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Kavanaugh hearing

Both parties escalate prior opposition tactics. Its why you don’t start breaking taboo senate rules... you open it up to the opposition doing the same or worse cause you started down the slippery slope...

Thats all us moderates ask... that you two numbnut parties don’t **** up things like innocent until proven guilty over some petty power struggle
Sorry my "emotional opinions" aren't substance enough for you. Then don't read them, I don't care. I'm entitled as well to my opinions, emotional or not. Jesus you people are just so ******* full of yourselves LOL.

Well sorry for being a dick 83, you've been indoctrinated with your beliefs (I guess), and I mine, I guess I get emotional about **** too (which I've accused you of doing). Anyways, I'm in full agreement with Sarge about a 3rd party, because there's too much laziness/arrogance and not near the amount of accountability that we taxpayers would like to see.

We shouldn't be ripping each other really, we should be ripping these ******** that've been elected to represent us. We're all pretty much middle-class taxpayers who want to see a little honesty & integrity in our government.
I'm not debating anything, I never was debating. I stated my feelings and opinions on a situation. I stand by my statement, whether it meets your merits or not really is no concern of mine.

What would be nice, is getting some smart liberals in here.

This forum is all about opinions, and debates, and politics. If that is a problem, move on.

No one cares about your feelings.

If you put it out, prepare to defend it.

Why do I even have to say this?
Sorry my "emotional opinions" aren't substance enough for you. Then don't read them, I don't care. I'm entitled as well to my opinions, emotional or not. Jesus you people are just so ******* full of yourselves LOL.

Well sorry for being a dick 83, you've been indoctrinated with your beliefs (I guess), and I mine, I guess I get emotional about **** too (which I've accused you of doing). Anyways, I'm in full agreement with Sarge about a 3rd party, because there's too much laziness/arrogance and not near the amount of accountability that we taxpayers would like to see.

We shouldn't be ripping each other really, we should be ripping these ******** that've been elected to represent us. We're all pretty much middle-class taxpayers who want to see a little honesty & integrity in our government.

Now this I can agree 100% with. The whole thing. I've also agreed with Sarge and I stated my opinions (if I'm allowed to say that) about the third party candidate I think right in this thread. Madinsomniac, who I think is one of those bipartisan posters you were talking about or not, but he's good and I like what he has to say, brought up Gary Johnson. I didn't know much about him then, forgot about him, but like he stated with the lack of funding, it's hard to get their message out. And I've stated my hopes were for congress to act for the people who elected them and not themselves. And I want term limits in place, no more 80 year olds making the rules. There's a lot more to discuss I know, maybe when it's not bedtime. But I appreciate your honesty. I promise to give it back to you.
No no no ST, according to hamster there are no smart "liberals" on this board, so that most definitely doesn't pertain to me. I jus dum dum, bu i trie.

Two points:

(1) The analogy most certainly applies to you since you have repeatedly launched purely emotional (as compared to logical or reasoned) arguments, such as (quoting you), "M-k. You sound like a lovely yet scary individual. Have you sought help for your anger issues?" and "I'm not debating anything, I never was debating. I stated my feelings and opinions on a situation. I stand by my statement, whether it meets your merits or not really is no concern of mine" and "* Sigh * seriously. I can't stand mitch mcconnell. He's a hypocrite. Biggest one in the GOP...well then again maybe not, there's so many. I don't care if he gets his nomination in before the midterms at all [SUP]1[/SUP]" and "Didn't suggest that all, but whatever. You have your views on it, I have mine. I'll stick with mine" and "LOL don't give a **** what you think about me stranger. You have no idea what outrages me and what doesn't lol[SUP]2[/SUP] and "And that right there is why I can't participate in this (or actually any anymore) discussion. As a woman, I can't tolerate that ****. Or if this were my daughter, I'd dare anyone to come after her. And I'll just add they want to cry political foul play, boo-*******-hoo. The pubs deserve anything and everything they get and Mitch McConell, who can collectively go **** himself, well there are no other words. But of course there are no words for the whole disgusting GOP."

Lots and lots of emotion, and oh, HATRED (an emotion) for McConnell and the GOP.

Facts? Yeah, a bit light on that topic.

(2) You claimed to have put me on ignore ... and then respond to my post. Twice in the Kavanaugh thread, you said, "I'm done" and you would not post further on the topic, and lo and behold - guess who has posted more on this thread the past couple of days than any other SN member? Yep, YOU, the "I'm done" lady. Maybe we could take you more seriously if you weren't such an obvious lying drama queen.

[SUP]1[/SUP] Yes, you do. Hence the numerous of rants on this thread.

[SUP]2[/SUP]"Lol" twice in 22 words?!? Invest in a thesaurus.
No no no ST, according to hamster there are no smart "liberals" on this board, so that most definitely doesn't pertain to me. I jus dum dum, bu i trie.

I will make no claims to your intelligence, you be could very smart like many liberals are. The problem is you don't use your intelligence you use your emotions. The old adage says though, if your not liberal when you're young you have no heart and if you're not conservative when you're old you have no brain. I think liberals are stuck in a child like state where they ignore logic and common sense in favor of going on pure emotion. At least the real liberals and not those trying to just gain power. You want to feel for this person and help victims but you do it without thought to the reality of the situation. At least that is noble if ignorant unfortunately many in the Liberal hierarchy are not so noble and are actually just seeking power by using your emotions against you.
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You want to feel for this person and help victims but you do it without thought to the reality of the situation. At least that is noble if ignorant unfortunately many in the Liberal hierarchy are not so noble and are actually just seeking power by using your emotions against you.

Spot on. I've always said there are two kinds of liberals...

The good-hearted but gullible do-gooders who just don't understand that a lot of what they think helps people actually hurts them.


The ones who pretend to be do-gooders when what they really want is power and control over everything.

I suspect 83fan is mostly the former but the latter is very good at manipulating them. The irrational hate for all Republicans no matter what the topic is evidence of that.

The ironic thing is that the irrational idea of "all accusers must be believed" only serves to cheapen and call into question people making legitimate accusations.
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What would be nice, is getting some smart liberals in here.

This forum is all about opinions, and debates, and politics. If that is a problem, move on.

No one cares about your feelings.

If you put it out, prepare to defend it.

Why do I even have to say this?

Smart liberals use the same arguments as stupid liberals.
The ironic thing is that the irrational idea of "all accusers must be believed" only serves to cheapen and call into question people making legitimate accusations.

Funny that some of my black friends on FB think Kavanaugh needs to get booted but Bill Cosby is being railroaded by gold diggers.
Spot on. I've always said there are two kinds of liberals...

The good-hearted but gullible do-gooders who just don't understand that a lot of what they think helps people actually hurts them.


The ones who pretend to be do-gooders when what they really want is power and control over everything.

I suspect 83fan is mostly the former but the latter is very good at manipulating them. The irrational hate for all Republicans no matter what the topic is evidence of that.

The ironic thing is that the irrational idea of "all accusers must be believed" only serves to cheapen and call into question people making legitimate accusations.

LOL all the psychoanalyzing of a stranger is hilarious and seems like a waste of time, but hey whatever makes you fell good about yourselves I guess. The posts talking about a faceless anonymous poster is a theme around here when you aren't on the same side. LOL irrational hate for the dems is rabid on this board, please spare me. Stupid statements like "lying drama queen", again meaningless cause yeah, never been called that by people who I actually care about, so have at it. Gullible, eh, I'll give you that. I tend to believe most people have good in them, but then it's usually proven that's not true. I also feel very good about myself because I do help people and don't cause anyone anymore harm than good, which is kinda important in my field of work. What a ridiculous statement. I put my opinions out there on a subject that's emotional to me, oh nos the horror, never said "all accusers must be believed" (did you bother to read my post to Tim?). Believe me, the opinions of me by a whopping 4-5 people on a small political forum of a football board is comical to me and won't cause me any sleepless nights lol, but I'm gonna have my say as well, whether it's believed or not don't really care. Because if I don't respond to a post it's "you won't get a response and crickets" but if I do it's "LIES LIES LIES" and "you respond to every post" again, oh the horror, seriously. BTW, my "irrational hate for all republicans" just seems to rear its ugly head on this board, probably just coincidental I'm sure. My dad was a republican all his life and a good man. Just proves yep, I'm gullible enough to think the same can be said about all others.
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The good-hearted but gullible do-gooders who just don't understand that a lot of what they think helps people actually hurts them.

I just read a little piece about the history of the physiology of the Left and a lot of it rings true.

It's all about hate and the power of emotion it brings..

Shelby Steele
Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Here hatred was a vanity, a braggadocio meant to signal her innocence of the sort of evil that, in her mind, the White House represented. (She later said the comment was “taken wildly out of context.”)

For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle. “America was never that great,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride.

For other leftists, hate is a license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left—Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself.

How did the American left—conceived to bring more compassion and justice to the world—become so given to hate? It began in the 1960s, when America finally accepted that slavery and segregation were profound moral failings. That acceptance changed America forever. It imposed a new moral imperative: America would have to show itself redeemed of these immoralities in order to stand as a legitimate democracy.

The genius of the left in the ’60s was simply to perceive the new moral imperative, and then to identify itself with it. Thus the labor of redeeming the nation from its immoral past would fall on the left. This is how the left put itself in charge of America’s moral legitimacy. The left, not the right—not conservatism—would set the terms of this legitimacy and deliver America from shame to decency.

This bestowed enormous political and cultural power on the American left, and led to the greatest array of government-sponsored social programs in history—at an expense, by some estimates, of more than $22 trillion. But for the left to wield this power, there had to be a great menace to fight against—a tenacious menace that kept America uncertain of its legitimacy, afraid for its good name.

This amounted to a formula for power: The greater the menace to the nation’s moral legitimacy, the more power redounded to the left. And the ’60s handed the left a laundry list of menaces to be defeated. If racism was necessarily at the top of the list, it was quickly followed by a litany of bigotries ending in “ism” and “phobia.”

The left had important achievements. It did rescue America from an unsustainable moral illegitimacy. It also established the great menace of racism as America’s most intolerable disgrace. But the left’s success has plunged it into its greatest crisis since the ’60s. The Achilles’ heel of the left has been its dependence on menace for power. Think of all the things it can ask for in the name of fighting menaces like “systemic racism” and “structural inequality.” But what happens when the evils that menace us begin to fade, and then keep fading?

It is undeniable that America has achieved since the ’60s one of the greatest moral evolutions ever. That is a profound problem for the left, whose existence is threatened by the diminishment of racial oppression. The left’s unspoken terror is that racism is no longer menacing enough to support its own power. The great crisis for the left today—the source of its angst and hatefulness—is its own encroaching obsolescence. Today the left looks to be slowly dying from lack of racial menace.

A single white-on-black shooting in Ferguson, Mo., four years ago resulted in a prolonged media blitz and the involvement of the president of the United States. In that same four-year period, thousands of black-on-black shootings took place in Chicago, hometown of the then-president, yet they inspired very little media coverage and no serious presidential commentary.

White-on-black shootings evoke America’s history of racism and so carry an iconic payload of menace. Black-on-black shootings carry no such payload, although they are truly menacing to the black community. They evoke only despair. And the left gets power from fighting white evil, not black despair.

Today’s left lacks worthy menaces to fight. It is driven to find a replacement for racism, some sweeping historical wrongdoing that morally empowers those who oppose it. (Climate change?) Failing this, only hatred is left.

Hatred is a transformative power. It can make the innocuous into the menacing. So it has become a weapon of choice. The left has used hate to transform President Trump into a symbol of the new racism, not a flawed president but a systemic evil. And he must be opposed as one opposes racism, with a scorched-earth absolutism.

For Martin Luther King Jr., hatred was not necessary as a means to power. The actual details of oppression were enough. Power came to him because he rejected hate as a method of resisting menace. He called on blacks not to be defined by what menaced them. Today, because menace provides moral empowerment, blacks and their ostensible allies indulge in it. The menace of black victimization becomes the unarguable truth of the black identity. And here we are again, forever victims.

Yet the left is still stalked by obsolescence. There is simply not enough menace to service its demands for power. The voices that speak for the left have never been less convincing. It is hard for people to see the menace that drives millionaire football players to kneel before the flag. And then there is the failure of virtually every program the left has ever espoused—welfare, public housing, school busing, affirmative action, diversity programs, and so on.

For the American left today, the indulgence in hate is a death rattle.

After the trial, I mean hearing tomorrow, hopefully things will be more clear. Thus far, for reasons listed on 27 pages of this thread, there doesn't seem to be much credence to the accusations.

And funny, or sad perhaps, the term charged was used by a local talking head in regard to Kavanaugh. Didn't realize he was already charged, when did that happen? Either bias or ignorance was showing.

I hope we can be Americans instead of ideological puppets and seek the truth, if that's possible, and follow the judicial process of this country of innocent until proven guilty.

If nothing comes of Ford's testimony, will the left accept it, and if there is a smoking gun, something that proves her accusations beyond a reasonable doubt, will the right do so as well?
So she has four people signing documents saying she told them about this event...all after 2012 when she recovered the memories in couples therapy... her husband... a friend who says she told him in 2016 (when Kavanaughs name was floated for the court) that he molested her, and a friend who says she said in 2013 that an unnamed federal judge tried to molest her as a youth... still no one from the event or from her youth that ever remembers anything about this or her talking about it... the only time Kavanaugh is named is after he is floated as a potential SCNominee...
Greasy porn lawyer on cue released another allegation that Kavanaugh was at house parties where girls were gang raped... amazingly not nessesarily by them, but he nefariously helped set up spiking punch with grain alcohol and maybe qualudes but she isn’t sure...

This is textbook out of the stall with slander playbook.. escalating accusations, unprovable one way or another and timed to force delays... it plays into the myth of private school boys all being rapists and treating women horribly... this story supposedly has corobberation but its easily the least believable... my hardcore dem friends are lamenting that it may take credance from the other allegations...
Again this reeks of political catchphrases meant to delay the nomination... go forward with tomorrow... if Fords testimony is in the least bit incredulous then go forward with the vote... the current claims that GPL brought out will be investigated by local authorities and if they find anything then he easily can be impeached... they would have to do that as a federal judge or SC judge anyhow... if Ford does have facts and isn’t just a stalling sham, then fine delay the vote for an investigation...

Again the timing if all of this cannot be permitted. Words aren’t enough to stall this process. However understand that going forward this means a SCN is basically fine being ramrodded through on 51% party lines... no bitching when the Dems get some looney tune in under tge same situation
Here's the problem I have with this newest allegation: she claims during the years 1981-82 she became aware of the activity, yet she still attended and then became a victim herself in 1982? And if this was occurring regularly, I would think/hope it would be reported to the police THEN. How could something that despicable happen so regularly and to so many young women out in the open and not be reported?

This is The Twilight Zone.
Here's the problem I have with this newest allegation: she claims during the years 1981-82 she became aware of the activity, yet she still attended and then became a victim herself in 1982? And if this was occurring regularly, I would think/hope it would be reported to the police THEN. How could something that despicable happen so regularly and to so many young women out in the open and not be reported?

This is The Twilight Zone.

If you notice it was brett and judge and others... she never says she directly saw him do it or rape her... innuendo.. guilt by association... the local police already are doing an investigation on this because actual rape has no statute of limitations in that area I believe, so Dems should be happy... if its true they can impeach him...
The transcript of 3rd accuser Julie Swetnick's declaration:


I, JULIE SWETNICK, declare as follows:

1. My name is Julie Swetnick and I am a resident of Washington, DC. I fully
understand the seriousness of the statements contained within this declaration. I have
personal knowledge of the information stated herein and if called to testify to the same
would and could do so.

2. I am a graduate of Gaithersburg High School in Gaithersburg, MD.

3. I presently hold the following active clearances associated-with working
Within the federal government: Public Trust - US. Department of Treasury (DOT), US.
Mint (USM), Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

4. I have also previously held the following inactive clearances: Secret US.
Department of State (DOS), US. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Public Trust - US.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

5. My prior employment includes working with Vietnam War
Commemoration (VWC), Joint Services Providers (J SP), US. Department of Defense
(DOD) in Arlington, Virginia; US Mint, US. Department of Treasury; U.S.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), US. Department of Treasury; Government Affairs
and Communications Department, DC. Department of General Services (DGS),
Government of the District of Columbia Customs and Border Protection
(CBP), US. Department of Homeland Security; and the US. Department of State
(DOS). I was also one of the first 100 women in the world to achieve a Microsoft
Certifed Systems Engineering Certification (MCSE).

6. I first met Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh in approximately 1980-1981. I
was introduced to them at a house party that I attended in the Washington, DC. area. I
observed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh as extremely close friends during the early
19803 when I knew them and interacted with them. I would describe them as joined at
the hip and I consistently saw them together in many social settings. There is no
question in my mind that Mark Judge has significant information concerning the conduct of


Brett Kavanaugh during the 1980s, especially as it relates to his actions toward

7. Following that first introduction, I attended well over ten house parties in the
Washington, DC. area during the years 1981-1983 where Mark Judge and Brett
Kavanaugh were present. These parties were a common occurrence in the area and
occurred nearly every weekend during the school year. On numerous occasions at these
parties, I witnessed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively and engage in
highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking
No for an answer. This conduct included the fondling and grabbing of girls without
their consent.

8. I observed Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively at many of these parties and
engage in abusive and physically aggressive behavior toward girls, including pressing
girls against him without their consent, grinding against girls, and attempting to remove
or shift girls clothing to expose private body parts. I likewise observed him be verbally
abusive towards girls by making crude sexual comments to them that were designed to
demean, humiliate and embarrass them. I often witnessed Brett Kavanaugh speak in a
demeaning manner about girls in general as well as specific girls by name. I also
witnessed Brett Kavanaugh behave as a mean drunk on many occasions at these

9. I have been told by other women that this conduct also occurred during the
Summer months in Ocean City, Maryland on numerous occasions. I also witnessed such
conduct on one occasion in Ocean City, Maryland during Beach Week.

?10. I have reviewed Brett Kavanaugh's recent claim on Fox News regarding his
alleged innocence during his high school years and lack of sexual activity. This claim
is absolutely false and a lie. I witnessed Brett Kavanaugh consistently engage in

excessive drinking and inappropriate contact of a sexual nature with women during the

early 1980's.


11. During the years 1981-82, I became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett
Kavanaugh and others to spike the punch at house parties I attended with drugs
and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say
This caused me to make an effort to purposely avoid the punch at these parties.
I witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to target particular girls
so they could be taken advantage of; it was usually a girl that was especially vulnerable
because she was alone at the party or shy.

12. I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause
girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be gang raped in a side
room or bedroom by a train of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing
boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their turn with a girl
inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.

13. In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these gang or train
rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. Shortly after the incident, I
shared what had transpired with at least two other people. During the incident, I was
incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me. I believe I
was drugged using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking.

14. I am aware of other witnesses that can attest to the truthfulness of each of the
statements above.

I declare, under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the United States of

America, that the foregoing is true and correct. I have executed this declaration on

September 25, 2018.

Julie Swetnick

I don't usually wear the tin foil conspiracy hat, but he attended Catholic school, and with all these incidents in the Catholic church recently, it would make this seem much more believable.

I just still can't believe absolutely nobody reported this and that people kept attending these parties where people were routinely drugged and raped.
I declare, under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct.

And....that should do it for Kavanaugh. I guess ol' Trumpy will have to find a new candidate. Boo hoo.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/YPiRL7UhaMhy" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" width="480" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>
She went to 'well over 10 parties' where Kavanaugh and Judge were sexually assaulting women.

Why did she keep going to these parties?

Why didn't she warn other girls about attending these parties?

Why didn't they report this to police or family?

Oh right, girls never lie