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A case for Kasich.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Please read fully before judging!

1 ) He's 6.5% ahead of Hillary Clinton in general match up polls, well outside the margin or error. He also only trails her in New York by a small margin, which is Clinton's home state. If the Republicans win the state of New York, its over.

2 ) He's a completely undamaged candidate. Trump and Cruz had already gone 15 rounds. While Trump may emerge, the back and forth personal stuff and insults between the two have not helped.

3 ) Kasich will win the state of OHIO. A must have for the Republicans.

4 ) Kasich eliminated the state of Ohio's $8 billion deficit and created what is now a $1.4 billion surplus. Simply amazing. He has the right message on taxes for small business and people making under $80,000.00 a year. America needs this.

5 ) To win an election, the establishment has to on some level like and trust you. Cruz and Trump do not qualify.

While I do think he tilted a bit to the left in the past few months, its mostly political strategy.

While I think a brokered convention isn't ideal, its part of the rules. Remember Bush beat Gore, not with the popular vote, but with the electrical delegates math.

Republicans need to get pragmatic. Goal #1 it to stop Clinton. This supersedes all other goals combined. On that, they all agree, and right now I think only one person can do that. Two months ago, Trump could have beaten Clinton. Now I think he's damaged and might not recover.

Getting back to goal #1. I'm with Kasich. Let him win the Presidency. Let Trump win the bid to build the wall. Then give Cruz an option for the Supreme Court if he wants that path or his #1 pet project in his state. All behind closed curtains of the brokered convention!
Debates don't win elections, votes do!

If he's any good, let him win some ******* states first!

Cruz on Kasich: 'You can't lose every state and expect to be the nominee'

I'd still take **** weasel Cruz over Kasich anyday.
Debates don't win elections, votes do!

If he's any good, let him win some ******* states first!

Cruz on Kasich: 'You can't lose every state and expect to be the nominee'

I'd still take **** weasel Cruz over Kasich anyday.


Yes, but outside the Republican party, it's all voters who pick the next President. Here, Kasich is king. We shall see if Trump can come back stronger. If he can't Republicans need to get pragmatic quickly or Hillary the next President....unless the FBI gets her first.

I was watching the Hobit part III recently. The movie was not as good as the Lord of the Rings but it had a key scene for the climax. In the movie, three opposing forces of people, Men, Elves and Dwarfs were at odds and ready to war with each other. It took a much greater threat to get them to unite, which of course they did. If they did not unite, its darkness for an era.

Republicans must do the same. This nation is at a tipping point in many areas we hold dear. The stakes are very high. Three or four terms of liberal politics will sink the nation for decades...

So before you draw swords at Kasich, think about the stakes.
"I'm a Son of a Mailman" - that's all he ever says - that's his big talking point.

Quick! Tell me, what is Kasich's election slogan? It's on every banner behind him, surely you know...oh, OK, me neither.

and I root against those dirty sneaky hobbits in every movie - what are there, about a 100 out now?

Kasich reminds me of a hobbit, come to think of it. Maybe that's why I don't like him.
A case for Kasich

Coach, do you know what you're getting into, posting a thread like this?

"I'm a Son of a Mailman" - that's all he ever says - that's his big talking point.

Quick! Tell me, what is Kasich's election slogan? It's on every banner behind him, surely you know...oh, OK, me neither.

and I root against those dirty sneaky hobbits in every movie - what are there, about a 100 out now?

Kasich reminds me of a hobbit, come to think of it. Maybe that's why I don't like him.

What was McCain and Romney's election slogan? Winning is the most important think right now Spike. Trump is down 10% or more to Clinton, and he's in a firestorm. At what point do you want to be on the best ship for the battle?

Kasich has good results governing a major state. In hindsight, the establishment should have seen Jeb was flat and Rubio was not ready for prime time much sooner and given Kasich the money.
Coach, do you know what you're getting into, posting a thread like this?


Yes, I do. The truth is good enough. If I can't communicate it properly, that's on me. And you likely agree with me that Kasih is the one you'd like to face the least.

I will back Trump and vote for him if he gets the nomination, but I think Kasich, who was my #2 choice has a better chance of winning!
Kasich is Hillary lite without the scandals... He would accomplish nothing except the status quo... We need the parties to crash and burn so you vote trump, bernie or third party .....otherwise the country stays on its path to irrelevance as the corporate masters sell it away bit by bit...dont get me wrong they will stonewall any non establishment person, but at least then the masses will see they are all on the same side
The thing to remember with Kasich ishehas been ignored to date, which is why his pollnumbers are up... Once they grill him his will drop just like hillaries will when shegets raked over the coals by someone not playing nice...
Coach, I've said all along Kasich is the only even halfway normal GOP candidate, by a wide margin. So I agree with you, it would go a long way in restoring some faith in the Republican party if he were the candidate. Regardless of who ends up with the nomination, it's unlikely to make a difference. Maybe the loss won't be as devastating as with Trump or Cruz, if that means anything. The GOP needs to do a lot of soul searching to get back on the right path and reclaim itself from the crazy lunatics on its fringes.
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The other factor is that Trump will run as an independant if he gets screwed so that will split the repub vote for sure
What was McCain and Romney's election slogan? .

That's not an answer - if you support him you should know without thinking.

Everybody acts like things that are happening now will matter in 3 months after all states have spoken - there's a long long long way to go.

If Hillary has to drop out her polls won't matter, and who knows maybe Bernie has a stroke one night from all his screaming and yelling, he's an old man you know.
Look ill admit, i just want both of the corrupt parties to burn, but i think people are totally ignoring many democratic analysts concerns that Hillary hasnt been through the gauntlet yet and has historically handled it poorly when she has... Trump is a mouthy *******.. He is going to bring every lurid detail about her out into the light... Its why many want bernstar to win, because he has less baggage and a better composure than rodham clinton...
Coach, do you know what you're getting into, posting a thread like this?

hey - I got your video up, you enjoyed your fame, right? We all know Coach is dying for his crumbs of attention, let him step into the ring

I just can't vote for a man that eats pizza with a knife and fork


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Coach, I've said all along Kasich is the only even halfway normal GOP candidate, by a wide margin. So I agree with you, it would go a long way in restoring some faith in the Republican party if he were the candidate. Regardless of who ends up with the nomination, it's unlikely to make a difference. Maybe the loss won't be as devastating as with Trump or Cruz, if that means anything. The GOP needs to do a lot of soul searching to get back on the right path and reclaim itself from the crazy lunatics on its fringes.

I disagree with you. Kasich would defeat Clinton in the general election, and unlike Trump's he's not a media target and has no scandals on his resume. His resume actually is impressive.

Clinton has some very Republican like positions, such as voting for war, being richer than Romney, taking money overseas that smells, and being heavily backed by the Banks and Wall street. She's a Republican in many areas, and very untrust worthy. The head of the FBI is meeting with her. According to a report, 147 agents on the case so it might be Sanders in the end.

The problem is the Republican party is not conservatism from the right, but the very method of how business operates that prevents the best candidates from being financially backed. The establishment prefers someone they can control a bit, and control in many cases has to do political pork and the money behind it that funnels into too many businesses to count. The Dem's are run the exact same way.

The difference the Democrats have the luxury of the media on their side for the most part. The left actually has more lunatics on their side. The media just calls them " protesters ", or excuses them via lack of education, race or gender. Then plays the race, gender or class cards.

Kasich vs Clinton.

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What was McCain and Romney's election slogan? Winning is the most important think right now Spike. Trump is down 10% or more to Clinton, and he's in a firestorm. At what point do you want to be on the best ship for the battle?

Kasich has good results governing a major state. In hindsight, the establishment should have seen Jeb was flat and Rubio was not ready for prime time much sooner and given Kasich the money.

We've heard this same logic with every RINO presented in recent memory. Where has it got us?
I disagree with you. Kasich would defeat Clinton in the general election, and unlike Trump's he's not a media target and has no scandals on his resume. His resume actually is impressive.

What are you smoking there Coach?

Kasich can't win a Primary that isn't Ohio let alone hold up to a General Election. Papa Smurf just doesn't know when to say when. Maybe he's smoking your stuff too?
Debates don't win elections, votes do!

If he's any good, let him win some ******* states first!

Cruz on Kasich: 'You can't lose every state and expect to be the nominee'

I'd still take **** weasel Cruz over Kasich anyday.

Think General election. Nominations are worth their historical significance and that's it. Would you take Kasich over Hilary?

Or shoot yourself in the foot, whatever works for you.
Too bad the voters aren't

What was that about winning?

Trump Wins GOP Straw Poll in DE

Donald Trump won the poll with 72-percent of the vote; coming in second was Ted Cruz with 21- percent of the vote, followed by John Kasich with 7-percent.


Hey... that's my state.

My campaigning is helping. All it takes is for reasonable people to come out for Trump and people will take a look at his good policy proposals.

The media is the one making it sound like only crazies are voting for Trump. They aren't. Most of the crazies are actually for Cruz in my opinion. Working class, high-school educated blue collar people aren't crazy. And their vote does and should count as much as the liberal, educated elitists in their Ivory Towers casting stones.

The democrats have feasted on abusing and taking advantage of uneducated black america, I have no problem with a candidate like Trump putting the shoe on the other foot and I find it disheartening and downright hypocritical for democrats to play the "uneducated and stupid electorate" card against Trump now. We could have said that about black democrats since 1964, but that would be racist....

I wanted Kasich in the beginning, but when the RNC and republican elites ganged up on Trump, that's it. I'm all in with Trump through November. If he's not the nominee, I'm voting Clinton. Congress can kiss my *** too. I'm voting for the challenger on every race (if there is one in Delaware... not so sure).
If I was a world leader and had to meet with Kasich,my dominating thought would be: Can you sit the **** still for GD minute!
We've heard this same logic with every RINO presented in recent memory. Where has it got us?

One was an older man, who refused to call Obama for what he is. The other an inactive governor from a liberal state. Kasich is a current governor from a big state with a track record to match.

He's more of a moderate, but I could quote some of Trump's past positons and he can look even more liberal than Kasich.

It's all about winning guys. I will vote for Trump if he gets the nod, but if his national polls keep going down and he can't win, I'd rather pass the baton to someone who can.
Coach, I've said all along Kasich is the only even halfway normal GOP candidate, by a wide margin. So I agree with you, it would go a long way in restoring some faith in the Republican party if he were the candidate. Regardless of who ends up with the nomination, it's unlikely to make a difference. Maybe the loss won't be as devastating as with Trump or Cruz, if that means anything. The GOP needs to do a lot of soul searching to get back on the right path and reclaim itself from the crazy lunatics on its fringes.

Tibs considers him "halfway normal". That is enough for me not to want to vote for him.
Would Kasich pull enough moderates to make up for the conservative groups that won't vote for him? Very unlikely and that's the problem people don't understand.

Conservatives don't give a ****, anymore, about the GOP winning elections. We got together and put them back in control of both houses of Congress after they ****** it up last time. There were clear signals as to what the voters expected. We were assured that THIS time would be different. It wasnt. It was worse. People like Cruz who are actually willing to stand up and say enough is enought don't get the establishment backing.

The GOP had everything they needed and pissed it away. Again. Kasich will lose if he is the nominee.