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Trump Impeachment Thread

LOL. Co-producer who worked closely with him? Try former talent handler (grunt) and current hack comedian. Now Tom Arnold remembers the exact same thing! This guy who has been public about trying to find anything incriminating on Trump somehow didn't think of this until this hack came up with it. You guys are pathetic.
Regardless of the moral character of Trump, I will state time and time again, his Presidency is good for this country. The conservative shift in politics was needed and overdue. His supreme court appointments will benefit this country and require legislation by (surprise!) the legislative branches of government rather than court order and administrative governance. His political platform of nationalism, anti-globalism, immigration reform, trade fairness, being harder on illegal immigration will be front-and-center political issues for decades to come.

He has single handedly brought a generation into being politically engaged. He has exposed the problems of the executive branch of governments that both Bush and Obama abused but now, under Trump, the media cares about. America won't forget when the next President tries these same things. The media can no longer stay silent for those politicians "they like".

Maybe the country needed a power shift away from the President. And maybe it will take someone like Trump to create the rules that not only he will have to follow, but all future Presidents as well. Maybe executive orders were getting too powerful, too expansive, too unconstitutional.

All of these things are good for the county. Our reputation as a country won't be effected one iota after Trump is gone. Hell, the next President could likely be dealing with completely different heads of state throughout Europe (England, France and Germany could all have different prime ministers). Russian and Chinese "interference" via social media will never stop and people will eventually realize their activities have absolutely no bearing on WHO is running for office, it just happens as a matter of course.

Again, not one major political decision Trump has accomplished am I regretting. Every day I thank God, Hillary Clinton isn't President to continue the U.S. down some globalist, socialist dead end of executive orders the "media agrees with" and legislation by the judicial branch via overreaching verdicts.

I could care less about Mueller, Stormy Daniels, campaign finance issues less than $10 million (remember Clinton spent $1 BILLION on the election), and how many adds and trolls Russia uses on Facebook. I could care less if Trump had business contacts in Russia and they said "I have dirt on Clinton" and he listened. In the whole scheme of our republic, that is just not that high on the list of things that will topple our political system (no matter how outraged the media "experts" act). There are so many more important things that will effect day-to-day America (including immigration reform, tax reform, trade negotiations and Middle East foreign policy, free speech infringement, ). No matter what Meuller says, I'm 99% likely just going to file it away as political bullshit inside the beltway trying to play "Gotcha!" on legal nonsense and technicalities. It's clearly under the category "if you look hard enough, you'll find something" type of criminal investigation.
And this latest news really does take the cake. That came out yesterday from a co-producer of Trump's tv shows, worked closely with him for years, that it's a well known fact Trump is a speed freak. Grinding up Aderall and snorting it, it's been Truimp's m.o. for years. Makes perfect sense, explains all the grandiose, erratic behavior, the late night tweets, the narcissism, the paranoia, really everything that Trump has stood for.

A speed snorting, bankrupt real estate developer and reality tv show producer. A morally bankrupt man more than willing to take whatever short cuts he could, in the name of winning. Even if it meant committing treason in the process. That's the horse you all tied your cart to, along with Evangalicals and whatever's left of the GOP.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New- We kinda knew there was a problem. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PreExistingConditions?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#PreExistingConditions</a> <a href="https://t.co/Bk9OO6d77n">pic.twitter.com/Bk9OO6d77n</a></p>— �������������������� (@repeat1968) <a href="https://twitter.com/repeat1968/status/1073594806486601728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Holy ****! I said back during one of the debates, “Is he coked-up?” He kept sniffing throughout the debate.
Lock this ****** up for Fraud Waste and Abuse of government funds

Mueller investigation cost $25 million in first 16 months, report shows

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has spent just over $25 million in his probe of any links between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to a new filing released Friday.

The filing shows that Mueller spent a total of $4.5 million in the six-month period between April and October, with most of the fees going to personnel compensation and benefits. The probe incurred another $4 million in costs to Justice Department components not directly tied to the inquiry.

President Donald Trump has blasted Mueller for the cost of the probe. In June, the president wrote in a post on Twitter that “the Russian Hoax Investigation has now cost our government over $17 million, and going up fast.”

Lock this ****** up for Fraud Waste and Abuse of government funds

Mueller investigation cost $25 million in first 16 months, report shows

Relax. That’s down $15 Million from the $40 Million everyone was recently screeching about.
Witch hunt

IG Report: Mueller Wiped Peter Strzok's Phone Before Giving it to Investigators

Inspector General's report shows FBI agent's iPhone was scrubbed clean

Special Counsel, Robert Mueller's team wiped the iPhone belonging to disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok before it was handed over to investigators, the inspector general's bombshell new report has revealed. Mueller's team scrubbed anti-Trump Agent Strzok's phone of all data and settings after determining "it contained no substantive text messages."




The Witch Hunt is falling apart

Mueller releases Flynn files showing FBI doubts over ‘lying,’ tensions over interview

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team on Friday released key documents relating to the FBI’s questioning of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, confirming agents did not believe at the time Flynn intentionally lied to them

The documents – some of which are heavily redacted – were released in response to U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordering prosecutors to hand over the government's files related to the FBI’s questioning of Flynn by Friday afternoon. The order came after Flynn's legal team said in a filing that the FBI discouraged Flynn from bringing a lawyer to the interview and agents never advised him false statements in that setting could constitute a crime. The newly released documents confirm those claims.
Wiping phones never raises red flags does it ?

Destroying Pat*s tapes , nothing to see.

Hilliary wiping servers, smashing cellphones no big deal.
Wiping phones never raises red flags does it ?

Destroying Pat*s tapes , nothing to see.

Hilliary wiping servers, smashing cellphones no big deal.

It doesn't matter. If it means taking down Trump, you can obstruct justice to your heart's content.
Regardless of the moral character of Trump, I will state time and time again, his Presidency is good for this country. The conservative shift in politics was needed and overdue. His supreme court appointments will benefit this country and require legislation by (surprise!) the legislative branches of government rather than court order and administrative governance. His political platform of nationalism, anti-globalism, immigration reform, trade fairness, being harder on illegal immigration will be front-and-center political issues for decades to come.

He has single handedly brought a generation into being politically engaged. He has exposed the problems of the executive branch of governments that both Bush and Obama abused but now, under Trump, the media cares about. America won't forget when the next President tries these same things. The media can no longer stay silent for those politicians "they like".

Maybe the country needed a power shift away from the President. And maybe it will take someone like Trump to create the rules that not only he will have to follow, but all future Presidents as well. Maybe executive orders were getting too powerful, too expansive, too unconstitutional.

All of these things are good for the county. Our reputation as a country won't be effected one iota after Trump is gone. Hell, the next President could likely be dealing with completely different heads of state throughout Europe (England, France and Germany could all have different prime ministers). Russian and Chinese "interference" via social media will never stop and people will eventually realize their activities have absolutely no bearing on WHO is running for office, it just happens as a matter of course.

Again, not one major political decision Trump has accomplished am I regretting. Every day I thank God, Hillary Clinton isn't President to continue the U.S. down some globalist, socialist dead end of executive orders the "media agrees with" and legislation by the judicial branch via overreaching verdicts.

I could care less about Mueller, Stormy Daniels, campaign finance issues less than $10 million (remember Clinton spent $1 BILLION on the election), and how many adds and trolls Russia uses on Facebook. I could care less if Trump had business contacts in Russia and they said "I have dirt on Clinton" and he listened. In the whole scheme of our republic, that is just not that high on the list of things that will topple our political system (no matter how outraged the media "experts" act). There are so many more important things that will effect day-to-day America (including immigration reform, tax reform, trade negotiations and Middle East foreign policy, free speech infringement, ). No matter what Meuller says, I'm 99% likely just going to file it away as political bullshit inside the beltway trying to play "Gotcha!" on legal nonsense and technicalities. It's clearly under the category "if you look hard enough, you'll find something" type of criminal investigation.

Really good insight & points. If you get past Trump the character, the actual situation isn't dire or anything even close to what the MSM, liberal establishment & SJW crusaders have been incessantly crying about.

Re: an Adderall habit, the signs are there. Workaholic, little sleep, goes on some rants etc. But again, politicians are morally bankrupt people and they have been since the Sumerians created politics/system of governing. The Romans did things that might make some 'corrupt' politicians of this age blush. And then there are the totalitarian and communist regimes where any sane human being would say "Wow, that's pretty ****** up."
Wiping phones never raises red flags does it ?

Destroying Pat*s tapes , nothing to see.

Hilliary wiping servers, smashing cellphones no big deal.

Ask SN residents Trog, Tibs or 21 and see what they say about it. They always have something to say about the current administration the minute something 'breaks'.
It is pretty funny, like trying to disown years of denials, falsehoods and personal attacks is going to change anything. Maybe someone should download and save that entire thread. Some folks may find it too uncomfortable and too much of a burden to go back and read all their lies and cheap shots. Same can be said for the whole Trump presidency. It's really brought out the utter dumbass in a lot of otherwise normal people.

One thing that won't change, that has stood the test of time, is what I've claimed from the very beginning.

What's funny is there are like 278 pages over almost 2 years of a lot of bullshit, and a lot from Never-Trumpers, with nary a 'Russian Collusion' burger to bite into. You really think that thread will make conservatives, or anyone not apart of the group-think 'woke' crew, look bad? LMAO.

In the coming years, there should be a bronze statue erected of Christopher Steele somewhere on the WH grounds.

Wow. That's all.
Wow. That's all.

The left has become morally bankrupt over the past few decades.They will rail against capital punishment, yet support the right to kill innocent babies.They are now pushing socialism, a system that has never been successful. I find myself saying "wow" a lot, and wondering how the hell did we get here.
I'll sum the entire thing up in less than 30 seconds. They have nothing on Trump. They just want to get him on record in hopes he'll contradict himself than scream purge and use that for impeachment.

So Mr. Trump, keep your mouth shut. We have yet to hear from the defense here, only the boobs in the media that are anti-Trump.
The left has become morally bankrupt over the past few decades.They will rail against capital punishment, yet support the right to kill innocent babies.They are now pushing socialism, a system that has never been successful. I find myself saying "wow" a lot, and wondering how the hell did we get here.

Because over the years we've been indoctrinated that while it maybe my fault, it's not my fault that it's my fault.

No one is responsible for anything and we all get that trophy. Do this long enough and everyone votes for Bernie.
Ahhhh, the Trump clan is as steadfast and loyal as ever. How shocking. After supporting a lying, cheating, deceitful and shameful two-bit politican for two years running, they declare him above the law and consider him a 'victim' in this entire process. Love this board, really helps get a glimpse inside the minds of the Trump base.

Ahhhh, the Trump clan is as steadfast and loyal as ever. How shocking. After supporting a lying, cheating, decietful and shameful two-bit politican for two years running, they declare him above the law and consider him a 'victim' in this entire process. Love this board, really helps get a glimpse inside the minds of the Trump base.

Why did several Liberals in government and the media publicly state that they would make sure Trump was impeached for something as soon as the election was over? Literally immediately. I'm just curious about your take on it. I actually find it sort of cute when you pretend you don't understand why non Progressives would find this entire process troubling or suspicious considering that's when and why it began. Unfortunately your case of TDS along with the entire Left has become so advanced, it has completely eaten away your rational minds leaving only hate behind. What we are witnessing is a 2 year long temper tantrum over a completely unexpected defeat. Just like a child in middle of a tantrum, there is no reason or rationality to be found. There is only mindless, automatic outrage.
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Ahhhh, the Trump clan is as steadfast and loyal as ever. How shocking. After supporting a lying, cheating, deceitful and shameful two-bit politican for two years running, they declare him above the law and consider him a 'victim' in this entire process. Love this board, really helps get a glimpse inside the minds of the Trump base.

We all find happiness in different ways. You find it by obsessing over this fantasy, and that's ok.

Tibs...you have the DOJ, FBI, MSM, Silicon Valley, Academia, Hollywood, activist judges, NY AG, Creepy Porn Lawyers, and Dems.......all trying to take this President down. And all you have to show for it is internet memes. I laugh at them, and applaud their creativity. Keep up the good work.
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkirbyjwilson%2Fvideos%2F10218276508526323%2F&show_text=0&width=560" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Hmmm, Trump's prospects sound pretty rosy!

Looking forward to the next few months, particularly when Adam Schiff takes over. I hear he's been a busy man getting ready to hit the re-set button on that House Intelligence Committee.

As is made clear in the video, Trump's facing so many investigations and criminal charges, it's a minor miracle this man remains in office, on any level, much less the presidency.
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<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkirbyjwilson%2Fvideos%2F10218276508526323%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Hmmm, Trump's propects sound pretty rosy!

Looking forward to the next few months, particularly when Adam Schiff takes over. I hear he's been a busy man getting ready to hit the re-set button on that House Intelligence Committee.

As is made clear in the video, Trump's facing so many investigations and criminal charges, it's a minor miracle this man remains in office, on any level, much less the presidency.

**** the country, let's get Trump.
Yeah, that is going to play well in middle America.

In your video, aren't those the same dumbasses that said Trump couldn't win?
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<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkirbyjwilson%2Fvideos%2F10218276508526323%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Hmmm, Trump's propects sound pretty rosy!

Looking forward to the next few months, particularly when Adam Schiff takes over. I hear he's been a busy man getting ready to hit the re-set button on that House Intelligence Committee.

As is made clear in the video, Trump's facing so many investigations and criminal charges, it's a minor miracle this man remains in office, on any level, much less the presidency.

The great minds at MSNBC said it, so it must be true!

Do you ever ask yourself how this 30 year criminal enterprise by one of the highest profile people in the country completely escaped the notice of the IRS and every other law enforcement agency for long? This "bottom of the barrel" criminal real estate developer and sexual assaulter and his family seemed to have been fully accepted by New York society, warmly embraced by Hollywood celebrities, not so much as a whiff of a complaint from anyone about his personal or business related behavior until he committed the unforgivable sin of seeking the Republican nomination for the presidency.

Does that ever give you pause?
The great minds at MSNBC said it, so it must be true!

Do you ever ask yourself how this 30 year criminal enterprise by one of the highest profile people in the country completely escaped the notice of the IRS and every other law enforcement agency for long? This "bottom of the barrel" criminal real estate developer and sexual assaulter and his family seemed to have been fully accepted by New York society, warmly embraced by Hollywood celebrities, not so much as a whiff of a complaint from anyone about his personal or business related behavior until he committed the unforgivable sin of seeking the Republican nomination for the presidency.

Does that ever give you pause?

It should but it doesn't. TDS rots brain cells and destroys logical thinking capabilities.
Donny Douche -
Donny Deutsch, former CNBC host of “The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch,” ad executive, and co-author—interestingly enough—of a motivational book called “Often Wrong, Never in Doubt: Unleash the Business Rebel Within,” has been ordered to pay $1.2 million plus interest to Sotheby’s International Realty after allegedly stiffing a broker on the commission for a $30 million sale in East Hampton.

Sotheby’s claimed that Mr. Deutsch had breached his contract with broker Edward Petrie in selling 12 and 14 Tyson Lane to Howard Marks in 2010. According to State Supreme Court documents, Mr. Petrie facilitated the sale in several ways, including by visiting the property with Mr. Marks, his wife, Nancy Marks, and their decorator, Michael Smith.

Mr. Deutsch’s attorneys argued that the visit took place after Mr. Petrie was advised that any negotiations would proceed through a friend of Mr. Deutsch, but Justice Charles E. Ramos noted that it was not until after Mr. Petrie had advised Mr. Deutsch that Mr. Marks was interested in the property that Mr. Deutsch began to speak directly with Mr. Marks. In fact, the justice found that Sotheby’s and Mr. Petrie had been deliberately excluded from negotiations, and that an attempt had been made by Mr. Deutsch’s attorney, Lisa LaRocca, to “paper over” his claim to a commission.

“This court considers that and refusal to acknowledge plaintiff as the broker to be marks of dishonesty and greed,” Justice Ramos wrote in a decision dated October 21. “Both characteristics are particularly unbecoming when exhibited by those blessed with great wealth.”

The great minds at MSNBC said it, so it must be true!

Do you ever ask yourself how this 30 year criminal enterprise by one of the highest profile people in the country completely escaped the notice of the IRS and every other law enforcement agency for long? This "bottom of the barrel" criminal real estate developer and sexual assaulter and his family seemed to have been fully accepted by New York society, warmly embraced by Hollywood celebrities, not so much as a whiff of a complaint from anyone about his personal or business related behavior until he committed the unforgivable sin of seeking the Republican nomination for the presidency.

Does that ever give you pause?

Your objectivity will go over like the head turn of a dog hearing a new noise for the first time to our board libs. Thanks