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Man I'm glad I was told here so many times that Trump isn't a racist.....

Nahhh, spike is just taking things out of context. It's what desperate cucks do.

Does Mark Burnett have tapes of President TrumpOmarosa Manigault Newman has backed the claim that there is a tape of Trump using the N-word on Celebrity Apprentice. Not to be confused with the Access Hollywood tape, the alleged pee tape, the tapes Omarosa made in the White House, or the tapes Michael Cohen made of Trump. saying damaging things during Celebrity Apprentice?

Yeah, I was in the room.

You’ve heard him say …

Oh, yeah.

Can you tell me what you’ve heard him say?

No. If Donald Trump had not become president, I would tell you all the stories. But the stakes are now high and I am an unreliable narrator. What I do, as much as anything, is I’m a storyteller. And storytellers are liars. So I can emotionally tell you things that happened racially, sexually, and that showed stupidity and lack of compassion when I was in the room with Donald Trump and I guarantee you that I will get details wrong.

All Jillette is saying is when the tapes come out if I don't get what was said EXACTLY right or the alt-right will crucify me.

Does he say those racist things though? "Oh yeah."
Produce the tape. The rest is kids in mom's basements, or comics looking for press.
Do you realize how often you quote comics.? Makes you look like a comic *****.

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Once the tape’s released, Trump’s support with his base will just continue to rise. Birds of a feather flock together. It is what it is.
Izzat after the Russia collusion thingy, or bfore?

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Breaking News!!!!!!


White House Chef Drops Bombshell… Hillary Used N-Word When Black Staffer Disappointed Her

Former White House chef Tracey Martin told radio host Tom Bauerle that Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton used a derogatory term when speaking about a black worker.

Martin said he was working an event at the Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center in Washington, D.C., when he heard Clinton use the n-word.

“A gentleman of color came in with something and it did not please her the way it was and when he walked out she says ‘that’ and then she used the n-word,” Martin told radio host Tom Bauerle.

“So you are alone with Hillary after the black guys brings something that Hillary doesn’t like and she said to you ‘that n-word?’” Bauerle asked Martin.

Martin confirmed that was exactly how things happened.

Martin also said the remark didn’t shock him because the Clintons made racist comments regularly.

“They think nothing of it, because there’s no press around … after you’ve been around them long enough, whether it be the Clintons or the Kennedys or whoever, once they feel comfortable with you, their guard is let down,” Martin added.

Elfie, can you do us a favor and stop posting 8 minute YouTubes of mindless blather?

If these tapes exist, WHERE ARE THEY? And why has not one of the numerous people who have appeared on that show ever thought to mention this to anyone before now?
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet."

/s Abraham Lincoln

Says the guy who posts a million phony graphs pertaining to climate change from www.wattsupwiththat(a denier site run by an ex weatherman) and economic "data" from the Heritage Foundation........

Sage advice...you should follow it sometime.
Elfie, can you do us a favor and stop posting 8 minute YouTubes of mindless blather?

If these tapes exist, WHERE ARE THEY? And why has not one of the numerous people who have appeared on that show ever thought to mention this to anyone before now?

It's simple stay out of the thread. No one is forcing you to watch anything.
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Says the guy who posts a million phony graphs pertaining to climate change from www.wattsupwiththat(a denier site run by an ex weatherman) and economic "data" from the Heritage Foundation....

The data I post are in fact predicated on provable, cited information. Your response when confronted with contrary evidence - not opinion, but demonstrable evidence?



Also, your tactic of refusing to discuss merits and instead responding by attacking the messenger is the logical fallacy known as "ad hominem."

"Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself."


Finally, I don't respond to points you raise by saying, "Pfffft, ThinkProgress? What a butt-gerbil of an information source. Get real."

I respond to the data. You should try it sometime.

"Ad hominem arguments on the internet are evidence of a lack of an actual argument."

/s Socrates
The data I post are in fact predicated on provable, cited information. Your response when confronted with contrary evidence - not opinion, but demonstrable evidence?



Also, your tactic of refusing to discuss merits and instead responding by attacking the messenger is the logical fallacy known as "ad hominem."

"Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself."


Finally, I don't respond to points you raise by saying, "Pfffft, ThinkProgress? What a butt-gerbil of an information source. Get real."

I respond to the data. You should try it sometime.

"Ad hominem arguments on the internet are evidence of a lack of an actual argument."

/s Socrates

I've presented you with the facts on AGW many, many times. That you won't accept it because it doesn't fit your agenda or your worldview can not be remedied. I've come to that conclusion. You were however brought subconsciously because of the overwhelming evidence I presented on this board from; " AGW doesn't exist" to " It may be happening but we shouldn’t burden ourselves economically if we are not certain of when and how severe the impacts will be."

That is an accomplishment in and of itself, but we have reached an impasse at that point.

YOU are the one who has attacked me repeatedly in an ad hominem fashion through the years. Look at those words of mine taken out of context and placed in your sig........very telling. Your rants of " vile, disgusting, blah, blah, blah" when addressing me were a staple of 99% of your posts till just a little over a week ago......please.

And just for ***** and giggles, undeniable facts.

Nahhh, spike is just taking things out of context. It's what desperate cucks do.

Does Mark Burnett have tapes of President TrumpOmarosa Manigault Newman has backed the claim that there is a tape of Trump using the N-word on Celebrity Apprentice. Not to be confused with the Access Hollywood tape, the alleged pee tape, the tapes Omarosa made in the White House, or the tapes Michael Cohen made of Trump. saying damaging things during Celebrity Apprentice?

Yeah, I was in the room.

You’ve heard him say …

Oh, yeah.

Can you tell me what you’ve heard him say?

No. If Donald Trump had not become president, I would tell you all the stories. But the stakes are now high and I am an unreliable narrator. What I do, as much as anything, is I’m a storyteller. And storytellers are liars. So I can emotionally tell you things that happened racially, sexually, and that showed stupidity and lack of compassion when I was in the room with Donald Trump and I guarantee you that I will get details wrong.

All Jillette is saying is when the tapes come out if I don't get what was said EXACTLY right or the alt-right will crucify me.

Does he say those racist things though? "Oh yeah."

Oh, is that what he's saying? Because it sounds to me like he's saying a whole lot of gobbledy gook.

Pretty sure if I heard someone I work with use the N word, I could reliably remember it. But then again, I'm not a "storyteller."

So what you are saying is Richard Pryor if he were still alive could not be president?
People in the WH are "terrified' Omarosa may be planning on dropping a new audio tape day after day? Why on earth would they be terrified? Trump's clean as a whistle, he's done nothing wrong. We get that shoved down our throats on this board 24/7. Why the panic?
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People in the WH are "terrified' Omarosa may be planning on dropping a new audio tape day after day? Why on earth would they be terrified? Trump's clean as a whistle, he's done nothing wrong. We get that shoved down our throats on this board 24/7. Why the panic?


And Tibs gets his hopes up once again!!!!!!

Psst.....Tibs,,,,,,,, she is still out selling a book, and self promoting herself before her spotlight burns out.
And Tibs gets his hopes up once again
Nope, I have no hopes one way or another. Not a day passes with this president that isn't five ticks passed FUBAR. So it's the norm, been that way pretty much since the inauguration. As predictable as can be. Hire a reality tv show star, you get a reality tv show. Nothing new, nothing surprising or particularly interesting that his own people are turning on him. Its like a Shakespearean drama, kind of a boring one at that.
Poor Spike, left with nothing but a banged up, leaky pail trying to frantically bail out the water from the bottom of a sinking dingey. Come on Spike, Trump is counting on you! You gotta save this presidency somehow, by swaying public opinion on this board in your favor. You can do this!

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And Tibs gets his hopes up once again!!!!!!

Psst.....Tibs,,,,,,,, she is still out selling a book, and self promoting herself before her spotlight burns out.

Listen to the audio she dropped today and come back with that crap. You’re kidding no one.

People in the WH are "terrified' Omarosa may be planning on dropping a new audio tape day after day? Why on earth would they be terrified? Trump's clean as a whistle, he's done nothing wrong. We get that shoved down our throats on this board 24/7. Why the panic?

First Russia. Then Russia. Then Stormy. Then Michael Cohen. Then Omarosa. Then Russia. You cling to these doomsday Trump predications like you likely cling to your pillow in the night.
The idiot laughing that Trump would want Hillary arrested. Who doesn't want her arrested? She's a dirty criminal.
First Russia. Then Russia. Then Stormy. Then Michael Cohen. Then Omarosa. Then Russia.
Yes, you are citing the multiple issues haunting Trump currently. All of them unresolved. None of them going away any time soon. All of them his own doing. Your point is what, exactly?
Nope, I have no hopes one way or another. Not a day passes with this president that isn't five ticks passed FUBAR. So it's the norm, been that way pretty much since the inauguration. As predictable as can be. Hire a reality tv show star, you get a reality tv show. Nothing new, nothing surprising or particularly interesting that his own people are turning on him. Its like a Shakespearean drama, kind of a boring one at that.[/QUOTE]

But yet you continue to obsess and post and whine and cry.
But yet you continue to obsess and post and whine and cry.
I neither obsess, nor whine, nor cry. This is a political messageboard. This is what's been happening in politics for the past two years. Shoot me for wanting to discuss it with a boatload of rabid Trump fans.
Is there anyone in the USA that has not dropped the N-Bomb?

{{{this guy}}}

Have never used it, don't use it and have no plans to. I can think of worse things a person can do than uttering an ugly word, but that's the latest bad thing Trump has been accused of. His infidelity is a lot worse, but hey, whatever you feel that is needed to hold his feet over the fire. Has he been accused of smacking a small child yet? Kicking a puppy? Ate someone else's lunch?
First Russia. Then Russia. Then Stormy. Then Michael Cohen. Then Omarosa. Then Russia. You cling to these doomsday Trump predications like you likely bite your pillow in the night.
