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Covid Vaccine

Personally, I think this thread will survive for years and years. This thread has supplanted the Covid thread and has become all things Covid.

As time goes by, we are going to learn more about
  • The true origins of Covid
  • More and more about the dangers of the vaccines
  • More about the power of natural immunity
  • More about the damaging effects of the lockdowns on our health, wealth, social development, and how many lives those cost
  • The politics behind Covid...what was truly to fear and what was used politically to change elections, gain more control, and brainwash the masses
  • And more that I'm likely forgetting
We are going to learn for years and years to come. As we should. And it should be shared.
I think you forgot about the fraud perpetrated on the people and governments by the Covid shot manufacturers. They knowingly subverted all safety and efficacy protocols and standards for new drugs, and were aided and abetted by government health agencies, in countries around the world.

Israel, Australia, Canada, Britain and the US have much press about the hundreds of Billions of dollars spent, with very poor results. As societal tolls get added up and allocated over the next few years, we will learn, (probably only thru litigation) and will come to understand how those in leadership that were trusted to act on behalf of the people actually did that which benefited the profiteers.
those in leadership that were trusted to act on behalf of the people actually did that which benefited the profiteers.

Do you start to twitch whenever a Covid vaccine commercial airs?

As much as you probably salivate when they announce there's a new booster you can receive.

Wait, that's drool. Kids on the short bus drool. My apologies.
More encouraging news. He's just a dowktur.

There follows a letter from Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London, to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ. It was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.

Dear Kamran Abbasi,​
Covid no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of Covid in the U.K. is 82 and from all other causes is 81 and falling.​
The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy. (We predicted these side effects in our June 2020 QRBD article Sorensen et al. 2020, as the blast analysis revealed 79% homologies to human epitopes, especially PF4 and myelin.)
However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes. As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.
Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.
I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA.
The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control – and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.
This must be aired and debated immediately.​
Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci​
ws a letter from Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London, to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ. It was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.

I am experienced enough to know ...
ShortBusFlog be like


While the people of China wage an open rebellion against the draconian COVID-zero policies being reinstated in many provinces, here in the U.S. we’re getting a clearer idea of how much our own lockdown-loving COVID tyrant, Anthony Fauci, lied to us. Yes, his retirement from the federal government is looming — a gig that earned him a ton of money and way too much power — but we’re not done with him yet. He needs to answer a few questions before he rides off into the sunset.

As streiff reported last week, Fauci was deposed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry in an attempt to get some answers about Fauci’s role in spreading pandemic-related misinformation.

The case is called Missouri vs. Biden, and it alleges that the Biden White House and its lickspittles closely coordinated with social media companies to suppress discussion of COVID and other administration failures.
Turns out, Anthony Fauci is a big ole liar; he wasn’t called “Fauxi” for nothing. The official transcript of the deposition has yet to be made public, but AGs Schmitt and Landry have shared some details of Fauci’s lying liar who lied ways on Twitter.

First up, masking. Fauci knew they’d do nothing to protect or prevent, but he lied about it anyway.

So, all those times children were refused entrance to their schools because they weren’t wearing a mask? All the nonsense of having to wear a mask on a plane and pull it down to take a sip of water? Parents who weren’t allowed access to school board meetings because they refused to wear a mask? It was all for nothing. Pure theatrics, due to Fauci’s unwillingness to be truthful with Americans. That “first, do no harm” business flew right out the window when he tasted the power his words wielded.

And it seems Fauci still has a preoccupation with masking. As Schmitt pointed out in this tweet:

“In the Fauci depo this week the court reporter sneezed. Fauci wanted her to wear a mask. This is the mentality in Nov 2022 of the guy who locked down our country & ruined countless lives & livelihoods. The Experts followed suit. Dissent was censored In America. Never Again.”
Another Fauci lie that came to light during the deposition was his role in downplaying the Great Barrington Declaration, in which a compendium of scientists argued against lockdowns in favor of common sense measures that would protect the most vulnerable. Per the New York Post:

After Fauci championed lockdowns to vanquish COVID, top scientists from Oxford, Stanford and Harvard in October 2020 issued the Great Barrington Declaration, which argued that “focused protection” for high-risk groups (such as the elderly) was vastly preferable to shutting down society.

When asked about his role in assailing that Declaration, Fauci declared, “I have a very busy day job running a $6 billion institute. I don’t have time to worry about things like the Great Barrington Declaration.” But less than two weeks after the Declaration’s release, Fauci emailed Deborah Birx, the White House COVID chief, “I have come out very strongly publicly against the Great Barrington Declaration.” Fauci did multiple media interviews castigating any suggestion that lockdowns were unnecessary to save America.

For most of us, that’s the crux of the matter. The dictatorial, one-size-fits-all approach championed by Anthony Fauci took away our right to deal with the pandemic in the way that best suited our situation and gave that right to the bumbling incompetents in government. That approach wears thin real quick — look no further than China to see how that goes.

Schmitt outlined some additional takeaways from the deposition:

▪️Fauci knew the Lab Leak theory had merit but it’d come back to him & sought to immediately discredit it
▪️He defended lockdowns
▪️The rest of us “don’t have the ability” to determine what’s best for ourselves

And AG Landry added this observation:

While most of us would like nothing more than to see the backside of Anthony Fauci, we deserve accountability from the bad actors who, like him, toyed with our lives for more than two years. We know the media won’t hold their feet to the fire — just today, Fauci told an admiring Chuck Todd “we certainly are still in” a pandemic; as expected, no pushback from Todd.

Unfortunately for Fauci and his fellow COVD tyrants, AG Eric Schmitt was recently elected to the U.S. Senate, where he’ll join Rand Paul, who certainly pulls no punches in dealing with the Fauci’s of the world. Accountability may yet be forthcoming.
Originally posted on The Epoch Times. Behind a paywall so here is a reprint location.

Slew of Unusual Adverse Events Becoming More Common After COVID Vaccine Rollout​

If we go to a doctor or clinic for a vaccination, be it an influenza shot or a COVID-19 vaccine, we go with the expectation that it is safe.

We usually dismiss mild symptoms, such as headaches, fever, pain, and redness at the injection site, since we are typically informed of them beforehand and expect them to be transient in duration. Thankfully, most of the time, people recover from them and proceed with their lives as before.

However, since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, a significant proportion of vaccinated people have experienced many unusual adverse events. Doctors are raising concerns. Public health officials and vaccine manufacturers are also addressing the high incidence of blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, and menstrual irregularities.

Yet, there are thousands more documented health conditions reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)—some appearing very frequently—that have not yet been given the same level of attention.

Since their rollout, COVID-19 vaccines have prompted more VAERS adverse event reports than all VAERS reports made in the previous 30 years, comprising over 55 percent of vaccine injury and death reports. These reports have thousands of different adverse event labels.

Although nearly 1.5 million COVID-19 vaccine injury and death reports have been made to VAERS, studies say the true number of adverse reactions is many times higher. The 2005–2009 HHS-funded Harvard Pilgrim study found that less than 1 percent of adverse events following 1.4 million vaccines administered were reported to VAERS; several independent analysts estimate that only 2.5 percent of COVID vaccine adverse reactions are reported to VAERS.

The system is also notorious for its redundancy: injection site swelling, vaccine site swelling, and swelling are recorded as separate events, and a person reporting to the system may select one or all three events.

Another study found that more serious adverse events are more likely to be reported.

This article examines several now-common adverse events following COVID vaccination. The figures are from the most recent update on Nov. 18, 2022

General Adverse Events

General adverse events following COVID vaccination are the most common. This is reflected in both VAERS reports and Pfizer’s post-market adverse event reports.
  • Fatigue: Though fatigue is a common side effect for many vaccines, it is concerning and debilitating if prolonged. At least 121,200 cases of chronic fatigue have been reported to VAERS after injection with the COVID-19 vaccine, of which around 40 percent, or more than around 49,000 cases, are reported as unrecovered.
  • Asthenia: Though often used synonymously with fatigue, asthenia defines a sense of weakness and lack of mental and physical energy. More than 34,000 cases have been reported, mostly in adults aged 30 or older, with almost 41 percent reported as unrecovered.
  • Death: More than 12,000 cases of deaths have been reported to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccinations. Independent researchers point to the varying ingredients and batch inconsistency of these vaccines. They also mention that it may be driven by blood clots and arterial blockages. Research funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) speculates that anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions), among other adverse events, may have contributed to such deaths. More than 25 percent of these reported deaths occurred within the first seven days after vaccination.
  • Night sweats: Night sweats, with 34,170 cases reported, are far less common after vaccination than excessive sweating, with more than 24,000 cases reported. Although night sweats independent of other symptoms are usually benign, this should be paid attention to if they become prolonged, disturb sleep, and come with other symptoms such as fatigue and weight loss.

Immunological Adverse Events

  • COVID-19: Listed as the ninth most common adverse event, more than 68,000 cases of COVID-19 infection following vaccination have been reported to VAERS. Several studies have indicated that a few months after administration of mRNA vaccines, individuals’ immunity to symptomatic COVID infections fall from positive efficacy—with immune defense present—to negative efficacy (studies 1, 2). Scientists generally understand negative efficacy in vaccines to mean that the vaccine would “induce a greater degree of susceptibility” to the disease in “vaccinated individuals relative to unvaccinated individuals.” Therefore, negative efficacy indicates that the effects of the shots will not just wane, but also that a vaccinated individual is more susceptible to COVID than an unvaccinated person. All of the COVID vaccines are designed to expose the body to a spike protein—a distinctive structural feature of the COVID virus that has an essential role in its pathogenesis—and studies have shown that exposure to the protein can cause immune cells to become less reactive and switch off important first-line immune pathways, which may lead to an untimely response in the event of infection (studies 1, 2, 3). Additionally, a new study found that when mice were injected with the lipid nanoparticles used in mRNA vaccines, cell count and immune responses were reduced in their first- and second-line cells, respectively.
  • Herpes zoster virus (VZV): More than 7,700 reports of VZV infection following COVID vaccination have been reported. It is not specified if these cases are new infections or relapses; several studies (1, 2) have documented relapse of the virus in COVID-vaccinated individuals. Relapse of latent viruses such as VZV from vaccinations has previously been quite rare, and often occurs later in life or when the infected individual is frail, and is therefore often seen as a sign of immunosuppression.
  • Hypersensitivity: More than 4,900 cases of allergic responses have been reported. Allergic responses are mechanistically related to inflammation, causing swelling, redness, itchiness, and, in the cases of anaphylaxis, difficulty breathing. Allergic responses after vaccinations can be triggered by the contents of the vaccines.
  • Inflammation: Inflammation is a common physical response activated whenever the body experiences an injury or encounters something foreign or toxic. Any disease or condition where a person experiences pain, redness, swelling, and even difficulty breathing is very likely driven by inflammation. Studies on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein have shown that it is highly inflammatory. This mechanism can therefore provide a cause for many of the symptoms reported after vaccination.

To be continued...​



Neurological Symptoms

  • Changes in sensation: This includes onset of the “pins and needles” sensation (more than 25,500 reports) and loss of sensation (more than 24,300 reports) following COVID-19 vaccination. These can be signs of neural disease, injury, or reduced blood flow to the neurons, leading to neural dysfunction.
  • Pain: Pain at the injection site is a common adverse event from vaccination. However, pain in the extremities (more than almost 78,000 reports) and neuralgia—sharp nerve pain—(more than 2,900 reports) can be a sign of neural injury or possibly autoimmunity. Studies have linked neuralgia with mRNA and adenovirus vaccines, although the causes are not well understood (studies 1, 2).
  • Tinnitus: Overactivity of the auditory nerves can cause ringing in the ears. Tinnitus has rarely been reported following previous vaccinations but is highly prevalent among people who received the COVID-19 vaccines. COVID vaccine-related cases comprise more than nearly 16,000 of the roughly 19,900 vaccine-related tinnitus cases reported to VAERS. An increasing amount of research is being done on vaccine-associated tinnitus.
  • Insomnia: Sleep problems are a fairly common adverse event, described as due to hyperactivity of the brain, with more than 9,800 cases reported. It is likely that some of these insomnia cases are related to vaccine-associated tinnitus, which can impact sleep.
  • Tremor: Described as involuntary shaking or movement, tremors associated with COVID vaccines are estimated to affect 0.002–0.02 percent of the vaccinated population. Though tremors themselves usually do not cause health problems, they are commonly associated with other neurological diseases including Parkinson’s disease. Other common post-vaccine symptoms such as muscle spasms and twitches can be confused for tremors, but muscle spasms are involuntary muscle contractions, and muscle twitches are fine movements of a small portion of a large muscle. So far, more than 15,000 cases of tremor have been reported to VAERS.
  • Anxiety: As a psychiatric symptom reportedly affecting more than 9,000 people after COVID vaccination, anxiety is hypothesized to be due to an imbalance of the emotional control centers in the brain, and has been associated with altered chemical levels.
  • Brain fog: The VAERS database has over 6,700 cases of vaccinated people reporting confusional states, with over 2,200 reporting memory impairment and over 560 reporting thinking problems. “Brain fog” is a colloquial term that describes a bundle of symptoms often including but not excluded to confusion and dysfunction in thinking, memory, focus, and clarity. A 2020 study on mice published by Nature showed that spike proteins can cross the usually impervious blood-brain barrier. Another study documenting several autopsies on vaccinated individuals found spike proteins in neurons and the blood vessels in the brain.
  • Changes in taste and smell: After COVID vaccination, many people report a loss of taste (more than 5,500) and smell (more than 4,400), or a change in taste (more than 4,900), and olfactory alterations where something that once smelled pleasant is perceived as smelling foul; these symptoms are similar to those experienced by many individuals infected with COVID. These changes can occur independently and can impact a person’s enjoyment of food, causing possible weight loss. They can also be a sign of neurodegeneration or deterioration.
  • Bell’s palsy: This is a relatively rare and usually temporary condition where facial muscles become paralyzed or weak, often resulting in a face droop. It is usually associated with viral infections and is caused by inflammation or swelling of the facial nerves. The condition usually affects one side of the face, though in rare cases, both sides can be affected. So far, more than 3,700 cases have been reported to VAERS. A 2022 paper evaluating 17 reports on Bell’s palsy and the COVID-19 vaccine found that affected individuals typically experience paralysis on the left side of their face, which can occur up to 48 days of vaccination. This has also been reported in Pfizer’s post-market adverse event report. The condition is usually harmless and can usually be reversed, though symptoms may return.

Musculoskeletal Conditions

  • Musculoskeletal symptoms: These are well documented in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines, including weakness and stiffness in the muscles and joints, impaired mobility, and balance problems and falls. A study published in BMJ found that 66 people experienced short-term inflammation in the joints 11 to 13 days after vaccination, despite having no history of previous or related symptoms. The vaccine may also be able to trigger autoimmune musculoskeletal diseases; in one study that followed 1,519 people with musculoskeletal diseases, 5 percent experienced a flare-up and 0.1 percent experienced severe symptoms following vaccination.

To be continued...​



Cardiovascular Adverse Events

  • Heart palpitations: Over 16,300 cases of palpitations, described as faster, louder, or irregular heart pulses, have been reported to VAERS. Complaints of palpitations are common and usually benign. They are often associated with anxiety, but can be a sign of concerning and potentially life-threatening problems including tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia.
  • Hypertension: Over 7,700 cases of hypertension (high blood pressure), which is associated with and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, have been reported. A review that analyzed six studies of 357,387 individuals found that 3.2 percent—13,444 patients—reported abnormal or higher blood pressure after COVID vaccines. Another hypertension report found that nine hypertension patients increased blood pressure to stage 3 hypertension—blood pressure higher than 180/110—within minutes after vaccination (pdf).
  • Tachycardia: This is a concerning condition that occurs when a person’s heart rate increases past 100 beats a minute. It is a strong predictor of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, with more than 7,000 cases reported to VAERS.
  • Pallor: Contrary to the effects of high blood pressure, pale facial features indicate reduced blood flow and are warning signs of low blood pressure. This is especially concerning if the pallor is sudden, as the person may faint from a sudden drop in blood pressure, and it could also be a sign of anaphylaxis. Over 6,300 cases of pallor have been reported.
  • Blood clots: The FDA has mostly focused on the association between the J&J COVID vaccine—which employs a disabled adenovirus rather than mRNA—and increased risk of blood clot formation. VAERS has documented over 5,100 reports of blood clots reported after COVID vaccinations, but blood clots reported after Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccine administration take up the majority of these reports, with over 3,900 cases.
    mRNA vaccines have been administered much more broadly than adenovirus vaccines. Studies have shown that the mRNA vaccines’ spike protein is able to bind to red blood cells and thus may cause the formation of blood clots (studies 1, 2). Along with blood clots, more than 3,800 cerebrovascular events, more commonly known as strokes, have also been reported. Strokes are usually caused by clots in the blood vessels supplying the brain.
  • Myocarditis: Despite many media reports and research on post-COVID-vaccine myocarditis, out of all the cardiovascular adverse events listed in this article, myocarditis had the lowest number of events reported. More than 2,800 cases are reported, with serious cases comprising almost 70 percent of all myocarditis reports. It is likely that many mild myocarditis cases have not been reported or haven’t been diagnosed. According to VAERS data, young males under the age of 40 who have received mRNA vaccines appear to be more affected than any other group. Depending on the seriousness of the case, patients may be able to make a full recovery. Chronic myocarditis, however, is associated with enlargement of the heart and other cardiac problems, all of which may lead to cardiovascular diseases further down the line.

Pulmonary Adverse Events

  • Pneumonia: More than 5,000 cases of COVID-19 pneumonia and 4,100 cases of pneumonia have been reported following COVID vaccination, both of which are signs of a weak or dysregulated immune system (studies 1, 2), as people with a strong immune system are normally able to clear out a pulmonary infection before it progresses into inflammation and fluid retention in the pulmonary air sacs. COVID vaccines can induce or exacerbate pneumonia (studies 1, 2) and inflame the lungs after vaccination (studies 1, 2). The biopsy of a vaccinated person found spike protein present in the lung cells nine months after the individual was vaccinated. According to the report, the patient had suffered respiratory symptoms since vaccination.
  • Pulmonary embolism: This is a serious condition where blood clots are formed in the blood vessels in the lungs, which can reduce blood flow to the lungs, cause tissue damage, and therefore impair lung function and reduce blood oxygen levels. Affected individuals may cough frequently and experience difficulty breathing. At least two case studies have documented pulmonary embolisms after COVID-19 vaccinations in the United States (studies 1, 2). Pulmonary embolisms have also been reported after COVID-19 infections, but a study showed that there is very little literature to support the theory that infection greatly increases the risk of this condition. More than 3,700 cases have been reported after vaccination.
  • Acute respiratory failure: With more than 3,200 reports after vaccination, this life-threatening condition occurs when a person’s lungs cannot meet oxygen demand or are unable to adequately remove carbon dioxide. Depending on the trigger, physicians may be able to reverse the condition.

Endocrine-Related Adverse Events

  • Menstrual changes: More than 115,500 people have experienced cases of menstrual changes after COVID-19 vaccinations. This includes menstruation that is abnormally heavy, prolonged, more frequent, irregular, inconsistent, or light, and cessation of menstruation. These changes are more commonly observed in menopausal women aged 45–55, and perimenopausal women, usually 40 to 44 years of age. However, these events are also reported in children and adolescents. Alarmingly, several cases include 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds, women aged 60 to over 80, and, in very rare instances, infants—all of whom are people who should not be menstruating. The menstruation cycle is a carefully orchestrated rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone, and a sudden change can be indicative of endocrine dysfunction, formation of fibroids—muscular tumoral growths in the uterus—or other less common but concerning health problems.
  • Hot flashes: These sudden sensations of heat in the face, neck, and upper body typically occur in females during menopause, when estrogen and progesterone levels fall. Though far less common, hot flashes (or hot flushes) can also happen during menstrual cycles, mostly affecting women in their 40s who are experiencing perimenopause. VAERS contains 1,241 reports of hot flashes among women and girls of pre-menopausal age, including 31 cases in girls aged 6 to 17. There are also 727 cases reported in men. Studies on men have shown that hot flashes are usually due to reduced testosterone, such as may occur during hormonal-suppressant cancer therapy or because of testicular dysfunction. (studies 1, 2).

While the people of China wage an open rebellion against the draconian COVID-zero policies being reinstated in many provinces, here in the U.S. we’re getting a clearer idea of how much our own lockdown-loving COVID tyrant, Anthony Fauci, lied to us. Yes, his retirement from the federal government is looming — a gig that earned him a ton of money and way too much power — but we’re not done with him yet. He needs to answer a few questions before he rides off into the sunset.

As streiff reported last week, Fauci was deposed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry in an attempt to get some answers about Fauci’s role in spreading pandemic-related misinformation.

Turns out, Anthony Fauci is a big ole liar; he wasn’t called “Fauxi” for nothing. The official transcript of the deposition has yet to be made public, but AGs Schmitt and Landry have shared some details of Fauci’s lying liar who lied ways on Twitter.

First up, masking. Fauci knew they’d do nothing to protect or prevent, but he lied about it anyway.

So, all those times children were refused entrance to their schools because they weren’t wearing a mask? All the nonsense of having to wear a mask on a plane and pull it down to take a sip of water? Parents who weren’t allowed access to school board meetings because they refused to wear a mask? It was all for nothing. Pure theatrics, due to Fauci’s unwillingness to be truthful with Americans. That “first, do no harm” business flew right out the window when he tasted the power his words wielded.

And it seems Fauci still has a preoccupation with masking. As Schmitt pointed out in this tweet:

Another Fauci lie that came to light during the deposition was his role in downplaying the Great Barrington Declaration, in which a compendium of scientists argued against lockdowns in favor of common sense measures that would protect the most vulnerable. Per the New York Post:

For most of us, that’s the crux of the matter. The dictatorial, one-size-fits-all approach championed by Anthony Fauci took away our right to deal with the pandemic in the way that best suited our situation and gave that right to the bumbling incompetents in government. That approach wears thin real quick — look no further than China to see how that goes.

Schmitt outlined some additional takeaways from the deposition:

▪️Fauci knew the Lab Leak theory had merit but it’d come back to him & sought to immediately discredit it
▪️He defended lockdowns
▪️The rest of us “don’t have the ability” to determine what’s best for ourselves

And AG Landry added this observation:

While most of us would like nothing more than to see the backside of Anthony Fauci, we deserve accountability from the bad actors who, like him, toyed with our lives for more than two years. We know the media won’t hold their feet to the fire — just today, Fauci told an admiring Chuck Todd “we certainly are still in” a pandemic; as expected, no pushback from Todd.

Unfortunately for Fauci and his fellow COVD tyrants, AG Eric Schmitt was recently elected to the U.S. Senate, where he’ll join Rand Paul, who certainly pulls no punches in dealing with the Fauci’s of the world. Accountability may yet be forthcoming.

He got his marching orders from someone...Hope someone with the ability to do so can uncover the facts...
lol......It would not surprise me if Fauci had a short retirement and then, whoa, something bad happens
All of this...every last bit of it, was to defeat Donald Trump, and it worked. If you look at it in that context it all makes more sense. It's a travesty and we will pay the price for it for years, but that is why it was done.
All of this...every last bit of it, was to defeat Donald Trump, and it worked. If you look at it in that context it all makes more sense. It's a travesty and we will pay the price for it for years, but that is why it was done.
I thought it was population control. Lots of people dying off related to the "cure." Seems to be working.
I thought it was population control. Lots of people dying off related to the "cure." Seems to be working.

I don't think we regular folks can understand how seismic the election of Trump was to the ruling class and elites...not only here but around the world. It's funny, but a small comparison to that would be Jeff Saturday getting hired by the Colts. Look at the reaction to that by Cowher and others...how dare a guy with no coaching experience, didn't come up through the ranks and blah, blah get the job. You know what the big fear is? He'll come in and do a good job and make people realize that the coaching profession is as full of shiit as anybody else. And that is the fear of the ruling class...if Trump comes in and does well and actually fixes things people will realize how fake and out for themselves they are. They can't have that, now. So we gotta make things damn near impossible and get rid of the threat by all means.

Too bad Trump was full of shiit too often too.
Pepto Bismol may cure Covid. No, really. Dowkturs say so. This test is in progress, if any of yinz wants to sign up.


Detailed Description:
Readily available over-the-counter (OTC) medication for symptomatic relief and appropriate oral hydration can be health saving measures of great convenience for those affected by enteric bacterial and viral infections. BSS is a non-proprietary monograph product that is available in the USA and abroad, over-the-counter (OTC). Of all OTC medications for traveller's diarrhea (TD), bismuth subsalicylate (BSS) has the greatest antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria .BSS has also exhibited significant inhibition on viral invasion of host cells and viral efficacy. Both BSS and bismuth oxychloride (BiOCl, which is formed in the stomach after ingestion of BSS) at low concentration (0.004-0.13mg/mL) significantly reduced NoV RNA levels, suggesting an in vivo antiviral mechanism. BSS has also been shown to have antiviral activity since it inhibited replication of 4 strains of rotavirus in tissue culture cells and caused a dose-dependent reduction in the growth of several enteric viruses.

Historically, BSS has been indicated and effectively used for the treatment of TD or enteric infection, mainly when vomiting occurs. Although the safety and efficacy of BSS is well known, some of the research done with BSS resides within the industry and have not been published. We have recently completed an extensive meta-analysis using unpublished clinical studies regarding BSS safety and efficacy. Meta-analyses of randomized controlled clinical trials were performed with studies specifically designed to capture prevention of manifestation and relief of diarrhea.
got a memo from Flog. Ze's on zer way to China to implore the population to follow the Chinese government's regulations and work towards a zero Covid China.
LMAO. Guy's been an epic, self-serving liar. Busted. Again.

Fauci Couldn’t Name Any Studies Showing Masks Work Against COVID-19: Lawyers​

Dr. Anthony Fauci couldn’t cite any studies that changed his mind about masking against COVID-19 during a recent deposition, according to lawyers who were in the room.

Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director, was among the U.S. officials repeatedly urging people to not wear a mask early in the COVID-19 pandemic unless they were showing symptoms. Among his many public and private statements, he wrote in a Feb. 5, 2020, email that “the typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.”

About two months later, Fauci and other top officials reversed course and issued widespread masking recommendations, regardless of symptoms.

Asked about the change while under oath on Nov. 23, Fauci couldn’t provide any studies, according to lawyers representing plaintiffs in a case against the federal government.

“He was asked what studies or study changed his mind in that interim, which is what he claimed—he claimed that it was studied. He couldn’t name any,” Jenin Younes, one of the lawyers, told The Epoch Times.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican who was also present during the deposition in Maryland, said on social media that Fauci “couldn’t cite a single study” to back up his claim that masks were effective against COVID-19.

Ain't Short Bus Floggy be tell us that STUDIES show and DOCTORS tell us masks do be work?

A bit awkward when the "Nation's leading virologist" can't find a single study that shows masks help us against Covid.
got a memo from Flog. Ze's on zer way to China to implore the population to follow the Chinese government's regulations and work towards a zero Covid China.

Ze is bringing ze's welding equipment so ze can be on the front lines, helping the Chinese weld people into their apartments.
