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Trump Impeachment Thread

Proves once again how you are so out of touch.

If that chart is accurate, all it proves is the country's brightest minds and most vested, experienced prosecutors are mostly Democrats. Mueller assembled a team with the highest qualifications in the fields of prosecuting corruption, money-laundering, espionage, obstruction of justice and racketeering. These were the folks who had a proven track record of the highest merit. Read their individual bio's and show me how any of them are unqualified.

Other than that, it's just hapless tears from a snowflakey Trump base that can't face reality or stand the truth. Much like their Dear Leader, with his daily hissy-fit, mental breakdowns.
When Trump is "cleared", you will accept in the form of not showing up on this board for a few months. You have a record of it.

Proves once again how you are so out of touch...as irrelevant as you are.
As 'out of touch' and 'irrelevant' as you think I am, at least I take the time to research information before blindly posting partisan bullshit, hoping it will stick.

The special counsel team is composed of veteran white-collar lawyers and prosecutors who are among the most respected in the legal world. They have a broad range of experience in fraud, public corruption, cyber and terrorism cases. Legal analysts have said previously that they could see no significant legal or ethical concerns with the team members' political giving, and they noted that Justice Department policies prohibit discrimination in hiring for career positions on the basis of politics.

Lawyers at the Justice Department — from which Mueller drew the bulk of his team — are generally thought to be left-leaning, while the FBI is generally thought of as a more conservative institution. FBI agents are intimately involved in the work Mueller is doing, though their identities and donation and voter registration histories are not known.

Trump can holler to the moon and back that this is a left-wing, partisan attack, but that doesn't make it so. It is simply yet another diversionary tactic of a sad, desperate man and his sad, desperate fan base.
I can't help you if you don't see the type of legal jeopardy Trump is in currently. I love the m.o. on this board, you cross your arms and say, 'prove to me the sun is shining, I'll sit back and wait."

Trump's under multiple investigations and has been implicated in the Cohen case. He's is in legal jeopardy on multiple fronts, wether you accept it or not. There is a reason for all of this, it's not happening out of thin air, or accidently, or because of some wackadoo, deep state witch hunt.

I wrote 'it seems' he's been breaking laws at a breakneck speed over the past decades. I deducted that simply from the multiple, layered and intertwined federal and state investigations he's currently facing.

But of course, innocent until proven guilty. I get it, you guys are perfectly content to sit back and pretend Trump is the living embodiment of the cardinal four virtues - prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.

And mock and ridicule those who take offense of his paranoid, unstable and belligerent behavior, his business and poltiical malfeasance and complete lack of morals and ethics. The criminality part - as far as exactly what charges and sentencing he'll face once the investigations wrap up - will be made clear.

Until then, enjoy this 'squeaky clean' President of yours, while it lasts.

LOL, so yeah, a whole lot of words that say basically, "I've got nothing".

Once again I ask you, how does it "seem" that he's been breaking laws at breakneck speed? Which laws? And why has no one ever noticed before now? Do you really think the IRS doesn't ever look into the financial dealings of someone like Donald Trump? Don't you think if he was breaking laws at breakneck speed someone might have had an inkling of it before now?

You won't answer that because you can't.

I've been very balanced in my view of Trump's behavior. I don't like a lot of it, and I will say so. I will also say that if and when there is proof that he broke the law (and not this ridiculous stretch of "campaign finance violation" but an actual, serious crime) I will be the first to welcome in President Pence. You just spew page after page of unsupported innuendo without a shred of proof.

Mock and ridicule? You're the king of that here so I laughed out loud to read you of all people complaining about it.

And by the way try reading comprehension. I said he is likely NOT "squeaky clean". But you like to twist what people say to fit into your hysteria.
Thank you President Trump, for exposing the left wing media for the Democratic propaganda machine that it is. Thank you also for exposing the lemming class, libtard zombies it produces, and continues to blindly file in lockstep. We see that clearly on display in this thread.
I will be the first to welcome in President Pence. You just spew page after page of unsupported innuendo without a shred of proof.
Here's some more unsupported innuendo without a shred of proof. Mike Pence won't survive these investigations either. He's neck deep in everything Flynn and Manafort were up to. So, at that point, I guess you could amend your sentence to say you'll be first to welcome President Pelosi.
Yeah, the scary thing about this is no successful business person will probably ever run for office again. The precedent has been set...if you don't like the results of an election just open up investigations into anything and everything that person has ever come into contact with.... Elections will no longer mean anything if interested parties on the inside of government are allowed to use their power to overturn election results they don't like. No matter which side of the aisle you are on, this should scare the hell out of you.

Just make sure you start that investigation several months prior to the election... and several months later, when the Director of the FBI gets fired, hope that a special prosecutor that shares your agenda gets appointed.

It’s so entertaining how people here use Mueller’s findings to both accuse him of being a corrupt investigator and other times, absolve Trump or suggest the Clintons will be indicted as a result of the probe. Pick a ******* narrative already!
What the **** has Mueller being a Republican have to do with anything? Please explain.

It makes your conspiracy theory of political motivation that much more far fetched, does it not? Trump ran as a Republican, not a member of an independent alt-right party. Most Republicans have defended or supported him in varying degrees. Regardless, I find it telling that the relevance of Mueller’s political party was seemingly the only issue you had with my assessment.
Here's some more unsupported innuendo without a shred of proof. Mike Pence won't survive these investigations either. He's neck deep in everything Flynn and Manafort were up to. So, at that point, I guess you could amend your sentence to say you'll be first to welcome President Pelosi.

Wow......that is one hell of a reach, lol. Just because it is a recurring wet dream for you doesn't mean there is any chance in hell it's ever going to happen.
Wow......that is one hell of a reach, lol. Just because it is a recurring wet dream for you doesn't mean there is any chance in hell it's ever going to happen.

Hey, we're currently posting in a 'Trump Impeachment' thread, who would have ever thought any of this was possible. Pence was the head of the transition team, engaged heavily with Flynn and was pushed for hard by Manafort to be appointed VP. So you tell me how much of a wet dream it is. It's not my wet dream, that's for sure. Just think a lot of people don't realize how deeply Pence is involved in all this, for better or worse.
Hey, we're currently posting in a 'Trump Impeachment' thread, who would have ever thought any of this was possible. Pence was the head of the transition team, engaged heavily with Flynn and was pushed for hard by Manafort to be appointed VP. So you tell me how much of a wet dream it is. It's not my wet dream, that's for sure. Just think a lot of people don't realize how deeply Pence is involved in all this, for better or worse.

Ha ha ha. You have really gone off the deep end.
Tibs is ******* psycho. He’s in the “danger to himself and others” category of crazy. Paranoid, delusional ************. I wouldn’t let friends or family members anywhere near that nut job.
Tibs is ******* psycho. He’s in the “danger to himself and others” category of crazy. Paranoid, delusional ************. I wouldn’t let friends or family members anywhere near that nut job.
Ha ha, that's rich. Here is how I see you every time I read your idiotic posts. You are literally the personification of Alex Jones. Far right, unhinged nut job. Have a great Sunday, Indy!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Things are obviously going well for Alex Jones. <a href="https://t.co/f9CjDHQkEg">pic.twitter.com/f9CjDHQkEg</a></p>— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) <a href="https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1073975002804948993?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Just make sure you start that investigation several months prior to the election.

Once again, the investigation was started based on unverified, paid, opposition research...headed up by a man who had just finished clearing Hillary of any wrongdoing and who had texted people to say how much he hates Trump and that Trump must be stopped.

But clearly these aren't things we should worry our little heads about...
Once again, the investigation was started based on unverified, paid, opposition research...headed up by a man who had just finished clearing Hillary of any wrongdoing and who had texted people to say how much he hates Trump and that Trump must be stopped.

Take a deep breath and review the facts and events leading up to the election. Again, all of this happened before Trump became President. Amazing how some of you still do not understand why this investigation got off the ground. No wonder you're so quick to accept Trump's narrative, regardless of how disengaged it is from reality.

June 2015 - Donald Trump, a wealthy real estate developer and reality TV personality, announces his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination.

March 2016 - Around this date, Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU, begins a cyber campaign aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential election, according to U.S. intelligence agencies.

April 2016 - Trump foreign policy aide George Papadopoulos meets with an academic who has just returned from Moscow. The academic tells Papadopoulos that the Russians have obtained dirt on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, including “thousands of emails.”

June 9, 2016 - Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign manager Paul Manafort meet at Trump Tower in New York with a Russian lawyer and others. Emails later made public show Trump Jr. believed he would receive information harmful to Clinton.

July 5, 2016 - Former British spy Christopher Steele, who was investigating Trump’s Russia connections in an effort paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), briefs an FBI agent on his findings.

July 22, 2016 - On the eve of the Democratic presidential nominating convention at which Clinton became her party’s nominee, WikiLeaks releases 44,000 emails hacked from the DNC. The content of some of the emails prompts the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Late July 2016 - The FBI begins a counter-intelligence investigation of Russian meddling in the election.

Aug. 19, 2016 - Manafort resigns as Trump’s campaign chairman following news reports of his business dealings in Ukraine.

Sept. 5, 2016 - U.S. President Barack Obama meets Russian President Vladimir Putin during a G-20 summit in China and warns him of a strong response if Russia’s meddling continues.

Oct. 7, 2016 - Within an hour of the airing of an “Access Hollywood” video in which Trump talks in vulgar terms about women, WikiLeaks begins serial publication of thousands of private emails belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Office of Director of National Intelligence issue a statement that for the first time publicly blames Russia for the election-related computer hacks.
I bet the most common phrase uttered by your wife is “Shut the **** up Tibs.”

The most common phrase uttered by your wife is "Ooooh, Tibs. Don't stop, Tibs. Finally a man, a real man....I've been dreaming about this for years."
He used money to pay a ***** to keep her mouth shut. Most men pay a ***** to open her mouth.
MODS: Can you one of you please rename this thread to WATCH: OFTB ***** Slaps Tibs. Four pages ago it stopped being about Trump Impeachment and decidedly turned into a one-sided beat down.

MODS: Can you one of you please rename this thread to WATCH: OFTB ***** Slaps Tibs. Four pages ago it stopped being about Trump Impeachment and decidedly turned into a one-sided beat down. Thanks!

As Tim frantically rubs one out, huffing under his breath. Geez, I think you have Tibs Derangement syndrome, your preoccupation with me is becoming legendary. And not in a good way. LOL I see I've now completely moved into your head, given I dominate your profile pic and your sig line. Would you like me to send you a self portrait you can hang over your bed? You really ought to find a new hobby, something a lot less cringy than espousing your sweaty man love for liberal posters on this board. Yikes. This place is beginning to give me the creeps.
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You think Trump is just going to sit quietly by as liberal trash try and impeach him ? Will be great watching him unveil trash on Obama the Clintons and the **** Maxine Waters and Schumer etc. This will not end well for the Dems once again. They still don't understand his survival ability and the hatred for the left. Watch a little of Paris burning right now to see what happens when people have enough of over taxing over reaching government.Fuvk the Dems

It was one of the most incendiary allegations included in the Clinton-financed opposition research known as the Steele dossier – that Donald Trump’s fixer Michael Cohen met with “Kremlin officials” in Prague in 2016 to arrange payments to operatives hacking Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Despite strong denials from Cohen, the claim has shadowed the president, inspiring and coloring the Russia investigation ever since. McClatchy reported in April that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had obtained evidence of the Prague trip and likely confirmed the secret meeting.

But a flurry of court filings by Mueller last week suggests that this story is false, a damaging piece of disinformation that has roiled the nation for two years.

Officials familiar with the case said the proof is in the lack of evidence in the 25 pages of court papers Mueller has filed on Cohen over the past two weeks. The alleged Prague visit is not evident in the plea agreement, the criminal information statement or the sentencing memorandum, none of which contain redactions.

In fact, language in the filings strongly indicates prosecutors have not found evidence to authenticate the Prague rumor, according to people familiar with the case, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information.

They point to the sentencing memo filed Friday, for starters. On page 5, Mueller stated that Cohen "has provided relevant and truthful information” about "his own contacts with Russian interests during the campaign” to prosecutors in their investigation of Russian election interference. Though Mueller details contacts Cohen made with various Russians, he offers no evidence he contacted Kremlin officials in Prague, as described in the dossier. The Czech city, in fact, is not cited in any of his filings, though Moscow, St. Petersburg, Davos and other cities are.

Prosecutors corroborated the information Cohen provided about his Russia contacts with evidence — including travel records — they seized from him.

In addition, Cohen pleaded guilty last month to a single count of providing false testimony to Congress related to a Moscow real estate venture – which suggests there was no reason for him to correct his September 2017 statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee claiming, “I have never in my life been to Prague or to anywhere in the Czech Republic.”

In that same sworn testimony, Cohen also categorically denied plotting with Russian officials to hack the election.

"I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to hack or interfere with the election,” Cohen told the Senate. "I emphatically state that I had nothing to do with any Russian involvement in our electoral process.”

He added that he saw “not a hint of anything” that demonstrated Trump’s involvement in Russian interference in the election, either.

The Prague allegation is one of the most specific claims in the Steele dossier, a piece of opposition research compiled by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele and paid for by the Clinton campaign. Although former FBI Director James Comey has called the dossier “salacious and unverified,” Mueller's team has relied on it as a road map in its investigation, and even traveled to London to debrief its author.

The Prague claim was cited in three unconfirmed, hearsay reports written by Steele between October and December 2016. They alleged that Cohen visited the Czech capital to clandestinely meet with "Kremlin officials” and hackers in August 2016 to arrange “deniable cash payments to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the Clinton campaign.” The reports further state that “three colleagues” accompanied Cohen to Prague.

Cohen has offered his passport to show he has never traveled to Prague – nor even left the country during the time alleged.

Steele hasn't worked in Moscow since the 1990s and didn’t travel there to gather intelligence on Cohen or Trump firsthand. He relied on third-hand “friend of friend” sourcing.

The Prague rumor was sourced to an anonymous “friend" of an unnamed “Kremlin insider." If that claim of Russian origin is true, the Prague rumor stands as a highly successful piece of Russian disinformation channeled through the Clinton campaign.

The rumor has spawned more than 900 full stories on it or articles in which it was mentioned in the media since it first circulated more than two years ago, according to a search of the Nexis news database. The most sensational report was last April when a McClatchy report said Mueller had evidence that Cohen “secretly made a late-summer trip” there during the 2016 presidential campaign. “If Cohen met with Russians and hackers in Prague as described in the dossier,” the article stated, “it would provide perhaps the most compelling evidence to date that the Russians and Trump campaign aides were collaborating."

McClatchy’s story was based on two anonymous sources who do not appear to be from Mueller’s office, which tried to steer reporters off the story. After NBC and other major media could not confirm the story, one of its authors, Greg Gordon, told NBC he stood by it.

“We stand by it and, of course, we’ll find out what happens, presumably,” he said during the May interview. "If Michael Cohen ends up becoming a government witness, we might find out more.”

Gordon did not respond to questions checking whether he still stands by the story in light of Mueller's plea agreement with Cohen. His co-author, Peter Stone, could not be reached for comment.

Sources say that though Cohen may have lied about the timeline of a Moscow real estate venture, he appears to have been telling the truth about Prague.

“Cohen may be a convicted liar, but he’s not an agent of the Kremlin -- that much is now clear from the court pleadings,” said a U.S official with direct knowledge of the case.

He noted that Mueller’s failure to substantiate the Prague rumor deals a "devastating blow" to the credibility of the dossier, which was used by the FBI to justify spying on at least one Trump campaign aide. “That was pretty much the heart of the whole thing,” he said.
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