WHO is the common denominator ?
We have a **** ton of injuries. In addition Ben was hurt and clearly played hurt. We had to bring a WR up from the practice squad and Coats was clearly hampered with his fractured finger.

We knew coming into the season that the O would have to be prolific because the D was going to suck. The hope was that Burns and Davis could become acclimated quickly and that D would improve. It is not Butler, it is high draft picks who have never lived up to their pedigree forcing the team to spend more high draft picks on the same position.

Time to make some changes in personnel. Just look at the highlights on those big runs it is easy too see who is slow to recognize and fails to engage.

This reminded me of one of those Cowher losses to Jacksonville in early September when the heat was brutal.
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Play some old man football, quit over reacting. Love ya Steeler Nationers but hot damn! We are on defcon 5 **** right now
If I was coach
-Tell QB hit 3rd and 4th checkdowns. Easy chain moving philosophy
-Defense----tell Butler(aka Pasty smile) bump those ******* receivers
-Steelers fans----drink beer and ******* party
replace Moats and Jones with who? obviously the guys behind them aren't better or they'd be playing instead. Deebo could have maybe played a litlte more, but he's a band-aid at this point in his career.

We're losing sight of the fact that we were playing without Heyward and Shazier ... and to a lesser extent, Dupree.
some of you ******* were just singing praises of our defense prior to this game.

so after THIS game we have problems? or did we already have problems and were unaware? or maybe there's a happy middle.
They've been doing this versus ****** teams for 30 years. What CAN you do?

Ben looked off and pretty lousy before the injury today, he just got worse after it. The defense got manhandled and pushed all over the field by the 31st ranked rushing team in the league. Just one of those days of playing down to garbage competition.
Team seemed very out of focus and had little to no intensity. Miami was fired up from the get go, the Steelers seemed to be sleepwalking out there, just going through the motions. The most painful point of this game was right around when McCullers blocked the FG, then they missed their next FG. At that point, we could have come back and made this a game. I expected Ben to rally the troops and say, let's go, follow me, let's get this done. But that swing of momentum never came, just more of the same, uninspired football. Not sure why this happens, not sure what can be done about it. But I agree with everyone else it's damn frustrating to watch. Not a good look heading into the Pats game...
We are without TWO top defenders....our best lineman and best linebacker. Williams nicked up, Chicky went to the sidelines, Tuitt missed some plays ....this defense is wounded.

When the defense is struggling, we must score points. Today and against Eagles we struggled. Ben played horrible and forced some passes to covered receivers. That combination dooms this team. We MUST get Ryan and Cam healthy SOON for the stretch run...we got NE and Dallas comin up along with Baltimore......
replace Moats and Jones with who? obviously the guys behind them aren't better or they'd be playing instead. Deebo could have maybe played a litlte more, but he's a band-aid at this point in his career.

We're losing sight of the fact that we were playing without Heyward and Shazier ... and to a lesser extent, Dupree.
some of you ******* were just singing praises of our defense prior to this game.

so after THIS game we have problems? or did we already have problems and were unaware? or maybe there's a happy middle.

I think it is simply coaching.

The trend is there in black n white for everyone to see.

SOMEONE has to ultimately get the blame.

And when the O needed the D to at least be that bend don't break, they broke.

Obviously Tommy tom won't be going anywhere.

But Butler needs to go.

His D has been overall **** all year.
we also had active a WR with shaky hands who has a broken ******* finger.
I think it is simply coaching.

The trend is there in black n white for everyone to see.

SOMEONE has to ultimately get the blame.

And when the O needed the D to at least be that bend don't break, they broke.

Obviously Tommy tom won't be going anywhere.

But Butler needs to go.

His D has been overall **** all year.

not to argue against Tomlin or Butler being blamed, but this **** cake has multiple layers and there's enough to go around for everyone.