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Trump Impeachment Thread


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Picksburgh, PA
We know this is what the Dems have in mind. The Mueller probe has lofted a softball for the Dem House to start proceedings.

Welcome to the next 2 years.
Who cares, without the Senate, it matters not. Though It wouldn’t surprise me to see those spineless Nazi Republicans join with the Nazi Democrats to take Trump down.
You could see this coming.

I will say this. If the guy did stuff he wasn't supposed to do as part of his campaign, then there needs to be some sort of reckoning. Whether it is impeachment, indictment, censure or whatever. The more I read, the less I think his hands are clean, although it remains to be seen how dirty his hands are. With this group (Trump, Cohen, Manafort, Flynn), they have all been dishonest in some manner through this stuff, so I don't know what the truth is or isn't, and I don't know how you trust any of what they say anymore. Add to that Mueller's record of dishonest prosecutions, and you have what we have now: a full on governmental **** show. I guess it will be in what you want to believe.

I guess we shall see what happens. I am neither hopeful nor resigned. I will just wait and see what charges come, if any, and gather as much information about all of it that I can. I know the mob has already convicted the guy of JFK's death, but I like to form my own opinions on these things. Just hope the country comes through all of it better than before.
Impeachment was always meant for way more than any of this nonsense... i mostly dislike trump, I hated billy clinton... both are about the same in my eyes... hell most of their politics align when you look at what Clinton did and really tried to do.... but the best thing Clinton did was fight a political impeachment...

If trump literally begged the Russians for dirt in Hillary and lied about it he still shouldn’t be impeached... if the dems do they will learn the same lesson the republicans learned 20something years ago... namely the American public despises political anything...
The socialists are cumming in their panties with the thought of impeaching Trump and removing him from office. They never think of the repercussions of it happening though.
Doesnt matter, they still cant make Hillary be president, lol
FOX's Judge Napolitano seems to think Trump committed a felony. Pretty sure the National Enquirer is going to confirm that. May not be collusion, but Trump could be in some trouble here.

I am always a bit skeptical about Judge Nap's opinions. I'm more inclined to go with Dershowitz opinions, even though his objective opinions have been met with partisan derision from the left. TDS has made mental weaklings of the left.

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“The Trump Impeachment Thread” - A fresh start when there’s way too much embarrassingly clueless denial in the “And So it Begins: Special Prosecutor to Investigate Trump and Russia” Thread.
FOX's Judge Napolitano seems to think Trump committed a felony. Pretty sure the National Enquirer is going to confirm that. May not be collusion, but Trump could be in some trouble here.


I would love to know what the felony actually is. "Federal prosecutors say they have evidence" isn't convincing enough.

If has to do with paying Stormy Daniels to shut up then it is not a felony.

Recent reports of a "slush fund" going around to protect congressmen from sex harassment cases during election cycles, is not really a slush fund according to Snopes. But what they did say is all we need to know:

It’s unknown how much of the $17 million total over the last 20 years went to sexual harassment claim settlements. However, allegations of sexual abuse and harassment against powerful men like Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, Rep. Conyers and Sen. Al Franken (D-Minnesota), NBC News anchor Matt Lauer and in the days leading up to the 2016 presidential election, President Donald Trump, have raised awareness of how rampant the problem is and how secretive and bureaucratically-cumbersome the process is for handling complaints against legislators — at the expense of taxpayers.

Except that Trump paid Stormy with his own money, not taxpayer dollars.

From Mark Penn:

PENN: Ironically in this return back to 1998 again, a little thing happened here that there are 268 settlements in Congress, many of them presumably done during the election period. But if this was a true precedent, we’d have to lock up scores of congressmen, lock ’em up now. That actually was taxpayer money that they used for those settlements. But those settlements, if you follow the logic of this, would be campaign contributions, which is why the logic of this is broken.

The $140,000 paid to Daniels was paid way to late to have any affect on the election.

You have democrat ***** and Tiberal ***** calling this "the greatest crime in American history" unfuckingbelievable.

What these ******** said in back 1998.

CHUCK SCHUMER: Lying about an extramarital affair does not rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.

NANCY PELOSI: Violating a marital vow, it is not an impeachable offense.

BOB MENENDEZ: The four year, $40 million dollar investigation which could only turn up a private consensual affair.

JOHN CONYERS: Impeachment was designed to rid this nation of traitors and tyrants, not attempts to cover up extramarital affairs.

ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON: Covering up a private sexual affair cannot compare to the Nixon precedent.

MAXINE WATERS: This is a Republican coup d’etat. Bill Clinton is guilty of certain indiscretions in his private life, however he did not commit high crimes and misdemeanors.

JESSE JACKSON JR: The underlying issue is about sex.

ED MARKEY: We have become the laughingstock of the entire world because a sexual scandal —

JERRY NADLER: Perjury regarding sex is not a great and dangerous offense against the nation. It is not an impeachable offense.
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From the article...

“We’ve learned that federal prosecutors here in New York City, not Bob Mueller and his team in Washington, D.C., career prosecutors here in New York City, have evidence that the president of the United States committed a felony by ordering and paying Michael Cohen to break the law,” the judicial analyst said. “How do we know that? They told that to a federal judge.”

Now what law was broken that Trump paid Cohen to break? Article doesn't mention that part. I am curious to know myself.
We know this is what the Dems have in mind. The Mueller probe has lofted a softball for the Dem House to start proceedings.

Welcome to the next 2 years.

Mueller has NOTHING on Trump. Its s smear campaign, that's it. I'm 99.9999% sure if Mueller had SOMTHING on Trump it would have been leaked and used long ago.

If I'm Trump I ball up my fist and give the Dems a warning, work with me or I'll use executive orders. Oh, and I'll investigate the Clinton foundation too.

Might as well pass boarder security in the House, and let Dem's stop it, so there is a record.
As far as the sex stuff, aside from liberal Democrats and their mouthpieces on TV, no one cares. NDA's are nothing new. Rich (and famous) people use them all the time, including payments to keep those same people quiet. As long as Trump or Cohen didn't use campaign money, who really gives a ****?

Trump has also denied any of the sex ever happened, and I don't think anyone gives a **** about that either.

Whatever you feel about adultery is entirely different, but that isn't a crime.
Mueller has NOTHING on Trump. Its s smear campaign, that's it. I'm 99.9999% sure if Mueller had SOMTHING on Trump it would have been leaked and used long ago.

I don't know dude. Seems Mueller has a pretty tight grip on the leaks. Information comes out when he wants it to, which is usually during court filings or indictments.

I really hope Trump is clean. There may be no evidence of collusion, but it would appear that even if there is nothing to impeach or indict the man for, everyone is gonna know every ****** detail of his life. That may be worse than any crime they could charge him with. The American people are fickle that way.
I don't know dude. Seems Mueller has a pretty tight grip on the leaks. Information comes out when he wants it to, which is usually during court filings or indictments.

I really hope Trump is clean. There may be no evidence of collusion, but it would appear that even if there is nothing to impeach or indict the man for, everyone is gonna know every ****** detail of his life. That may be worse than any crime they could charge him with. The American people are fickle that way.

Even as detailed as getting blow jobs from under his desk in the oval office, and him stuffing a cigar into an interns vagina?
That detailed?
Two things about this campaign finance violation:

1) They have to prove that Trump knowingly violated the regulation. This is one instance where ignorance of the law is a defense.
2) They have to prove that the payments were SOLELY for the purpose of influencing the election. If they were partially to say, keep his wife from finding out and spare his family embarrassment, it's not a campaign finance violation.

They are going to have a tough time proving either or both of those things. Trump was being advised by his attorney. Unless Cohen specifically advised him that these were campaign finance violations (and they can prove it) they can't prove 1. I'm not sure how they prove 2.

To me the fact that Mueller is pushing so hard on this nebulous, hard to prove and relatively insignificant crime is strong evidence he doesn't have much else on Trump. Why waste so much time and resources on this if he has Trump colluding with Russia? This is small potatoes compared to that.
Even as detailed as getting blow jobs from under his desk in the oval office, and him stuffing a cigar into an interns vagina?
That detailed?

Quite possibly. Not sure what one has to do with the other. As I have stated numerous times, I truly believe the swamp is gonna get him for something. Don't know if will be legit, sketchy or just plain contrived. It could be something as simple as revealing embarrassing details of his life that could ruin his marriage or business. You don't have to go to jail to have your life ruined. Guess we'll see.
he used money to pay a ***** to keep her mouth shut.

nevermind that he could pay that out of his walking around money. that it occurred during the election is the issue, per the left.
nevermind that he has a son he didnt want to discuss this with
nevermind that he didnt want his wife to find out
nevermind all that. all that matters is he beat Hillary Clinton to become POTUS and made snowflakes melt.
that is the crime. and it MUST be prosecuted.
Trump will work out a deal with Pence to resign and then be pardoned
Two things about this campaign finance violation:

1) They have to prove that Trump knowingly violated the regulation. This is one instance where ignorance of the law is a defense.

Where did you get that from? Someone breaking the law on your behalf and you not knowing about it is not the same as telling someone to do something not knowing it is illegal.

What is the point of a law if a person’s ignorance can be a valid defense?
Where did you get that from? Someone breaking the law on your behalf and you not knowing about it is not the same as telling someone to do something not knowing it is illegal.

What is the point of a law if a person’s ignorance can be a valid defense?

This particular law is written that way. Why? Probably because campaign finance laws are very complex and you don't want to be putting people in jail for making innocent mistakes violating them. (Before you jump all over me for calling this "innocent" obviously it's scummy for Trump to sleep around and scummy for him to pay off his mistresses to keep them quiet. That's not in and of itself illegal though. He may be guilty of being the world's biggest jerk but be innocent of a campaign finance violation.)

If you make a mistake on your taxes because you were unaware of a tax law, it's not a crime. Especially if you hired a professional to do your taxes and followed their advice.
