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Johnny Manziel Loves Football...and Coke

Ahh, yes. This lad reminds me of a previous squire I had, Alfred of the nearby Newman Estate. Alfred was a bit daft and even moreso after my quarterhorse Chaucer kicked him in the head and then violated him whilst unconscious. What a good laugh I had when I found them! One day whilst hunting grouse in the nearby meadow, Alfred shambled up to me and begged I release him from servitude. He claimed to have a standing job offer to model on the cover of some silly comedic parchments that were being produced monthly by some fellow in the nearby village. "Are you MAD?!" I exclaimed. Alas, I had to let Alfred go and follow his dream. I do hope he did well.

Ye Black Knight Hath Spoken!
I cant imagine if the Steelers would have drafted this guy. Rooneys would be pulling their hair out. He said all the right things combine / pre-combine, but his actions are certainly not backing them up. I thought he had a slight chance to succeed before now its pretty much at 0%.
Here he is rolling up a a bill in a Vegas bathroom. It doesn't prove he was on a coke bender. There are so many reasons why a guy would roll up a bill in a bathroom in Vegas. Besides doing coke, you would do it because,,hmmm, i'll think of something

Maybe he just won a lot of money at blackjack and had to roll it up real small so it would all fit in his pockets.
Johnny Football doing blow, LeBron is back in town to not win some more championships, it's a great time to be a Clevelander.
Ahh, yes. This lad reminds me of a previous squire I had, Alfred of the nearby Newman Estate. Alfred was a bit daft and even moreso after my quarterhorse Chaucer kicked him in the head and then violated him whilst unconscious. What a good laugh I had when I found them! One day whilst hunting grouse in the nearby meadow, Alfred shambled up to me and begged I release him from servitude. He claimed to have a standing job offer to model on the cover of some silly comedic parchments that were being produced monthly by some fellow in the nearby village. "Are you MAD?!" I exclaimed. Alas, I had to let Alfred go and follow his dream. I do hope he did well.

My wife asked what the hell is wrong with me....I can't stop laughing at this post.
Amazing how these KIDS have the world by their feet, yet are all to happy to let it go. I know its hard for them to realize, but tomorrow things could change drastically. This "place" they are in, may not be there. Well, here's to him enjoying today.
So glad the STEELERS didn't draft this guy !!!!

Salute the nation
Oh the flameout will be soooo sweet with this one... one, maybe two years at best... Burn baby Burn... I hope its a full out Ryanleafesque show too... I don't want him just fading quietly into the night...
Soooo what will be the first major obstacle in Manzy's career... we need a poll...
1. Nothing... he has a long and prosperous career (bwahahahahaha)
2. Cut due to lack of NFL quality talent
3. Injury problems
4. DUI
5. Nailed smoking the reefer
6. Nailed using the Blow
7. PEDs
8. Another drug issue
9. Assulting someone
10. Sexual assult

... what does the jinxed town of Cleveland have in store for Futbal Jon... lol?
I vote injury. I've read people comparing Johnny boy to Fran Tarkenton.
I don't necessarily agree with that and am not sure Tarkenton could survive in the NFL in 2014.
I vote injury. I've read people comparing Johnny boy to Fran Tarkenton.
I don't necessarily agree with that and am not sure Tarkenton could survive in the NFL in 2014.

Yep that's what I am going with too... though I should have specified a separate category for On field and off field injury, cause manzy seems like the kind of bonehead who might **** himself up royally doing some dipshit stunt ala Kellen Winslow jr
Soda machine wouldn't take his wrinkly dollar. Had to roll it up to get the folds out. Poor fella was just parched and didn't want to imbibe spirits.
Soooo what will be the first major obstacle in Manzy's career... we need a poll...
1. Nothing... he has a long and prosperous career (bwahahahahaha)
2. Cut due to lack of NFL quality talent
3. Injury problems
4. DUI
5. Nailed smoking the reefer
6. Nailed using the Blow
7. PEDs
8. Another drug issue
9. Assulting someone
10. Sexual assult

... what does the jinxed town of Cleveland have in store for Futbal Jon... lol?

Well, #6 can be pretty much crossed off lol
Talk about a Cleveland steamer...
Im going to to with #3 due to his own teammates smacking him around for being an arrogant prick who is not putting in the proper work study for the QB position.
I vote injury. I've read people comparing Johnny boy to Fran Tarkenton.
I don't necessarily agree with that and am not sure Tarkenton could survive in the NFL in 2014.

Tarkenton was listed as 6 foot even and a buck 90...

Johnny Football is listed a 6 foot one and 210...

their style of QB play is very similar...but being old enough to remember Tark playing towards the later part of his career...

I would have to say Manziel scrambles even more often the "The Mad Scrambler" did...Tarkenton seemed to play much more from the pocket than Manziel does...But once again, I remember Tarkenton from say 73, to end of his career..
Tarkenton was listed as 6 foot even and a buck 90...

Johnny Football is listed a 6 foot one and 210...

What was the average size and speed of line backers and defensive lineman back then and now... Johnny Football may be a little bit bigger and more athletic than Fran, but the defense is a lot bigger and faster now.
What was the average size and speed of line backers and defensive lineman back then and now... Johnny Football may be a little bit bigger and more athletic than Fran, but the defense is a lot bigger and faster now.

Rothlesburger barely stays alive, imagine if he were the size of Johnny .

Salute the nation
What was the average size and speed of line backers and defensive lineman back then and now... Johnny Football may be a little bit bigger and more athletic than Fran, but the defense is a lot bigger and faster now.

True, true ... however, back in the 1960's and 1970's, the defense used to be allowed to hit the QB. As in, hit him after the ball was delivered, hit his head, hit his knees, hit every freaking part of him. The shots that some QB's took back then, without penalty and all part of regular NFL play, would now get a guy suspended.
Rothlesburger barely stays alive, imagine if he were the size of Johnny .

Salute the nation

Wait.. what? You mean size matters in today's NFL? So Johnny is "too small" at 6' and 207 lbs? I'm glad he isn't 5'8 173 lbs, he'd get killed.
Johnny is too small to be in the nfl. It will be fun to watch him be all colt mccoy.