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Kavanaugh hearing

LOL yeah, no kidding, there's that literal word thing again. Ok let me rephrase, slowly and literally....they want to put in their guy no matter what. I could have said murderer and still made the same point. Does that mean literally? Gee I don't know.....

Yeah, sometimes it's hard to discern when liberals are using hyperbole, sorry.

In any case, as I said it's the kind of statement people make when they can't debate something on the merits.
To use a Tibism, one would have to "be blind" not to see this is solely being done in an attempt to push the vote until after the midterms, in hopes of changing the the make up of congress. Delay, delay, delay at all costs until the new congress takes their seats in January.

And if by chance, the Democrats gain enough seats, Kavanaugh is voted down, mission accomplished.

No proof, only accusations, and when given a chance to speak, the accuser backs out. Ideology at its finest, and let the facts be damned.

Sad day for our country if this becomes the new normal.

But here's the problem. We are setting up a precedent to allow any Tom, Dick or Harry to step forward and say "This politician assaulted me." Well, by golly, if you say it, then we have to have a Congressional hearing. So when the first comes and there's no evidence, the smart thing to do (as is being done) is to present another bogus accuser. Then another. Then another. And stall the issue for quite literally years because "she must be heard."

When does it end?

In today's day and age where human beings are willingly stepping forward and taking money to stomp and scream and yell in Congressional halls knowing they will get arrested, when similar people are willing to accept $$ to terrorize their political opponents at rallies, it's easy - like super super easy - to believe that female vigilantes can be found who are willing to take $$ to create false accusations against political opponents.

We need to have a standard that must be met. Courts will not hear every case. Only a case that has merit will be heard by the court.

CBF has presented NOTHING except her personal claim. No evidence. Not a shred.

But everyone's screaming "she should be heard."

Why? If she had a police report, I concur fully let her come testify. But her claims wouldn't be heard in a smalls claims court.

Enough is enough.

Hope you're sitting down Tim, cause I agree with you. False claims, especially against politicians, have been going on since the beginning of time. The standard should be you have nothing to back up your claim, so where do we go with a he said/she said. Ford, like most, didn't go through the proper channels, and you're right, no small claims court would give this the time of day. I'm interested because those who make false claims make it harder for real victims to come forward and file police reports. For me, I can't make the assumption of truth/lie if I can't hear either of them talk, her reasons for waiting, her reasons for not filing a police report, like I listened to him. I personally can't just dismiss her as a political smear without listening to her first, as a woman and as an advocate for true victims of domestic/sexual violence seeking guidance. Both him and her have their right to at least their interviews. I heard his, I want to hear hers.
Yeah, sometimes it's hard to discern when liberals are using hyperbole, sorry.

In any case, as I said it's the kind of statement people make when they can't debate something on the merits.

I'm not debating anything, I never was debating. I stated my feelings and opinions on a situation. I stand by my statement, whether it meets your merits or not really is no concern of mine.
Here's the thing. We all know what happened with Merrick Garland. I have no qualms about saying the Republicans used their massive sweeping victories in the midterms to ignore Garland altogether. McConnell was reputed to have looked Obama in the eye and said "'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.' "

They used the political tools at their disposal. They had a massive mandate from the public. But it was legal, legitimate. Arguably not ethical.

I'll stand up today and say the Republicans played a game and won. Through the merits of the system as Congress is set up.

I just wish one Liberal would be honest and step up and say "this is our game" because that's what it is. They have no mandate. No Congressional control. No means to delay the vote other than to go down this route of slander.

They veil their approach by saying "this poor woman" and "she should be heard" and "it's about justice" when everyone - literally everyone left and right knows what it is...a delay tactic.

Just a dirty one.
None of this **** matters. 100% of Dems are voting no, this didn’t matter one bit. Just let the Republicans vote and get it over with.
It is time for the Repubs to put on their big boy pants, tell the Dems to float whatever bullshit they want, but we are going to govern as we have for centuries.
See you in the midterms.
LOL yeah, no kidding, there's that literal word thing again. Ok let me rephrase, slowly and literally....they want to put in their guy no matter what. I could have said murderer and still made the same point. Does that mean literally? Gee I don't know.....

You're an idiot. No way does a "proven rapist" get in...even democRATS couldn't get away with that.
They want their guy in because he has had an impeccable record for decades and is a staunch conservative. The reason you a-holes don't want him in is because you hate him and you hate Trump.

You don't care about finding the truth...accusations are the truth, the more the better.

Toxic femininity, and the weaponization of the "me too" movement have become convenient tools for the left to use against this man in order to destroy him.
The left has bastardized the rule of law...remember the days when there was this thing we called "evidence". Where the **** is it now?

She does NOT deserve to be heard, but the Reps have decided to patronize you ******** anyway.
You're an idiot. No way does a "proven rapist" get in...even democRATS couldn't get away with that.

Uhh, Bill Clinton got elected twice. When you're a Democrat, it's different.
You're an idiot. No way does a "proven rapist" get in...even democRATS couldn't get away with that.
They want their guy in because he has had an impeccable record for decades and is a staunch conservative. The reason you a-holes don't want him in is because you hate him and you hate Trump.

You don't care about finding the truth...accusations are the truth, the more the better.

Toxic femininity, and the weaponization of the "me too" movement have become convenient tools for the left to use against this man in order to destroy him.
The left has bastardized the rule of law...remember the days when there was this thing we called "evidence". Where the **** is it now?

She does NOT deserve to be heard, but the Reps have decided to patronize you ******** anyway.

Right back at ya darlin. I care what you think lol.
The same could be said about Bill Clinton, accusations, he said/she said. Wasn't that letter sent to Dianne Feinstein and asked to be kept confidential? .

Another doozy.

The accusers of Clinton had times, dates, witnesses...whatever you want. Yet you on the left, including the most cheated on woman in America, Hillary, sought out to destroy these women to protect your guy.

So you're going with "it was confidential" as an excuse for that ***** Feinstein to wait until the 11th hour to inform the committee of this letters existence? Quite a reach there son.

.“Throughout his confirmation process, Judge Kavanaugh has had 65 meetings with senators — including with Senator Feinstein — sat through over 30 hours of testimony, addressed over 2,000 questions in a public setting and additional questions in a confidential session. Not until the eve of his confirmation has Sen. Feinstein or anyone raised the specter of new ‘information’ about him,” spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said Thursday.

She said the FBI has “thoroughly and repeatedly vetted” Kavanaugh dating back to 1993 for “some of the most highly sensitive roles.”
Lefties showing their true colors yet again. Ted Cruz and his wife just having dinner and bullied out of a restaurant over Brett Kavanaugh? Can any of you rationalize this or any behavior displayed by the left from the past 2 years? And did we ever see this happening in the 8 years prior (for the both sides do it crowd)?

It's not what I think, its the way it is...darlin.

M-k. You sound like a lovely yet scary individual. Have you sought help for your anger issues? PS when I see your name I know better than to read the garbage you type. Meaningless garbage that is.
Lefties showing their true colors yet again. Ted Cruz and his wife just having dinner and bullied out of a restaurant over Brett Kavanaugh? Can any of you rationalize this or any behavior displayed by the left from the past 2 years? And did we ever see this happening in the 8 years prior (for the both sides do it crowd)?

These shameless lefties after harassing Cruz and his wife had the gall to post the video.
The story.

These lefties do this because it adds meaning to their meaningless lives..and if 83 were there he'd be joining them.
Ram it home

Grassley Announces Friday Committee Vote On Kavanaugh, Day After Hearing

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced Tuesday that the committee would vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination on Friday at 9:30 a.m. ET, just a day after Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford will be asked about Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh in a hearing.

I'm not debating anything, I never was debating. I stated my feelings and opinions on a situation. I stand by my statement, whether it meets your merits or not really is no concern of mine.

You continually say that. Yet, you actually seem to care what others here think about "your merits" by your continuous reactions to their responses. And I'll have my popcorn ready if you really want to have a real debate with oneforthebus.
M-k. You sound like a lovely yet scary individual. Have you sought help for your anger issues? PS when I see your name I know better than to read the garbage you type. Meaningless garbage that is.

Awww..I'm so offended that someone whos screen name matches their below average IQ isn't gonna read my posts anymore.
M-k. You sound like a lovely yet scary individual. Have you sought help for your anger issues? PS when I see your name I know better than to read the garbage you type. Meaningless garbage that is.

You've done nothing more than merely post your emotional opinion and have added no real substance to the discussion that I've seen (sorry, I'm sure others have the same exact thoughts though), so I'd be careful about throwing the term "garbage" around.

You'll find some pretty non-partisan and intelligent folks here that will see through your bullshit. Anyways, just my opinion. Which I'm entitled to -- and to shout at the top of my lungs to complete strangers in a restaurant over someone no one actually knows.
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You continually say that. Yet, you actually seem to care what others here think about "your merits" by your continuous reactions to their responses. And I'll have my popcorn ready if you really want to have a real debate with oneforthebus.

Here's the thing...everything on this board turns into a bashing argument. Everything. Why should I care what others think when I have my own opinion. I'm saying it cause I mean it. But yet you'll twist it around telling me what I think and I must think that because of reactions to their responses. I'll respond if someone's wrong about me. Which she was. I came on here, talked opinions, gave mine, heard others, had the occasional decent conversation, which is always short lived and then bingo, cue the tards and full on "hey let's take down this libtard" and look like Mr. Big Bad Internet Dude. If I cared, I wouldn't come back. But I don't. So I'll continue to voice my opinion when I want, get bashed for it as per norm and start all over again. Same old same old.
Uhh, Bill Clinton got elected twice. When you're a Democrat, it's different.

Oh for sure!...but I was strictly referring to a SCOTUS appointment, it's not really an election....don't believe even a democRAT rapist could get in...but I'm sure they'd try..lol
You've done nothing more than merely post your emotional opinion and have added no real substance to the discussion that I've seen (sorry, I'm sure others have the same exact thoughts though), so I'd be careful about throwing the term "garbage" around.

You'll find some pretty non-partisan and intelligent folks here that will see through your bullshit. Anyways, just my opinion. Which I'm entitled to -- and to shout at the top of my lungs to complete strangers in a restaurant over someone no one actually knows.

Sorry my "emotional opinions" aren't substance enough for you. Then don't read them, I don't care. I'm entitled as well to my opinions, emotional or not. Jesus you people are just so ******* full of yourselves LOL.
As a woman, I am appalled that we have sunk so low as a gender that we have to resort to lies and smears just to prove a point. Until we start prosecuting each fals report to the fullest extent, **** like this is going to continue. This isn't about empowering women. It's about de-masculating men.
