Good post. Especially hat PSU procedures were followed.
I worked fore many years in an alternative school setting. During that time, I had to call report number of possible abuse cases. Once I reported it, and this is key, I was out of the loop. I could not follow up. Even with the new rules, the person doing the reporting can't go off and try to find out more once the report is made. Another key is sometimes the kid would be back in school the next day and nothing happened. Sometimes, the kid would be gone, removed from the home setting. Since you couldn't follow up, you just took it for granted that if the kid was there the next day, it was unfounded. If they were gone, it was founded.
Joe reported it. Legally he couldn't follow up, it wasn't his job or place. I can see how if he saw nothing changing with regards to Sandusky that it was unfounded.