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Trump Impeachment Thread

What witch hunt?

Incoming NY State AG admits her plan to find a crime by Trump or ‘anyone in his orbit’

Another Democrat has revealed her totalitarian impulse under the malign influence of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Letitia James, who will take office as attorney general of the State of New York, has just admitted to the friendly folks at NBC News that she is channeling Lavrenty Beria, Stalin’s notorious secret police head, who famously said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”



“The Trump Impeachment Thread” - A fresh start when there’s way too much embarrassingly clueless denial in the “And So it Begins: Special Prosecutor to Investigate Trump and Russia” Thread.

Two years of "THE NOOSE IS TIGHTENING!!!!!!! gets old. Kind of like Katsung's drivel.

We all know that if Mueller had something, there would have been fireworks. He doesn't, just a bunch of process crimes, to squeeze testimony. If you can't see this, try rubbing both of your brain cells together to generate intellect.

It is now about creating an impeachment narrative. Been saying this for a year.
What witch hunt?

Incoming NY State AG admits her plan to find a crime by Trump or ‘anyone in his orbit’

Another Democrat has revealed her totalitarian impulse under the malign influence of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Letitia James, who will take office as attorney general of the State of New York, has just admitted to the friendly folks at NBC News that she is channeling Lavrenty Beria, Stalin’s notorious secret police head, who famously said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”


Isn't this what they do in totalitarian regimes, and banana republics?

Then you have this guy............an elected official that wants to ban free speech. WTF is happening in this country?!?!?!

Where did you get that from? Someone breaking the law on your behalf and you not knowing about it is not the same as telling someone to do something not knowing it is illegal.

What is the point of a law if a person’s ignorance can be a valid defense?

It is how John Edwards got off.
How much did Obama bribe the gay members of his bath house Man's Country in Chicago to shut up ?
LOL! “The Trump Impeachment Thread” - A fresh start when there’s way too much embarrassingly clueless denial in the “And So it Begins: Special Prosecutor to Investigate Trump and Russia” Thread.
It is pretty funny, like trying to disown years of denials, falsehoods and personal attacks is going to change anything. Maybe someone should download and save that entire thread. Some folks may find it too uncomfortable and too much of a burden to go back and read all their lies and cheap shots. Same can be said for the whole Trump presidency. It's really brought out the utter dumbass in a lot of otherwise normal people.

One thing that won't change, that has stood the test of time, is what I've claimed from the very beginning.

It turns out that the Steele Dossier is actually a crystal ball that is correctly predicting exactly what Mueller finds.

Maybe Christopher Steele, who was known as one of the best intelligence officers in the world, actually is one of the best intelligence officers in the world!

Ah yes, the Steele dossier. That will be fun, going back to read all the measured, intelligent analysis from the Trump cult, on what they thought about the Steele dossier back in the day.

That was their fatal step. By dismissing the dossier out of hand - as Trump was urging them to do - they were off on a wild, runaway peek-a-boo choo-choo train which ignored all facts and findings of the intelligence community, the FBI and the DOJ.

In the coming years, there should be a bronze statue erected of Christopher Steele somewhere on the WH grounds.
It turns out that the Steele Dossier is actually a crystal ball that is correctly predicting exactly what Mueller finds.

Maybe Christopher Steele, who was known as one of the best intelligence officers in the world, actually is one of the best intelligence officers in the world!

Are you aware that Comey just testified that the dossier was unverified and remained unverified by the time he was fired?

Can you name something in the Steele dossier that's been proven true about Trump? One thing?
You could see this coming.

I will say this. If the guy did stuff he wasn't supposed to do as part of his campaign, then there needs to be some sort of reckoning. Whether it is impeachment, indictment, censure or whatever. The more I read, the less I think his hands are clean, although it remains to be seen how dirty his hands are. With this group (Trump, Cohen, Manafort, Flynn), they have all been dishonest in some manner through this stuff, so I don't know what the truth is or isn't, and I don't know how you trust any of what they say anymore. Add to that Mueller's record of dishonest prosecutions, and you have what we have now: a full on governmental **** show. I guess it will be in what you want to believe.

I guess we shall see what happens. I am neither hopeful nor resigned. I will just wait and see what charges come, if any, and gather as much information about all of it that I can. I know the mob has already convicted the guy of JFK's death, but I like to form my own opinions on these things. Just hope the country comes through all of it better than before.
If you stick a Mueller anal probe up just about any major candidate's ***, you will find campaign finance violations. Deep state operating in full view.
If you stick a Mueller anal probe up just about any major candidate's ***, you will find campaign finance violations. Deep state operating in full view.

No doubt. And if you take two years or whatever to investigate anyone in governmental leadership, I bet you would find all manner of unsavory and likely illegal ****.
It is pretty funny, like trying to disown years of denials, falsehoods and personal attacks is going to change anything. Maybe someone should download and save that entire thread. Some folks may find it too uncomfortable and too much of a burden to go back and read all their lies and cheap shots. Same can be said for the whole Trump presidency. It's really brought out the utter dumbass in a lot of otherwise normal people.

One thing that won't change, that has stood the test of time, is what I've claimed from the very beginning.

Ah yes, the Steele dossier. That will be fun, going back to read all the measured, intelligent analysis from the Trump cult, on what they thought about the Steele dossier back in the day.

That was their fatal step. By dismissing the dossier out of hand - as Trump was urging them to do - they were off on a wild, runaway peek-a-boo choo-choo train which ignored all facts and findings of the intelligence community, the FBI and the DOJ.

In the coming years, there should be a bronze statue erected of Christopher Steele somewhere on the WH grounds.

Will it be next to the Avenatti Statue?
It is pretty funny, like trying to disown years of denials, falsehoods and personal attacks is going to change anything. Maybe someone should download and save that entire thread. Some folks may find it too uncomfortable and too much of a burden to go back and read all their lies and cheap shots. Same can be said for the whole Trump presidency. It's really brought out the utter dumbass in a lot of otherwise normal people.

One thing that won't change, that has stood the test of time, is what I've claimed from the very beginning.

Ah yes, the Steele dossier. That will be fun, going back to read all the measured, intelligent analysis from the Trump cult, on what they thought about the Steele dossier back in the day.

That was their fatal step. By dismissing the dossier out of hand - as Trump was urging them to do - they were off on a wild, runaway peek-a-boo choo-choo train which ignored all facts and findings of the intelligence community, the FBI and the DOJ.

In the coming years, there should be a bronze statue erected of Christopher Steele somewhere on the WH grounds.

You stupid dick. I think you say this inane bullshit just for attention. You probably need to get laid.
I am always a bit skeptical about Judge Nap's opinions.

I never watch Fox News, but I hear that old poofter went totally over to the dark side when his "lover" died, now hes a LGBT fanatic

Alan Dershowitz said there was nothing illegal with the campaign contributions that Trump made... that he could have put in a billion dollars of his own, if he wanted
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This whole thing stinks to high Democrats! Been two years and nothing yet to link Trump to Russia. Still nothing even shows Russia did anything. All the people that have been charged that where around Trump, doesn’t have anything to do with Russian probe. They are from things that happened years ago!
This was all started when Obama had NSA spying in Trump in his own office, before the election. He got caught so had to use the LEFTIST MEDIA to stir up the whole Russian connection lie!
Why is it that where WIKI LEAKS got Clinton’s “incriminating” emails that showed she BROKE THE LAW, is more important then proof she was guilty???? No one going after her!!! WHY??????? Could it be because she is a Democrat????

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
If they try real hard they might be able to scrape some of Trump's DNA of the sidewalk in New York. That would prove once and for all that he did break the law and spit on the sidewalk.
Like we needed another thread to prove beyond any doubt the Trump base is willing - and certainly able - to go down with a sinking ship. A few years from now some of you may look back and question your life choices. And for some, this race to the bottom was simply destiny. Nothing you could do - or want to do - to change course. The Trump man-love and adulation was matched by sheer blindness and a new level of inane stubbornness. Whichever the case, the fall-out won’t be a pretty sight.
Will it be next to the Avenatti Statue?

Same thing I thought when I read that last sentence. He's trolling really hard at this point is all I can come up with.
And this latest news really does take the cake. That came out yesterday from a co-producer of Trump's tv shows, worked closely with him for years, that it's a well known fact Trump is a speed freak. Grinding up Aderall and snorting it, it's been Truimp's m.o. for years. Makes perfect sense, explains all the grandiose, erratic behavior, the late night tweets, the narcissism, the paranoia, really everything that Trump has stood for.

A speed snorting, bankrupt real estate developer and reality tv show producer. A morally bankrupt man more than willing to take whatever short cuts he could, in the name of winning. Even if it meant committing treason in the process. That's the horse you all tied your cart to, along with Evangalicals and whatever's left of the GOP.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New- We kinda knew there was a problem. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PreExistingConditions?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#PreExistingConditions</a> <a href="https://t.co/Bk9OO6d77n">pic.twitter.com/Bk9OO6d77n</a></p>— &#55349;&#56363;&#55349;&#56350;&#55349;&#56361;&#55349;&#56350;&#55349;&#56346;&#55349;&#56365;&#55349;&#57295;&#55349;&#57303;&#55349;&#57300;&#55349;&#57302; (@repeat1968) <a href="https://twitter.com/repeat1968/status/1073594806486601728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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And this latest news really does take the cake. That came out yesterday from a co-producer of Trump's tv shows, worked closely with him for years, that it's a well known fact Trump is a speed freak. Grinding up Aderall and snorting it, it's been Truimp's m.o. for years. Makes perfect sense, explains all the grandiose, erratic behavior, the late night tweets, the narcissism, the paranoia, really everything that Trump has stood for.

A speed snorting, bankrupt real estate developer and reality tv show producer. A morally bankrupt man more than willing to take whatever short cuts he could, in the name of winning. Even if it meant committing treason in the process. That's the horse you all tied your cart to, along with Evangalicals and whatever's left of the GOP.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New- We kinda knew there was a problem. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PreExistingConditions?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#PreExistingConditions</a> <a href="https://t.co/Bk9OO6d77n">pic.twitter.com/Bk9OO6d77n</a></p>— �������������������� (@repeat1968) <a href="https://twitter.com/repeat1968/status/1073594806486601728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 14, 2018</a></blockquote>
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you're welcome. by us voting Trump in, your little red wagon is tied to this as well.
better that than...

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y" width="480" height="258" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/wow-shocked-hillary-clinton-l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y">.....</a></p>

but you go right on ahead, believing that the idiots in Hollywood (never trumpers) would have even a single thing to say about President Trump. Since, if they did, they would be ostracized from the workplace and be blackballed forever going forward.
you're welcome. by us voting Trump in, your little red wagon is tied to this as well.
better that than...

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y" width="480" height="258" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/wow-shocked-hillary-clinton-l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y">.....</a></p>

but you go right on ahead, believing that the idiots in Hollywood (never trumpers) would have even a single thing to say about President Trump. Since, if they did, they would be ostracized from the workplace and be blackballed forever going forward.

Snowflake Tibs is especially triggered today. The severe TDS is fun to watch.