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BOOM! ESPN Outside The Lines on the Pats**

We beat the Pats during the regular season back in 2004. Then they came back to Heinz Field and won...article says the Steelers never changed their signals that year....unbelievable.

I remember that 80 Yd TD to Deion Branch (a nobody).

I was so pissed in those AFC title games and to thin we could've had at least 1 more Super Bowl.

Fu** the Pats and their cheating ways. NFL needs to bring the hammer. **** is outta control.
We beat the Pats during the regular season back in 2004. Then they came back to Heinz Field and won...article says the Steelers never changed their signals that year....unbelievable.

I remember that 80 Yd TD to Deion Branch (a nobody).

I was so pissed in those AFC title games and to thin we could've had at least 1 more Super Bowl.

Fu** the Pats and their cheating ways. NFL needs to bring the hammer. **** is outta control.

Only 1???
Hines Ward has been saying this for years and he always kinda got **** for it. He and Jerome Bettis both have called this **** out. I think Joey Porter has made some public grubmlings as well. #firerogergoodell
Reporting that they has hand written notes of the Steelers defensive signals in 2001. They were destroyed by NFL.

Wasn't that the year/game Hines made a comment hinting that it was like they knew their signals?
Just tried reading the comments in the article. Holy **** are the Pats fans angry and delusional. But but but it was legal to tape just not from there. Totally ignoring the stealing of info from locker rooms or saying it is all from haters. Calling out everyone else as just haters and stupid and not following logic. The best is they keep saying they were exonerated.
If this **** blows over just like everything else has for them then I have got to examine if this is even worth watching any longer. I just wonder what per cent of fans of the NFL will start looking elsewhere for entertainment. Once the integrity is compromised then what's the point of following the sport. You might as well watch wrestling which as we all know or at least I hope we all know is purely fictional.

If the NFL wants to right this ship they need to fire Goddell immediately. They need to appoint a qualified commissioner and that person needs to appoint a panel to investigate and hand out fines when warranted. The commissioner should not intervene in the investigation or the punishment phase. This panel should immediately start with the investigation of the entire Patriots organization and there should be no 3'rd party interference. There is no way the Brady case should have strayed outside of the NFL. He cheated, got caught, was penalized and that should have been the end.
I'd never compare Bonds to Canseco. Canseco = Mark McGuire, and Sammy Sosa. Bonds=Clemens. The first three used drugs to become good players. Bonds, and Clemens were first ballot Hall Of Famers without drugs. They used drugs to extend their careers. While none of them belong in the HOF, Bonds, and Clemens were great players, the other three, not so much.

Bonds used drugs to bulk up and hit home runs. He left Pittsburgh around 170 lbs. he was well over 200 when he played for S.F.

Methinks the integrity of the league has been shat upon again.
I would love to know where the reporting on this was back when it happened. I don't recall anyone in the sports media questioning the spygate investigation or its results. They all just fell in line, said OK, and went back to business as usual. And then when they put forth an investigation into deflategate, they essentially laughed at how long it was taking without asking any serious questions about why spygate moved at the speed of light in comparison. It's all bullshit. And the Rooneys are just as guilty. They had as much right as anyone to stick a boot up the ***** of these cheaters and they too just fell in line. Goodell was new to the job and got a huge push from Dan Rooney in getting the position in the first place. I'm sure they didn't want any kind of **** hitting the fan with their new guy in place. It all kind of stinks. And now we're supposed to watch that sham of a team raise another bogus banner in their ****** backyard with the Steelers present in two nights? **** that and **** them.
Goodell did what was in the best interest of the league and owners with Spygate. They all knew the gravity of their findings. If the evidence had gotten out then the league was facing MASSIVE lawsuits from the gaming industry (likely in the hundreds of millions or more) for all games played and bet on during the entire timeframe. It would have ended the NFL. He did what he could to cover it up and do damage control.
This next episode provided a "payback" of sorts wherein almost everyone agreed that the outcome of the game would not have been affected with properly inflated balls, thus no lawsuits. The arrogant Pats and Belicheat took their punishment quickly.Brady did not. The NFL owners din't see this coming. Now, they must fix the system so it doesn't ever happen again. Goodell is probably butt-sore and allowed a few morsels to be released through back channels to get this story out. Payback.
again, firing Goodell will do nothing.

Kraft must be disbarred from the league and forced to sell his team.
For some reason, I'd think the two biggest egos in the game - Jerry Jones and Daniel Snyder - must be at the forefront of this, as they have put up tons of their own money for naught.

Kraft - DirecTV - CBS - NFL

look into that foxhole.
again, firing Goodell will do nothing.

Kraft must be disbarred from the league and forced to sell his team.
For some reason, I'd think the two biggest egos in the game - Jerry Jones and Daniel Snyder - must be at the forefront of this, as they have put up tons of their own money for naught.

Kraft - DirecTV - CBS - NFL

look into that foxhole.

Kraft should be stripped and barred from the league or any professional sports in that matter.
I bet they are still doing it. Look how they won last year's super bowl. They brag about how they specifically practiced against that particular play. They specifically coached that scrap heap CB, whose name I don't even remember, to just break hard and go for the INT.

There's also the story that the pats coaches wanted to call time out on that play but Belicheck said no. He knew what play was coming, that's why.
as well ... what is the "nucleus" behind all their ch*mp**nsh*ps?
Fixed that for ya...

cleveland might be a dumpster but at least they didn't cheat to get out of the bottom like the *s did, Before bellycheat who knew there were patriots fans?
A lot of people, including myself, have long said that eventually the whole spygate and other cheating done by the pats would come out.... the only people left who defend them are Pats fans, who are delusional and in denial
Bonds used drugs to bulk up and hit home runs. He left Pittsburgh around 170 lbs. he was well over 200 when he played for S.F.

View attachment 1723

He had a few MVP's under his belt by then. Had a few not given to him because reporters didn't like him. He at times carried the Pirates. As the above poster said. He has the natural talent to be a HOFer without the use of steroids.
I Think Kraft should lose the team and they should be moved to LA

Best post ever.

Talked to a friend that is from UK. I mentioned how much the nfl has pissed me off the last few years and he responds..."NFL? It's a cheater's paradise. It's all a fake to us over here now".

So much for that London team, Rog.
A lot of people, including myself, have long said that eventually the whole spygate and other cheating done by the pats would come out.... the only people left who defend them are Pats fans, who are delusional and in denial
Ive only known three true Pats fans in my life. All of them were raised or have roots in the Masshole state. My two cousins raised in Foxboro and my friend Ericka who's mom comes from Boston. After the snow bowl they started to multiply like Gremlins.

I think we have all been waiting for this for years. I think we had all hoped it would just be a good tell all book by a former player/coach. I dont think we ever thought it would get to a point it would destroy the game.

Everytime I hear #firerogergoodell talk about the integrity of the Shield, I feel like Im watching WWF.
I hope more poo-poo hits more fans than marsha ever dreamed could exist.

The NFL has a huge integrity issue. Here's hoping that they take the high road and strip some trophies, contracts, officers. I doubt it though. All they want to do is go Nixon/Clinton on us and move on.

I agree. The NFL has turned into a WWE script fest. It sucks
Players from these teams all have been quoted as saying basically the same thing (paraphrasing) "Its like they were in our huddle when we called the plays":
Steelers in 2 AFC championship games.
Rams, Panthers and Eagles after Cheatriots super bowl wins.

If i could i would organize an embargo game. Pick one week. All NFL fans everywhere, don't go to the games, don't watch the games, don't go to your local bar. Hit the league in the pocket book. Ive suggested this before, i know its probably never gonna happen but maybe if it would it would send a message to all the other owners: Goodell and Kraft have ruined the game and they MUST go!
Reporting that they has hand written notes of the Steelers defensive signals in 2001. They were destroyed by NFL.

So Cowher power was denied a few Super bo.... Appearances? The chin was a good coach who got screwed by the cheating :(
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If this **** blows over just like everything else has for them then I have got to examine if this is even worth watching any longer. I just wonder what per cent of fans of the NFL will start looking elsewhere for entertainment. Once the integrity is compromised then what's the point of following the sport. You might as well watch wrestling which as we all know or at least I hope we all know is purely fictional.

If the NFL wants to right this ship they need to fire Goddell immediately. They need to appoint a qualified commissioner and that person needs to appoint a panel to investigate and hand out fines when warranted. The commissioner should not intervene in the investigation or the punishment phase. This panel should immediately start with the investigation of the entire Patriots organization and there should be no 3'rd party interference. There is no way the Brady case should have strayed outside of the NFL. He cheated, got caught, was penalized and that should have been the end.

you know logic has no place in the NFL --- (totally agree)
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