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Trump Impeachment Thread

As Tim frantically rubs one out, huffing under his breath. Geez, I think you have Tibs Derangement syndrome, your preoccupation with me is becoming legendary. And not in a good way. LOL I see I've now completely moved into your head, given I dominate your profile pic and your sig line. Would you like me to send you a self portrait you can hang over your bed? You really ought to find a new hobby, something a lot less cringy than espousing your sweaty man love for liberal posters on this board. Yikes. This place is beginning to give me the creeps.

Believe me, I take IMMENSE pride in showcasing the idiocy of your never-ending ridiculous posts on this board. Consider my avatar and signature monuments to some of your best moments.

It is an honor, I assure you.
Ha ha, that's rich. Here is how I see you every time I read your idiotic posts. You are literally the personification of Alex Jones. Far right, unhinged nut job. Have a great Sunday, Indy!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Things are obviously going well for Alex Jones. <a href="https://t.co/f9CjDHQkEg">pic.twitter.com/f9CjDHQkEg</a></p>— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) <a href="https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1073975002804948993?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It’s no coincidence that before Alex Jones there was televangelists. Loud, often angry, authoritarians that attracted worshippers who wouldn’t think to question them or their “Do as I say, not as I do” reality. This kind of crazy isn’t new.
It’s no coincidence that before Alex Jones there was televangelists. Loud, often angry, authoritarians that attracted worshippers who wouldn’t think to question them or their “Do as I say, not as I do” reality. This kind of crazy isn’t new.
Certainly not, and you have quite a collection here at SN exhibiting this mindset and behavior. Margaret Mead would have loved this place, peeking into the abyss of the human condition. The alt right has unfortunately taken a lot of people hostage, a form of mental slavery. Too bad. Hope they can break free at some point.
Can't answer simple factual questions so you start bringing up Alex Jones, televangelists and alt-righters. I'm sure neo-Nazis will be next.

I would say you two are masters of deflection but masters wouldn't be so transparent and obvious.
As Tim frantically rubs one out, huffing under his breath. Geez, I think you have Tibs Derangement syndrome, your preoccupation with me is becoming legendary. And not in a good way. LOL I see I've now completely moved into your head, given I dominate your profile pic and your sig line. Would you like me to send you a self portrait you can hang over your bed? You really ought to find a new hobby, something a lot less cringy than espousing your sweaty man love for liberal posters on this board. Yikes. This place is beginning to give me the creeps.

Oh brother.

Ha ha, that's rich. Here is how I see you every time I read your idiotic posts. You are literally the personification of Alex Jones. Far right, unhinged nut job. Have a great Sunday, Indy!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Things are obviously going well for Alex Jones. <a href="https://t.co/f9CjDHQkEg">pic.twitter.com/f9CjDHQkEg</a></p>— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) <a href="https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1073975002804948993?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

And you the personification of Maxine..


Heard that Maxine was part Hungarian.
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Can't answer simple factual questions so you start bringing up Alex Jones, televangelists and alt-righters. I'm sure neo-Nazis will be next.

I would say you two are masters of deflection but masters wouldn't be so transparent and obvious.

Don’t forget Catholics turning blind eyes to child ******* priests for decades until the evidence became overwhelming. It’s all the same phenomenon.

Deflection is “But, but, but the Clintons!” Like we care. Go ahead and indict them as well.
Don’t forget Catholics turning blind eyes to child ******* priests for decades until the evidence became overwhelming. It’s all the same phenomenon.

Deflection is “But, but, but the Clintons!” Like we care. Go ahead and indict them as well.

Except in the instances of the priests, we developed something called "evidence" that brought them down. Evidence, that you point to here, is lacking. So far the more they uncover, the more it appears their target is indeed the wrong target.
The most common phrase uttered by your wife is "Ooooh, Tibs. Don't stop, Tibs. Finally a man, a real man....I've been dreaming about this for years."

Never happened liar...Indy's wife is female.
Can't answer simple factual questions so you start bringing up Alex Jones, televangelists and alt-righters. I'm sure neo-Nazis will be next.

I would say you two are masters of deflection but masters wouldn't be so transparent and obvious.

It''s all they have. It's the same as the Anitfa dumb ***** walking around chanting, "Nazi, Nazi, Nazi' When you have no substance to your arguments and you're on the Left, you just start yelling random **** as a distraction and pray you don't get cornered having to answer a legitimate question because you know you can't. When is the last time one of our resident Leftist brethren have actually answered a direct question posed to them instead of coming up with some goofy deflection? Should tell you everything you need to know.
Don’t forget Catholics turning blind eyes to child ******* priests for decades until the evidence became overwhelming. It’s all the same phenomenon.

Deflection is “But, but, but the Clintons!” Like we care. Go ahead and indict them as well.

"Catholics"? Are you making generalizations again?

There is a distinction between deflection and exposing of the lefts glaring hypocrisy and double standards.

Furthermore, now read this slowly...There is nothing to deflect from.

Your deflection rhetoric is only good if indeed Trump WAS PROVEN GUILTY OF SOMETHING. Got it?
Buffoons, you and that idiot Hungarian..
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Take a deep breath and review the facts and events leading up to the election. Again, all of this happened before Trump became President. Amazing how some of you still do not understand why this investigation got off the ground. No wonder you're so quick to accept Trump's narrative, regardless of how disengaged it is from reality.

March 2015, the reports of Hillary's email bullshit started.
Thank YOU, Tibsy, for clearing it up that President Trump had jack **** to do with any of that.

That link is from March, 2015

A month later, April 2015, she announces she's running for POTUS.

June 2016, she tore into Trump. Surprisingly, a lot of what she said Trump had planned that was not going to work is working. She also said Trump knew who to blame. Fast forward and she's launched a book blaming everyone but herself.

so, see, these convenient little timelines you want to splooge onto the board are bullshit. and you know it.
Can't answer simple factual questions so you start bringing up Alex Jones, televangelists and alt-righters. I'm sure neo-Nazis will be next.

I would say you two are masters of deflection but masters wouldn't be so transparent and obvious.

Tibs has never given an answer to anything. He's a troll and always has been. He wants you to answer questions and defend everybody on the right. He doesn't and won't defend anything. He either changes the subject or goes off on a long, meandering, unsubstantiated rate.
...part Hungarian.

...that idiot Hungarian..

Pretty cool you've outed yourself as the racist, bigoted ********** that you are. Taking shots at my ethnicity and cultural heritage, that's all you have left. A pathetic, sad, whiny little ****. No wonder you're such a devout Trump nut hugger. Now go run off in your little MAGA cap and make yourself useful, like go burn a cross or whatever it is you do.
Tibs has never given an answer to anything. He's a troll and always has been. He doesn't and won't defend anything.
That's total bullshit. Sure I go back and forth with the pond scum on here, trading barbs, but I've spent plenty of time over the years responding to posts and explaining my views. But who's keeping score?
That's total bullshit. Sure I go back and forth with the pond scum on here, trading barbs, but I've spent plenty of time over the years responding to posts and explaining my views. But who's keeping score?

Correction: Supporting your opinions. They are substantially devoid of facts.

How about you answer OFTB's question? We wait...and wait...and wait.
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<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/vSkXRfZ9mjNQY" width="480" height="260" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/reddit-username-load-vSkXRfZ9mjNQY">waiting for Mueller to provide some evidence be like ...</a></p>
That's total bullshit. Sure I go back and forth with the pond scum on here, trading barbs, but I've spent plenty of time over the years responding to posts and explaining my views. But who's keeping score?

Lol..."your views"...shaped by The View I would presume.
Except in the instances of the priests, we developed something called "evidence" that brought them down. Evidence, that you point to here, is lacking. So far the more they uncover, the more it appears their target is indeed the wrong target.

Right. There’s tons of evidence. You are just tying to change threshold so that it’s only evidence if it absolutely proves something. I’d argue it has been absolutely proven that Trump obstructed justice being that he openly admitted that he fired Comey over the Trump-Russia investigation.
Right. There’s tons of evidence. You are just tying to change threshold so that it’s only evidence if it absolutely proves something. I’d argue it has been absolutely proven that Trump obstructed justice being that he openly admitted that he fired Comey over the Trump-Russia investigation.


the same Trump-Russia investigation that has yielded what?
Right. There’s tons of evidence. You are just tying to change threshold so that it’s only evidence if it absolutely proves something. I’d argue it has been absolutely proven that Trump obstructed justice being that he openly admitted that he fired Comey over the Trump-Russia investigation.

emails deleted? no evidence
computers, laptops, phones, pds destroyed? no evidence
Husband Bill meeting with Russian execs for a highly lucrative pay day? no evidence
allowing Russian companies access to the country's uranium? no evidence
receiving yet not providing financial assistance for puerto rico? no evidence

quite simply, per your logic, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by hillary clinton or her handlers. zero. none.
yet Donald J Trump once had russian salad dressing on a chef salad = years of corruption
