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debate tonight


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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marco attacking Kasich is the most talented guy. and does anyone else just see a giant hotdog behind them
liked that Cruz clapped for Rubio's comment about diversity and Carson asking them to let him finish since he gets so little time cracked me up....even though I don't like the little I know of his medical plan....

while others here think trump is killing it, I just don't see it. Rubio made him look silly on hit talking points and Cruz made him get all blustery and resort to liberal bullshit about people dying on the streets.....
Rubio also got trump when he was talking about Carrier and Nabisco moving their facilities to mexico by calling him out for his stuff being made there also....

and using illegal workers and being for it

increasingly it seems trump is saying what he must to get elected even though he was clearly on the opposite side where his business is concerned
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Polls seem to be showing a trump winning with about 70%..........Craziness
Polls seem to be showing a trump winning with about 70%..........Craziness

local networks polls show Rubio winning....

Cruz also handed it to trump when trump tried to slam him about none of Republican Senators support Cruz and Cruz comes back with wanting to be liked in Washington is not a good thing for a President. Gotta agree, since I made the same point here previously that the fact Republicans don't seem to like Cruz and not many in Washington do, is a reason I can support the guy....
I watched the live on scene coverage of a workplace shooting a little north of Wichita. Scary stuff.
Thank you for voting!
TRUMP 56.88% (224,258 votes)

CRUZ 20.11% (79,272 votes)

RUBIO 15.9% (62,702 votes)

KASICH 4.49% (17,692 votes)

CARSON 2.62% (10,365 votes)

Total Votes: 394,289
Hilarious - last gasp attack by the GOPe

It was little two little yappy dogs barking at the big dog, it was all noise, they couldn't hurt him
Hilarious - last gasp attack by the GOPe

It was little two little yappy dogs barking at the big dog, it was all noise, they couldn't hurt him

No it wasn't. Remember the Rule change they made and used to exclude the Ron Paul delegates in 2012? The party brass aint having any candidate at the top of their ticket that they don't want there.
I think Trump at times was great, and this type of back and forth stuff will make him better. Having said that Rubio got to Donald a bit, and so did the latino moderator.

Trump missed a golden opportunity on Omaba care. It's socialized meddicine and a monopoly for one insurance company per state giving the user little choice. He could have said other insurance companies if allowed would ower the cost to the consumer, and give them more options. As it stands now, those signed up are at the mercy of one insurance company. VERY UNFAIR!

The media continues to ask Trump the most unfair questions. On the topic of him getting nearly 50% of the latino vote, he should have said the amount of Latino's that voted for him in Nevada is much larger than the sample of Latinos on ANY Poll. In addition, Washinton DC polls to Republicans are irrelevant because 90% of the town is democratic, and 90% of any ethnic group in Washington DC Will not poll well for any Republican.

Live and learn Donald.

I also think Trump shifted slightly to the left to appeal to moderate voters, but this is the smart play. Rubio won the round, but failed to score a knockout. After Super Tuesday the score cards are in and Trump will be in the lead, to quote him " BY A HUGE " amount.
No it wasn't. Remember the Rule change they made and used to exclude the Ron Paul delegates in 2012? The party brass aint having any candidate at the top of their ticket that they don't want there.

I am a diehard republican at this point, (I did vote for billy boy first time around) but since 1980 I have voted republican ticket all but once, with that said if Trump wins the national primary and the RNC sends Cruz or Rubio to the dance I will be done with the Republin party, and will cast my vote to Hildabeast just out of spite because at that point I just wont give a **** anymore.

If the person the people voted for are just cast aside for who the RNC wants that will just solidify the fact that NO ONE gives a **** about what we the people want.
No it wasn't. Remember the Rule change they made and used to exclude the Ron Paul delegates in 2012? The party brass aint having any candidate at the top of their ticket that they don't want there.

Ron Paul isn't sweeping through Super Tuesday - he barely won the majority of delegates in one state - not worth the time to even discuss him

It's over - Trump will get more than enough delegates to win the election outright

all this 'brokered convention' talk is just more drivel from the left wing, media and GOPe
Ron Paul isn't sweeping through Super Tuesday - he barely won the majority of delegates in one state - not worth the time to even discuss him

It's over - Trump will get more than enough delegates to win the election outright

all this 'brokered convention' talk is just more drivel from the left wing, media and GOPe

Ron Paul had enough delegates to force a floor fight. That's why they changed the rule. It was the same thing the then as it is now, the GOP party brass was scared of an outsider. In that case it was an outsider that could shake up the national power structure. In this case it is an outsider who could shake up the party power structure. The GOP Brass may be more be afraid of Trump breaking the hold on their private fiefdoms.
The GOP needs to understand that they will never be the same again. We gave them too many chances. They blew it. They won't have the balls to pull the nomination from Trump. They don't want the white man to riot. That's how war starts.
The GOP needs to understand that they will never be the same again. We gave them too many chances. They blew it. They won't have the balls to pull the nomination from Trump. They don't want the white man to riot. That's how war starts.

Be hilarious if Trump did start his own party and won.
Didn't you just watch his press conference?

There will be a CHRISTIAN PARTY!

Trump says there will be 'Merry Christmas' signs back in stores for Christmas

Im convinced the idiocy level is at a crest. Politics today are ridiculously stale, but this dude Trump...con artist, character chameleon and just downright jackass-ish, The GOP is ******. Dead. They've officially eulogized themselves with this man. He may have a punchers chance vs Hillary but vs Bernie, I think this dude gets wiped like like coffee spills from a Swiffer mop.

Last night was confirmation that he's a joke. Talking loud, saying nothing, dodging questions.........how long do folks expect him to keep making proposals without a ******* plan ? Trump just talks ****. Hollow **** at that.
The GOP needs to understand that they will never be the same again.

Shock and awe *************!

It's amazing watching all these ***** hosts on tee-vee news about to blow their own ******* heads off

That's entertainment!

Melissa Harris-Perry Walks Away From MSNBC Show

Melissa Harris-Perry may be too progressive for the new MSNBC.


The anchor, who has hosted a weekend program on the NBCUniversal-owned cable-news outlet since 2012, said she will not host her show this weekend in what appears to be a significant difference of opinion regarding her role at the network, which has in recent months focused more intently on breaking-news coverage and politics in recent months.

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Im convinced the idiocy level is at a crest. Politics today are ridiculously stale, but this dude Trump...con artist, character chameleon and just downright jackass-ish, The GOP is ******. Dead. They've officially eulogized themselves with this man. He may have a punchers chance vs Hillary but vs Bernie, I think this dude gets wiped like like coffee spills from a Swiffer mop.

Last night was confirmation that he's a joke. Talking loud, saying nothing, dodging questions.........how long do folks expect him to keep making proposals without a ******* plan ? Trump just talks ****. Hollow **** at that.

How many promises did Obama make that were clearly lies , now 8 years later ? Trump hasn't done anything any different than anyone else over the last 25 years running for president. He just don't play that politically correct bullshit that the world has turned into. More power to him. Screw all politicians I don't care if they have a D or a R after there name.
Im convinced the idiocy level is at a crest. Politics today are ridiculously stale, but this dude Trump...con artist, character chameleon and just downright jackass-ish, The GOP is ******. Dead. They've officially eulogized themselves with this man. He may have a punchers chance vs Hillary but vs Bernie, I think this dude gets wiped like like coffee spills from a Swiffer mop.

Last night was confirmation that he's a joke. Talking loud, saying nothing, dodging questions.........how long do folks expect him to keep making proposals without a ******* plan ? Trump just talks ****. Hollow **** at that.

Assuming all of that is true, what is to say that he won't be a better President than the Chicago precinct boss we have in there now? BTW, have you noticed who the Gimme Free **** Party has offered? Two SNL skits. Give me a break.
How many promises did Obama make that were clearly lies , now 8 years later ? Trump hasn't done anything any different than anyone else over the last 25 years running for president. He just don't play that politically correct bullshit that the world has turned into. More power to him. Screw all politicians I don't care if they have a D or a R after there name.

Who's talking about Obama ? What does Barack have to do with this Trump trainwreck happening before the publics eyes ? That's no endorsement of Trump (indicting a current sitting president). But when you ally yourself with a party don't you want better for your party ? If my kid is on a football team and he drops a pass or fumbles during a game, I do my best to instill confidence and lift his spirits but I don't say, "well, son the other kids didn't do **** that amounted to a hill of beans so Im not so angry at you" and give him a pass. No....I expect him to be better, perform better, be accountable for his mistakes so he minimizes those mistakes in the future which amounts to improving results for the team in the long run.

Too many folk like to give this asspipe a pass at everything he does/doesn't do. He's flawed severely as a presidential candidate. He's got challenges with being a descent human. Admit it. The world sees it. He should be on WWE or reality TV. Oh, and because he SAYS things he wants, without using any tact behind it that makes him refreshing ? He doesn't have a plan, cant articulate well, is abrasive, a loud mouth babbling prick, with a sharp narcissistic element to him that turns people off. He centers his platform around 4-5 topics, constantly re-hashes using the same tired *** mantras, and if he's forced to address other topics aways from his choice smorgasboard discussions of "winning", the wall, losing at trade, Muslims, then his ******* intellect compass goes nuts...he cant formulate an idea without fumbling over his ego and he crashes....HARD....that was apparent the other night... He will even wear thin on his strongest followers within two years. After two years his press conferences will have maybe 5 folks attending. You thought the shoe-throwing melee Bush Jr endured was comical. Wait about 1 year in with Trump. He and hIs secret service detail with be overworked with threats from every imaginable angle with the hostilities from projectile shoes to tougher questions.

These candidates are interviewing in front of the voting public for the highest public serving position in the land. Trump is telling us what we already know is problematic with this country. I don't interview a software programmer to solely tell me whats wrong with my software. I interview him to tell me what his plan is to fix my software if I hire him. Trump fails the interview process time and time again. Besides, being hes on par with some other politicians (even though hes a businessman) with making false promises, he exceeds them substantially in one area: being a dick.

Anybody that publicly endorses this guy...all I can say is "what in theeee cosmic ****...." could you possibly be thinking. Standards lower than a slugs frozen nutsacks to a sunken iceberg.
I think it is hilarious that you don't hold the freaking POTUS for the last 8 years to the same standards. You are a freaking hypocrite. Where is your bitching post about Hillary and all of the damn lies she has told and lives she has ruined over the last 30 years. The political world as we know it is changing thank God for that. I'm so sick of this PC crap that we have to hear the press and politicians spew week in and week out. Get on board or get steamrolled !!!!!!!
I think it is hilarious that you don't hold the freaking POTUS for the last 8 years to the same standards. You are a freaking hypocrite. Where is your bitching post about Hillary and all of the damn lies she has told and lives she has ruined over the last 30 years. The political world as we know it is changing thank God for that. I'm so sick of this PC crap that we have to hear the press and politicians spew week in and week out. Get on board or get steamrolled !!!!!!!

It's because it ain't about believing that the way The Donald acts is wrong, it is about the "R" he is campaigning as.
It's because it ain't about believing that the way The Donald acts is wrong, it is about the "R" he is campaigning as.

What's really funny is you still think there is a difference in D and R anymore. At least he isn't a part of that establishment.

Anybody that publicly endorses this guy...all I can say is "what in theeee cosmic ****...." could you possibly be thinking. Standards lower than a slugs frozen nutsacks to a sunken iceberg.
Question.....What are you thinking voting for any of the other ********? What in the cosmic **** do you think is going to happen if your Guy/Gal gets in there? What!? Tell us....Please......
Seriously, Have you not been paying attention the last 30+ years? Democrat after democrat. Republican after republican, all promising us to fix it all. All telling us what we want to hear. And no matter which ******* get in there, America continues to circle the drain. Nothing is getting better. The working man's life gets harder and harder.
But, I think I have some news that may calm your fears of a clueless idiot being president. And no, I'm not talking about Obumma. I think, and I hope I'm wrong. But I think we are going to see how corrupt the system is right before our very eyes. We are going to find out, not behind closed doors, but right out in the open, of how the American vote is just a sham or an illusion of choice. I can see Trump winning out and still not getting the nomination from the GOP. (Hope I'm Wrong) I just can't see the powers that be allowing Trump to become the POTUS. The need their bobble heads in there. And They're not going to let us peasants upset the apple cart.