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WW lll


Regular Member
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
I hate to say this because I have a son and three son in laws that would be in the fighting along with some niece's and nephews that are already serving, but if we as America do not start showing some back bone we will be the next Ukraine.

It seems like the whole world is **** *** afraid of Russia and China. I say **** both of them lets get it on. we are just postponing the inevitable because this war is coming whether we want it or not. all we are doing at this point is making Russia and China so much stronger.

Think about this; first we have covid 19 right before election time, than as covid is no longer looked at as a threat Russia invades Ukraine, and China looks to be reading to invade Taiwan. coincidence? Russia is now killing civilians by the thousands that are trying to flee and us along with NATO sit by with our heads up our ***** because we are afraid of two communist countries. what difference does it make if we die in the middle east, Korea, Vietnam ect. war is war and we all gotta die sooner or later anyways.

When you purposely target civilian women and children it's time to take a stand. War should be the last option but I believe we are at that point. If we don't take a stand now there will be nothing left for our grand children to take a stand for.

Make the no fly zone happen now and if it leads to WW lll so be it. I in my heart believe we could kick the **** out of Russia and China.
As long as nobody gets stupid and decides they have no choice but to launch nuclear weapons. That's the problem when you have nutjobs with enough bombs to destroy the planet.

If we could somehow neutralize nuclear weapons, then I'd say game on.
As long as nobody gets stupid and decides they have no choice but to launch nuclear weapons. That's the problem when you have nutjobs with enough bombs to destroy the planet.

If we could somehow neutralize nuclear weapons, then I'd say game on.
Putin knows that we are unwilling to risk our people getting nuked. He, on the other hand, couldn't care less if his people are nuked. So, he wins.
Putin knows that we are unwilling to risk our people getting nuked. He, on the other hand, couldn't care less if his people are nuked. So, he wins.

Actually he dies too. Everyone dies. So he loses. First strike,last strike,hyper sonic,doesn't matter. The submarines still get you.

Think we already did this cold war thing.
**** both those commies. Bring it.
I ain’t scared. I have two young boys myself. I’d fight to death for those two.

I’ll smack some nike shoe makers and some vodka guzzlers if it goes down
I hate to say this because I have a son and three son in laws that would be in the fighting along with some niece's and nephews that are already serving, but if we as America do not start showing some back bone we will be the next Ukraine.

It seems like the whole world is **** *** afraid of Russia and China. I say **** both of them lets get it on. we are just postponing the inevitable because this war is coming whether we want it or not. all we are doing at this point is making Russia and China so much stronger.

Think about this; first we have covid 19 right before election time, than as covid is no longer looked at as a threat Russia invades Ukraine, and China looks to be reading to invade Taiwan. coincidence? Russia is now killing civilians by the thousands that are trying to flee and us along with NATO sit by with our heads up our ***** because we are afraid of two communist countries. what difference does it make if we die in the middle east, Korea, Vietnam ect. war is war and we all gotta die sooner or later anyways.

When you purposely target civilian women and children it's time to take a stand. War should be the last option but I believe we are at that point. If we don't take a stand now there will be nothing left for our grand children to take a stand for.

Make the no fly zone happen now and if it leads to WW lll so be it. I in my heart believe we could kick the **** out of Russia and China.

Yeah No.

Stop playing whiteknight and realize we have zero Obligations to Ukraine and they are not a treaty ally. This situation is a European issue that the Europeans could handle if they wanted to but they don't because they run their countries on Russian natural gas. If you don't want war stop beating the war drums.
Totally different if they were NATO. Unfortunately, every single decision point our brain dead President makes has been wrong and I have no doubt he will deliver more. Much more. Does anyone really have any faith this administration could handle a real war and what it would take to win? Would you trust your sons and daughters life on Joe Bidens leadership? Ugh, even at DoD...we need Mad Dog Mattis type Generals, not White Rage Milley.
Nukes are mostly irrelevant these days… thats why nobody really takes a hardline against the NK or Iran programs… people would be freaking out about those nutcases having nukes of they were still the end all be all of warfare….

Im certain there is a reason that the russians put so much into trying to develop those hypersonic nukes… I’m guessing whatever defensive means we have is pretty damn good
Yeah No.

Stop playing whiteknight and realize we have zero Obligations to Ukraine and they are not a treaty ally. This situation is a European issue that the Europeans could handle if they wanted to but they don't because they run their countries on Russian natural gas. If you don't want war stop beating the war drums.
almost as if the European countries should have invested in some sort of defense. if only someone had told them years ago to do so.
oh well. live and learn, right?
Yeah No.

Stop playing whiteknight and realize we have zero Obligations to Ukraine and they are not a treaty ally. This situation is a European issue that the Europeans could handle if they wanted to but they don't because they run their countries on Russian natural gas. If you don't want war stop beating the war drums.
Germany relies on russia a lot.
When stuff goes bad everyone turns to us.

That said rootin tootin putin does seem to worry about us a bit it seems.
Why would Putin worry about us and our feckless government? Just because we have an incredible capacity to inflict damage, it's much different to have the competency/will to threaten/use it.

And Xiden is buying oil from him while Pornhub is censoring Russia. We're the biggest joke on the face of the earth right now. As long as this administration is in office and the fatcats just keep getting fatter, nobody is going to fear us. We're the laughing stock of the world.
Why would Putin worry about us and our feckless government?

Because once the United States gets the upper hand and HR gets involved, Putin is going to spend the next 7 years in pronoun lectures, equity seminars, and forums about the horrible inequity the white man has imposed on peoples of color, particularly womanx of coloredx.
Why would Putin worry about us and our feckless government? Just because we have an incredible capacity to inflict damage, it's much different to have the competency/will to threaten/use it.

And Xiden is buying oil from him while Pornhub is censoring Russia. We're the biggest joke on the face of the earth right now. As long as this administration is in office and the fatcats just keep getting fatter, nobody is going to fear us. We're the laughing stock of the world.
because we have the most diverse armed forces evar!!!
After seeing the Russian military in Ukraine, I think the Taliban is a more organized and lethal fighting force. I think we would make pretty quick work of Russia in a conventional war.

Their equipment is in a shambles, their logistics are a **** show, and they are abandoning their duties and responsibilities in droves. If you are gonna do it, now would be as good of a time as any to combat test those F22’s and F35’s we’ve spent hundreds of billions of dollars to develop, build and maintain.
Yeah No.

Stop playing whiteknight and realize we have zero Obligations to Ukraine and they are not a treaty ally. This situation is a European issue that the Europeans could handle if they wanted to but they don't because they run their countries on Russian natural gas. If you don't want war stop beating the war drums.
It aint about playing white knight. in case you have not noticed we are already in this war and it's being waged on American;s and on American soil by our own government.

we could drop the price of oil here at home AND get Europe away from Russian oil, start cutting into the national debt and also lower the prices at the stores., But NOOO this chickenshit **** sucking administration that pretends to be working for the American people wont allow that because they are making to much money off not producing oil here.

We are already financing both sides of this ******* war and have hundreds of Americans still in Ukraine that the guy pretending to be president said **** em they are on their own. Is this the country we are or better yet is it the country you want.

I'm sorry but I don't give a **** what country it is; when another country targets civilians, women and children, the whole ******* world needs to get involved with boots on the ground. look at the outrage over what Saddam Hussein did to his own people now we have a mad man targeting people trying to flee the country he attacked being shot dead. Children... ******* Children being murdered.

If we don't man up and put a stop to this **** it will only be a matter of time before someone makes us the next Ukraine.

And you ******* A right i'm beating the war drum because every time we get a punk *** ***** liberal in office we turn into the laughing stock of the world and end up bowing to other counties literally.
It aint about playing white knight. in case you have not noticed we are already in this war and it's being waged on American;s and on American soil by our own government.

we could drop the price of oil here at home AND get Europe away from Russian oil, start cutting into the national debt and also lower the prices at the stores., But NOOO this chickenshit **** sucking administration that pretends to be working for the American people wont allow that because they are making to much money off not producing oil here.

We are already financing both sides of this ******* war and have hundreds of Americans still in Ukraine that the guy pretending to be president said **** em they are on their own. Is this the country we are or better yet is it the country you want.

I'm sorry but I don't give a **** what country it is; when another country targets civilians, women and children, the whole ******* world needs to get involved with boots on the ground. look at the outrage over what Saddam Hussein did to his own people now we have a mad man targeting people trying to flee the country he attacked being shot dead. Children... ******* Children being murdered.

If we don't man up and put a stop to this **** it will only be a matter of time before someone makes us the next Ukraine.

And you ******* A right i'm beating the war drum because every time we get a punk *** ***** liberal in office we turn into the laughing stock of the world and end up bowing to other counties literally.

We should have taken out the commies at the end of World War 2. China never gets so much dominant control over everything,Vietnam never happens and North Korea crumbles and becomes whole again with South Korea.

Should have listened to Patton.
Totally different if they were NATO. Unfortunately, every single decision point our brain dead President makes has been wrong and I have no doubt he will deliver more. Much more. Does anyone really have any faith this administration could handle a real war and what it would take to win? Would you trust your sons and daughters life on Joe Bidens leadership? Ugh, even at DoD...we need Mad Dog Mattis type Generals, not White Rage Milley.
That's the thing, there are a whole lot of General Milleys running our armed forces.
almost as if the European countries should have invested in some sort of defense. if only someone had told them years ago to do so.
oh well. live and learn, right?
They liked not having to spend money on national defense since we had it covered and spent it on free medical and palatial mass transit systems.
They liked not having to spend money on national defense since we had it covered and spent it on free medical and palatial mass transit systems.

And bingo was his name-o.
Does anyone else seriously question our refusal to get our energy back? I mean, the slow kid from school that would eat glue knows how to fix this. So I’ve been asking myself why?

The wig in me is it’s the long long play. Let’s use theirs until it’s gone and we have it all. This is so far down the line I can’t imagine the thats it. So what could it be?

I need full on wig action here. Why the **** would we not secure our energy and in the same breath secure world security ? **** the climate bs.
I can’t believe the world is standing by with their thumbs up their a$$ and that includes us.
There have to be reasons. Mr. potatoe head wants to hide his son's income stream has to be one. There are others, you can bet.
Does anyone else seriously question our refusal to get our energy back? I mean, the slow kid from school that would eat glue knows how to fix this. So I’ve been asking myself why?

ZEV man, ZEV.


They want to squeeze us until they start getting us to buy zero emission vehicles. Meanwhile, the human & environmental costs to mine the metals needed for their batteries alone is mind-boggling. Think I read where cobalt is the most valuable and most widely used metal in EV batteries and like 2/3 of it is mined in one place, The Congo. Heard Tesla is trying a new lithium-based battery but it's still nasty mining for that ****. Contaminates the soil, destabilizes the ground & ground water, creates toxic waste that has shown to be very dangerous to the humans mining it and it's surrounding areas. It's such a scam it's ******* criminal. Meanwhile most metro cities are jumping all over it and they expect EV sales to be around 70% of all new vehicles purchased in another 20 years. They're going to squeeze the American public as much as they can because they're scum.

And remember who touted on a national debate stage they're going to transition from (fancy word for dumping) oil. The same debate where foreign policy was questionably absent.
ZEV man, ZEV.


They want to squeeze us until they start getting us to buy zero emission vehicles. Meanwhile, the human & environmental costs to mine the metals needed for their batteries alone is mind-boggling. Think I read where cobalt is the most valuable and most widely used metal in EV batteries and like 2/3 of it is mined in one place, The Congo. Heard Tesla is trying a new lithium-based battery but it's still nasty mining for that ****. Contaminates the soil, destabilizes the ground & ground water, creates toxic waste that has shown to be very dangerous to the humans mining it and it's surrounding areas. It's such a scam it's ******* criminal. Meanwhile most metro cities are jumping all over it and they expect EV sales to be around 70% of all new vehicles purchased in another 20 years. They're going to squeeze the American public as much as they can because they're scum.

And remember who touted on a national debate stage they're going to transition from (fancy word for dumping) oil. The same debate where foreign policy was questionably absent.
Yup. It's a scheme to squeeze the middle class into conformity and state dependence.
I can’t believe the world is standing by with their thumbs up their a$$ and that includes us.

I especially can't believe Europe isn't taking a harder stance, because some of those countries could very easily be next.