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New York Senate Passes Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

Kermit Gosnell is sitting in prison because he "aborted" three babies after they were born alive. The "my body/my choice" argument is nowhere near applicable when that baby can cry/breathe/be nursed and feel pain to the touch.. This is cold blooded murder.

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Kermit Gosnell is sitting in prison because he "aborted" three babies after they were born alive. The "my body/my choice" argument is nowhere near applicable when that baby can cry/breathe/be nursed and feel pain to the touch.. This is cold blooded murder.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

it's disgusting and inhuman.
i believe they try telling themselves that the baby/fetus can't feel pain, although now they've gotten themselves in a pickle since...


Pain pathways travels through and area of the brian called the thalamus, a structure that as a pediatric neurosurgeon know very well. The thalamus is essential for pain perception, i.e. to be pain capable. The thalamus is like a fuse box for every single sensation that the brain will receive and interpret, with the exception of smell. If the thalamus doesn’t process the signal and send it on to the cortex as far as the brain is concerned it never happened.

When do the thalamocortical fibers, the essential connection from the fuse box to the brain, develop? They start at 23 weeks gestational age – so one week AFTER the gestational age proposed in the bill that Carson supports. However, it is very important to note that 23 weeks is the earliest possible beginning of connecting up the thalamus to the cortex. The data looking at how pain is transmitted from thalamus to cortex and then processed in the cortex tells us that the mechanisms for pain perception are not in place until 28-29 weeks gestational age. Simply put a fetus at 22 weeks gestational age cannot perceive pain.
So the mother for any reason can kill the baby. What if someday science is able to determine if the baby is gonna be gay, and she kills it for that reason.

Libs gonna start to re-think this horrible law.
After further thought, I believe that the Dems simply got their marching orders to rally the abortion troops, and rile up the anti-abortion folks, as a preemptive strike because soon President Trump will be nominating another Supreme Court justice.
... to rally the abortion troops, and rile up the anti-abortion folks...

We fought a civil war over 4 million people that were enslaved, but were alive. Since Roe v Wade, we've killed well over 60 million children, a disproportionate number of whom were black. Those children died in the worse way imaginable. None had a chance. If you just consider the black children alone, the number is well over 20 million.

Regardless of one's position, riling up either side isn't a good idea, especially considering how polarized we are. It would take very little to set off some major unpleasantness at this point. The dims started the last one. They seem eager for another one. Nobody would win. They only thing that might save us at that point is a military coup.
We fought a civil war over 4 million people that were enslaved, but were alive. Since Roe v Wade, we've killed well over 60 million children, a disproportionate number of whom were black. Those children died in the worse way imaginable. None had a chance. If you just consider the black children alone, the number is well over 20 million.

Regardless of one's position, riling up either side isn't a good idea, especially considering how polarized we are. It would take very little to set off some major unpleasantness at this point. The dims started the last one. They seem eager for another one. Nobody would win. They only thing that might save us at that point is a military coup.

You are imagining a different reality. The frogs have been boiling and nobody is jumping out.
Here's why they want them full term...


In the Market for Fetal Body Parts, a Baby’s Brain Sells for $3,340

Kelsey Harkness / @kelseyjharkness / April 20, 2016

Republicans on the special House panel investigating the transfer of fetal tissue from aborted babies will present evidence in a hearing today that breaks down the price per body part.

With release of this evidence, Republicans say, they have enough documentation to show that several abortion clinics and middleman procurement businesses may have violated federal law.

“It is just horrifying,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who leads the House’s investigation of the fetal tissue industry, told The Daily Signal. “They are putting a dollar value on these organs from these children—unborn children that have been aborted. It is just beyond belief.”

According to Republicans involved in the investigation, a researcher paid a middleman procurement company $3,340 for a fetal brain, $595 for a “baby skull matched to upper and lower limbs,” and $890 for “upper and lower limbs with hands and feet.”

Middleman procurement businesses are companies that obtain tissue and other body parts from aborted babies and provide them to institutions or other organizations for research. Under federal law, the transportation of fetal tissue is based on a nonprofit model.


The committee’s documents, which will be used today in a House hearing on the pricing of fetal tissue, include payments made from a middleman procurement company to an abortion clinic on a monthly basis. Those dollar amounts range from $6,010 to $11,365.


Over the span of a year, one research institution paid a middleman company $42,535 to obtain 38 fetal brains, 12 fetal hearts, three fetal upper/lower limbs, five fetal livers, and 12 fetal pancreases, according to the select House panel’s documents.


The Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, as it is formally known, was created on Oct. 7, 2015, when the House passed a resolution calling for a full and complete investigation regarding the medical practices of abortion service providers and the business practices of the procurement organizations that sell fetal tissue.

In the most recent documents being released, the panel did not publicly identify companies or individuals involved in the transactions “out of an abundance of caution,” Blackburn told The Daily Signal in a phone interview prior to the hearing.

Because the documents were highly redacted, The Daily Signal was unable to independently confirm the prices of each body part.

However, the panel announced earlier this year that it was issuing subpoenas to companies and organizations that refused to cooperate with the investigation. Those groups included StemExpress, Ganogen, Biomedical Research Institute of America, the University of New Mexico, and Southwestern Women’s Options.

Democrats on the select panel have called the investigation a “witch hunt” by Blackburn and other Republicans who oppose abortion.

As The Daily Signal has previously reported, Democrats have condemned the panel’s investigators for requesting the names of doctors, medical students, researchers, and others involved in the abortion and fetal tissue procurement industries, arguing that obtaining those names could make the panel “complicit in physical assaults or murders of these people.”

But with the imminent release of the next round of evidence, Blackburn said she is hopeful Democrats “will recognize that we are taking every possible precaution and doing our best to fulfill the requirement that Congress has made of us.”

The 1993 National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act prohibits profiting from the sale of any fetal tissue. However, it is legal to provide and accept payment to cover reasonable costs for “transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”

Among documents uncovered in the investigation is an image of a procurement company marketing itself to abortion clinics as “financially profitable.” The name of that company also was redacted.
Source: U.S. House Select Investigative Panel

Questions about whether abortion clinics and middleman procurement companies profit from transactions involving body parts and other fetal tissue from aborted babies were raised after a series of videos published last year. The hidden-camera videos showed officials at Planned Parenthood affiliates discussing the buying and selling of fetal tissue with a middleman company, StemExpress.

Cate Dyer, founder of StemExpress, told The New York Times in July that her company “obtained fetal tissue in accordance with the rules made by ethics boards at the institutions buying it.”

In that article, Dyer also was quoted as saying the process of obtaining fetal cells is “hard,” “expensive,” and takes “millions of dollars of equipment.”

Planned Parenthood Federation of America consistently has denied any wrongdoing and was cleared in multiple state investigations. In October, after facing questions about its fetal tissue donation practices, Planned Parenthood announced it would no longer accept any reimbursement as part of its tissue donation program.

During today’s hearing, called “The Pricing of Fetal Tissue,” Republicans were expected to call Brian Patrick Lennon, a former assistant U.S. attorney from Michigan, to testify as a witness.

In his written testimony, released in advance, Lennon argues that based on the evidence, an “ethical federal prosecutor could establish probable cause that both the abortion clinics and the procurement business violated the [federal] statute (42 U.S.C. § 289g-2), aided and abetted one another in violating the statute (18 U.S.C. § 2), and likely conspired together to violate the statute (18 U.S.C. § 371).”

Republicans also were scheduled to hear testimony from Michael Norton, a former U.S. attorney for the state of Colorado; Catherine Glenn Foster, associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute and CEO and general counsel at Sound Legal; and Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., who is pro-life, among others.

Democrats were slated to bring in Fay Clayton, a lawyer who formerly represented the Anatomical Gift Foundation, a nonprofit corporation that provided donated tissue to medical researchers.

In her prepared statement, Clayton criticizes Republicans for “using [the panel’s] subpoena power to compel testimony from health care providers and medical researchers” and for failing to subpoena David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, the pro-life group behind the string of undercover videos targeting Planned Parenthood.

“The fact that the select panel has been using its subpoena power to compel testimony from health care providers and medical researchers—who have better things to do with their time than Mr. Daleiden does—suggests the panel is not genuinely interested in public policy at all,” Clayton says in the written statement.

Democrats also were set to hear from Robert Raben, president and founder of the Raben Group, a progressive policy group, and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., a pro-choice lawmaker.

Witnesses likely will be asked to respond to Blackburn and other panel members who, the chairman said, “believe that it is more than likely that payments to the abortion clinics and to the procurement businesses have exceeded reasonable cost.”
Virginia Republicans defeat Democratic bill allowing abortions up until birth

Virginia Republicans on Tuesday killed legislation that would have loosened abortion restrictions after the bill’s sponsor admitted it would allow the procedure even after a mother went into labor.

A House subcommittee voted 5-3 to table H.R. 2491, called the Repeal Act, with all Republicans voting to table it and all Democrats voting against.

“Virginia House Democrats proposed legislation to allow abortions up to just seconds before that precious child takes their first breath,” the Virginia House Republicans said on Facebook. “Watch for yourself. Thankfully, our strong conservative majority was able to defeat this bill.”

Virginia Republicans defeat Democratic bill allowing abortions up until birth

Virginia Republicans on Tuesday killed legislation that would have loosened abortion restrictions after the bill’s sponsor admitted it would allow the procedure even after a mother went into labor.

A House subcommittee voted 5-3 to table H.R. 2491, called the Repeal Act, with all Republicans voting to table it and all Democrats voting against.

“Virginia House Democrats proposed legislation to allow abortions up to just seconds before that precious child takes their first breath,” the Virginia House Republicans said on Facebook. “Watch for yourself. Thankfully, our strong conservative majority was able to defeat this bill.”


Just pure evil. They might as well be serial killers. They're on the same level. More good decent people need to get involved with our education system on all levels or we are screwed. The same goes for politics and media. The erosion is coming at us from everywhere.
The same people that will kill a baby will be anti-capital punishment. Kill the innocent, protect the guilty. What a ****** up world we live in.

The dim half is.

Consider this angle...

The dems voted against protecting babies. They still think it's ok to execute a baby after it's been born.


Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2019

….This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2019

All 2020 Democratic presidential candidates voted against the bill including Senators Corey Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.
The dems voted against protecting babies. They still think it's ok to execute a baby after it's been born.

I dunno, I gotta think that most people who've had kids think you should be able to execute them until they're 16 or 17.
This is real nice...


Planned Parenthood is something of a nightmare factory with horrific tales and stories come out of it frequently. One has recently been released by Pro-Life Action Ministries that tales the tale of one woman’s discovery of what the abortion giant would do if her baby was born alive after a botched abortion.

According to LifeNews, a woman undergoing an abortion asked abortionists what would happen if the baby was born alive. The abortionists apparently don’t get asked this question often but eventually answered that they’d snap the baby’s neck:

The woman said she asked the two abortionists, “If you guys were to take him out right now while he’s still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?”

She said one of the abortionists looked at the other one, then looked back at her, “and she told me that we don’t tell women this, and a lot of women don’t even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby’s neck.”

Democrats support this.
we would break the baby’s neck.

Democrats support this.

Is it then reasonable to break dim necks? It would seem. Does legislation need to be passed to do this? Does one need to be licensed as a 'qualified' neck breaker? We need clarity.
Are all employees trained on the "neck break" procedure? Is the training documented and retrievable so baby kill inspectors can review the evidence? How frequently are they retrained?
This is real nice...


Planned Parenthood is something of a nightmare factory with horrific tales and stories come out of it frequently. One has recently been released by Pro-Life Action Ministries that tales the tale of one woman’s discovery of what the abortion giant would do if her baby was born alive after a botched abortion.

According to LifeNews, a woman undergoing an abortion asked abortionists what would happen if the baby was born alive. The abortionists apparently don’t get asked this question often but eventually answered that they’d snap the baby’s neck:

The woman said she asked the two abortionists, “If you guys were to take him out right now while he’s still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?”

She said one of the abortionists looked at the other one, then looked back at her, “and she told me that we don’t tell women this, and a lot of women don’t even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby’s neck.”

Democrats support this.
This is beyond disgusting.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Steeler Nation mobile app
Is it then reasonable to break dim necks? It would seem. Does legislation need to be passed to do this? Does one need to be licensed as a 'qualified' neck breaker? We need clarity.

That's why I'm a pro-choice Republican. It results in less future Democrats.
This is where we've come to in this country - Teens Need Permission to See R-Rated Pro-Life Movie, But Not For an Abortion -
The creators of a pro-life movie are slamming the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) for the irony that a teen would need a parental guardian to view their film but not actually need one for an abortion.

The prohibitive rating of Unplanned is ironic on multiple levels, according to Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, the film’s writers and directors

“Unplanned is an ‘R’ rated film which has no MPAA cautions for profanity, nudity, sex or violence… Except for violence directly associated with the abortion process,” they said. “Ironically, the MPAA seems to be indirectly endorsing the pro-life position: namely that abortion is an act of violence.”

“Even more ironically, as a result of the MPAA’s decision to give us a ‘Restricted’ rating, many teenage women in this country who can legally obtain an actual abortion without parental permission will be prohibited from going to see our film containing simulated images of abortion, without obtaining parental permission.”
