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World War 3


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2014
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So I've been thinking lately about if we are close to ever having another world war. And while nothing will ever come again like the size of the European and Asian theaters in WW2, there IS a slight potential for some really nasty **** going down that will create interesting questions on how the west would react to aggression.

I mean, am I the only one thinking there could a coordinated attack by some of the so-called "Axis of Evil" countries to somewhat expand and claim what they want? What happens if simultaneously:

1. China invades Taiwan
2. Russian invades Ukraine
3. North Korea invades South Korea (with China's help)
4. Iran/Syria/Hezbollah start a war with Israel (with Russia's help)

How would the west react? How far down the war path would our leaders and the western community, already so fractured ideologically, be willing to go?

I used to think this was kind of far-fetched, but there are signs on all four fronts that something "could" happen. And we KNOW all these powers (Russia, China, North Korea and Iran) talk to each other. They may not be "friends" but they are friends by proxy against growing sanctions, and public opinions of the west. Who's to say they don't try to shake up the world order a bit and think they can get away with a bit of a "land grab" while the west argues about climate change and racism.

With a dementia patient as President, a fractured EU, with arguably the only "glue" leader in the EU (Merkel) now gone, with huge left/right fractures in western politics (they can't even agree the sky is blue), with a new Covid variant and global pandemic hanging over the world, with the possibility of inflation and weakening of the dollar.

Sounds kind of like the perfect time if you are going to try something this aggressive, no?
Had dinner with a retired U.S. Army Brigadier General last week. Went home afterwards with my head spinning. I know military men tend to see the world through a different prism, but the things he was saying were truly frightening, regarding the possibility of a new global conflict. #1 on your list was #1 on his list, for whatever it's worth. The situation on the Ukrainian-Russian border is also ominous. There too, something seems to be brewing which may suck the EU and eventually the States into a regional conflict. Let's hope none of this transpires.
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The west is incapable of responding properly at this time. Make no mistake, we'll respond, but it will be wholly inadequate and the inadequacy will be our own fault and our own undoing.
I mean, am I the only one thinking there could a coordinated attack by some of the so-called "Axis of Evil" countries to somewhat expand and claim what they want? What happens if simultaneously:

1. China invades Taiwan
2. Russian invades Ukraine
3. North Korea invades South Korea (with China's help)
4. Iran/Syria/Hezbollah start a war with Israel (with Russia's help)

How would the west react? How far down the war path would our leaders and the western community, already so fractured ideologically, be willing to go?
Nothing to worry about for us. President Xiden won't lift a finger if any or all of those things happen.
I mean, am I the only one thinking there could a coordinated attack by some of the so-called "Axis of Evil" countries to somewhat expand and claim what they want? What happens if simultaneously:

1. China invades Taiwan
2. Russian invades Ukraine
3. North Korea invades South Korea (with China's help)
4. Iran/Syria/Hezbollah start a war with Israel (with Russia's help)

How would the west react?
No, you're not. I think about this at least once a week. Look at the list you compiled. That's bothersome. Those countries are hell-bent on controlling the world and hate the West and the USA especially. While the West is concerned about climate change, etc. the countries above are strategizing. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:
No, you're not. I think about this at least once a week. Look at the list you compiled. That's bothersome. Those countries are hell-bent on controlling the world and hate the West and the USA especially. While the West is concerned about climate change, etc. the countries above are strategizing. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:
I think the scary thing with all these countries and us included is which world leader decides to not give a ****, throws all ethics aside and starts getting nuke happy?
While chowing down on an ice cream cone
It's not that funny, is it? (n) What's worse is the clowns probably have a "safe space" to retreat to and leave us with a mess. It pisses me off so bad.

I think it was General Milley on the Today show who said China is progressing faster than the USA in weapons and we need to address that.
I think it would be too costly for countries to start a large scale conflict. North Korea is already struggling. If they make a move they will be done. There is not much benefit for another country aiding North Korea.
I can't picture anyone fully backing an invasion of Israel by Iran or Syria.
China attacking Taiwan would be the most serious, but China is not stupid.
I can see Russia trying to do some land grab in Ukraine, but I don't think that would be enough to start a major conflict. We would probably slap Russia in the wrist and give some more sanctions
It's not that funny, is it? (n) What's worse is the clowns probably have a "safe space" to retreat to and leave us with a mess. It pisses me off so bad.

I think it was General Milley on the Today show who said China is progressing faster than the USA in weapons and we need to address that.
The government wanted him. Why? Idk?
I’m not into the hardcore conspiracy theories but something fishy. And it’s something financially with china is afoot
The government wanted him. Why? Idk?
I’m not into the hardcore conspiracy theories but something fishy. And it’s something financially with china is afoot
I'm not into hardcore conspiracy stuff either. But, there's something going on and the majority of us won't know until we see it on the news one day.
Had dinner with a retired U.S. Army Brigadier General last week.

Did he happen to mention you're batshit crazy and need professional help?
Taiwan and Ukraine I see being the most plausible at this point. Scary stuff.
Did anyone else see that China stole Uganda's airport, due to non payment of debt? Scary stuff.

The Chinese will take Taiwan, and Russia invades Ukraine. Both will be under Joe's watch.
It's not that funny, is it? (n) What's worse is the clowns probably have a "safe space" to retreat to and leave us with a mess. It pisses me off so bad.

I think it was General Milley on the Today show who said China is progressing faster than the USA in weapons and we need to address that.
Yeah but our military is progressing faster than China's on transgender rights and wokeness, so there.
I’ll play.

If all four were to happen that is a China chess move and Taiwan is the Queen.

If said thing happened under current administration, lord help the west. I think that would be the need for the folks other than us to finally step up to the plate to the aggressions at their door.

Now let’s spin this to either the previous CIC or (god I hope) DeSantis, forward thinking, I think it would be met with strategic force from the onset of aggression.

You know when DT ****** Iran’s man? Yeah they stepped off. Force is met with a strong ***** smack. We lack that with sleepy. He only has proven to kill our supporters and claim otherwise.

Regardless. WW3 is the end. Simone will go to far and thius the response. I sleep sound knowing our wolfs in the deep will end all of this union is attacked to that level.
Back around the Gulf War... early 90s, the church I attended, the pastor liked to do prophecy sermons. I was never big on that stuff as it depends on the interpretation. Who really knows?

Anyway, I remember him saying the USA would be a non-factor in the closing days as he felt there was nothing biblical that could be interpreted for the USA. I remember sitting there thinking, "Yea, right." Now, I am not so sure. We are destroying ourselves from within because it seems we are becoming more tribal, and we have a completely incompetent ruling class that exacerbates everything, probably on purpose.

The main takeaway is if we become irrelevant, someone will fill the void. And depending on the interpretation, China and Russia do play a big role in the closing days.
it"s getting to be put up or shut up time.
I vote for put up.
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Regardless of the loof at office. This union will not fall without the end, just as China, Russia or others.