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BOOM! ESPN Outside The Lines on the Pats**

Players from these teams all have been quoted as saying basically the same thing (paraphrasing) "Its like they were in our huddle when we called the plays":
Steelers in 2 AFC championship games.
Rams, Panthers and Eagles after Cheatriots super bowl wins.

If i could i would organize an embargo game. Pick one week. All NFL fans everywhere, don't go to the games, don't watch the games, don't go to your local bar. Hit the league in the pocket book. Ive suggested this before, i know its probably never gonna happen but maybe if it would it would send a message to all the other owners: Goodell and Kraft have ruined the game and they MUST go!
Man I would love to see that happen. I havent purchased official licensed merch in years. The last game I attended was in Houston. (besides the Steelers lose everytime I go in person). I dont pay for Sunday ticket, I dont pay for NFL net. I quit FF years ago. I buy black market or black and gold "related" items.

I will be missing the first game of the season for the first time in years. My boss (cinci fan) was surprised I havent put in for Friday and all other relevant days off for the season yet. Work Thursday night and make money? Watch the game, spend money on beer and be pissed off? Im going to go with make money.
I have long taken a hard stance against this.

I am sort of numb to it, I simply don't think anything will be done whatever surfaces.

The Patriots will us the stance they were punished.

Goodell will be in denial like the lying goofy fruitpop fuckface that he is.....

And Pats fans will care less as long as their team keeps winning.
He had a few MVP's under his belt by then. Had a few not given to him because reporters didn't like him. He at times carried the Pirates. As the above poster said. He has the natural talent to be a HOFer without the use of steroids.

That wasn't what I was speaking to. He said that Bonds did steroids to heal faster. That's not right. He used them to beef up and clobber home runs. He wasn't trying to heal faster.
If it is proven that they cheated back then, I see no reason why they shouldn't lose their SB's. But, the league would never do that. They don't have the integrity. Not that cycling has a ton of integrity but when Armstrong was found to have doped, he lost all of his titles. To me, this is no different. If there is proof they cheated in the year they won one of their SB's, it should be vacated. The NFL doesn't have the balls though.
I want Goodell fired and Kraft forced to sell the team like that racist POS in the NBA. NOW! No ifs, no buts, GONE! Blatant cheating and cover-ups by the good ol' boy network. . . buh-******'-bye! They stole SBs from a lot of teams and their fans.

I hate the Pats more than the Ravens and I didn't think I would ever feel that way.
This is actually getting us a little bit of love on the Seahawks board that I check in on.

I think all of this coupled with last SB has moved the Pats ahead of the Stealers in my Hate list!
Was just thinking about this today. Who the hell am I going to root for on Thursday?
^ James Harrison
We root for the Stealers in this game and it's not even close.
Lets say right now the Pats aren't cheating. Who the **** knows with these guys, though. It's like they are a step ahead. Everybody is looking back at 2001-2007 or even Deflategate while they are on to the next thing. That's the problem. The NFL had a chance to crush them and punted. So we are going to continue dealing with this ****.
This is actually getting us a little bit of love on the Seahawks board that I check in on.

yea, because the NE wound is fresher for them. They are still a bunch of douchenozzels that blame us for winning the game, but not the refs who actually called the game. I wonder if they have collected all the guns that the Steelers held to the ref's heads during the game.
yea, because the NE wound is fresher for them. They are still a bunch of douchenozzels that blame us for winning the game, but not the refs who actually called the game. I wonder if they have collected all the guns that the Steelers held to the ref's heads during the game.

Still pissed off about a game that happened in '06. I actually re-watched XL. I didn't see much ref support for the steelers
Still pissed off about a game that happened in '06. I actually re-watched XL. I didn't see much ref support for the steelers

There are a handful of Seahag's fans who have come around to realize that their team didn't play their best game that day. Also most of them are Left coast Liberals and I drive them berserk in their P&R forum, as you might imagine.
There are a handful of Seahag's fans who have come around to realize that their team didn't play their best game that day. Also most of them are Left coast Liberals and I drive them berserk in their P&R forum, as you might imagine.

Ha! Good job. And yes. That Seattle team played horrible. Couldn't believe Ike actually caught a damn int. I think I rewinded that a good three times. Thinking on testing my luck with a scratcher now after seeing that
I would also like to add in how many times Clark Haggans was getting held in that game. It's like James Harrison now

Roger Goodell personally asked me to deny Patriots cheated: Martz

Former St. Louis Rams head coach Mike Martz says NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell personally asked him to deny the New England Patriots committed any wrongdoing ahead of Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002, according to a damning ESPN report accusing Goodell of covering up for the Patriots during the ‘Spygate’ imbroglio.


Let's hope this is the beginning of this near decade-long cover-up unraveling.
Over a decade of unraveling, this is sure to get ugly. This might turn a lot of people away from the NFL
Over a decade of unraveling, this is sure to get ugly. This might turn a lot of people away from the NFL
That's the thing, if Rog had handled it properly from the beginning things would be healed up by now. As we said here at the time, it had to be really bad to destroy the evidence and stonewall the Federal government.
I don't know if the Pats** are really Rog's favorite team but they do have a huge fan base and one of the largest media markets. You think Rog would cover things up if it was Carolina or Jacksonville cheating?
That's the thing, if Rog had handled it properly from the beginning things would be healed up by now. As we said here at the time, it had to be really bad to destroy the evidence and stonewall the Federal government.
I don't know if the Pats** are really Rog's favorite team but they do have a huge fan base and one of the largest media markets. You think Rog would cover things up if it was Carolina or Jacksonville cheating?

I honestly think he would cover up for any team if caught cheating. I think for a team like Jacksonville, Carolina, Cleveland etc. Fans would be a little more forgiving. I can see an excuse like "They had so many losing seasons, they had to resort to cheating"

Idk. It's all too much of headache the way it was handled from the get go. It's Rogers own doing. He has to deal with it
None of this matters, its all bullshit and nonsense. It'll only matter when the NFL does what is fair and strips the Lombardis from the *pats' organization, and that'll never happen. so why should any of us waste our energy expending any emotion on this subject?
Its only a matter of time they get to the radio signals next... some broke defensive player is going to come clean eventually... Bill and Roger should both be barred from the game and never allowed near the hall of fame
I'm really beyond caring about it... I think it's just more noise to get the Pats motivated to win another SB... then Brady and Belichick will have 5 under their belts and more SB wins than any Coach/QB in league history. Yay for them. The record books won't show they cheated and the SB victories won by cheating will never be vacated.

At the end of the day, it's only entertainment.
Is any of this information anything that wasn't known? I mean, come on, the NFL botched how they handled this back when it was going on and tried to make the Pats pay now to make up for it. Roger screwed it up again. I'm tired of the entire New England organization and everything they think they represent. Whether we would have won the games without the cheating, I don't know, but would have at least liked our team to have a chance. What makes me sick now is how many people are tired of the whole story and are just dismissing the Patriots actions going with "everyone tries to steal signals."
The issue now is how much of that conspiracy to head off a congressional hearing becomes obstruction of justice and does anyone care
If you guys knew how bad of a guy Kraft is it would blow your mind. He's the only owner in the nfl that when he's in your stadium going to his box everyone that is in that halls has to stand against he walls until he walks by. No other owner in the league does this and it does create a lot of **** talking about him in other organizations
Nobody seems to remember that the "coaching genius" flat out sucked in Cleveland. There, he had one winning season in five. Comes to NE, wins 3 SB's his first 5 years, and had had one losing season, and that was his first season. I mean hell, Matt Cassel put up pretty good numbers the year Brady blew his knee out. 2008 I think. Strangely, Cassel has pretty much sucked every where else he has played. Genius is easy when you know what the other team is doing.